Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 09, 1991, Page 7, Image 7

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Continued from Page 1
because it is. "incredible that
Oregon is the only state in the
union tli.it w ill not allow a pn
lice officer to approach, and
question a person who is about
to commit a crime
beyond disagreement over
the state's law Stannic angrily
rejei led a in arguments that
link his bill with the Los \n
geles beating
"Los Angeles has nothing to
do with this issue." he said
The 1 ’ S Supreme (aiurt has
ruled that a person's race, gen
der or national origin cannot be
used as a basis for reasonable
suspii ion Her atise ot that rul
ing M.mins said that the lull
< ould not be used to justify ra
i nil harassment by police
The court ruled in 1968 that
police can slop and question
people tliev believe are about to
commit a (.rime. In 197.i. how
ever, the Oregon Legislature
adopted .1 strii ter standard that
allows police only to intervene
when a 1 rime is already in pro
Mannix said that under 1 nr
rent law. it a polic e offi« er sees
someone in a dark alley at 2
a in with burglary tools, the of
tii.er cannot stop that person
and ask what they're doing
The bill simply "gives offi
ids the ability to stop anyone
who looks suspicious
Mannix said
I'llis is ex.ii 11 v y\ hat 1 oncerns
David l idanque. associate di
rei tot ot the A meric an ( uvil
1 .ibertles l’nion iit ()regon
Tolu c should not huv e the
right to interrogate someone be
i ause the\ look suspit ions
Iidanque said, .uiiling he In'
lieves thf lull amounts to an
invitation to polite to harass
I idiinque also said the hill is
unnet essarv anti tliingerous he
t ause polite otfit ers tain al
readv stop and tpiestion anvone
wliu is t oinnutting or has at
tempted to t oniinit a t rime
‘ It gi\ es polit:e an nppurtu
nit\ to go on fishing expedi
turns' and harass innot ent t iti
zens; he said
Fidanqile s.iid he believes the
hill has a slim chant e of pas
sage in the Senate, mainly he
t ause there are representatives
out there who stand up to this
nonsense "
Si'ii lun Hill, I) S.ili'iu vh c
i liciirmah of llif Si■ 11,111• (min i.i
r\ (aimimltee. w hii li is review
mg tin- I>i11 s.uii In' w ill In' Mir
prist'll it !lie lull 111.ikes It p.ist
111!' Si'll,iti'
llill said III' Im'Iii'VI'S thr lull
is <i symptom uf 11u■ piiblii s in
i reasing tear ol crime because
ol this fear, ho 1 it*11*■ \ us tin' po
lice have lieen given more pow
"We ve given polii e ,i freer
hand ami now we're seeing in
creased police abuses, which
reminds us that we need to
keep pol it e within i oust it n
Iional limits ' Hill said
Hill said he will vote against
the lull hei ause "you have to
be verv i aretul when enai ting a
proi edlire w here the polii e i an
lie more intrusive than they al
ready are
Continued from Page 6
thf full arr.H oi opportunities
that exists.” said l.arrv Smith
ilirci tor of (lareer Planning anil
Plat einent It's a tnrrifit op
portunit\ for stuilents to |iist
stop by and ask questions, with
no commitment
The University Student
Alumni Association is chang
ing its name hat k to the Stu
dent l ni vers its Relations
( (Him il SURt lust formed in
1>I78. is a non profit student
service organization that coor
(finales pro)et Is sm h as Home
coming Mavfest and Parents
Weekend It also organizes
campus blood drives and the
1 ake a Dili k to l unch program
I he imini il is ,1 uaiversits
relations bud v under the
.idvisorshi|) ol the I () Minimi
Asso< latum It ,11 ts ,is <i liaison
between the nimmumU and
the University .is well .is In
tween the administration and
the student hiid\
U of () New s a prndui turn of
the Si hoot id Journalisms Ad
rained IV News (lass will
broadcast i|iiestuin and answer
sessions with the 1 ‘ei 1 ASUO
presidential and vice preslden
tial ( undulates
I he hroaili asts are Fridays at
li ill p in on ( aide i haniiel t !
This Friday 's hroaili ast will
feature (fills Watson and Dun
lap Seeley Next Fridas s
hrnadcast will feature (ail
son (Iras son
Continued from Page 5
Ihf library is (|iiii klv running
out ul spile !■ “There wouldn I
be any seating in the library at
all after a while (if the improve
ments weren't done he sail)
Outdoor Program Building
Also in the works for ram
pus. bevinski said, is a new
outdoor program building, ten
tatively planned for IHth Ave
line and University Street,
south of Howe Field '(.on
struction drawings are between
50 and KM) percent complete,
she said
The Outdoor Program is now
housed in the EMU basement,
but the program's equipment is
scattered across campus at dif
ferent locations, bevinski said
She said the new building
will allow program members to
consolidate their equipment in
one plat e She said sin* experts
construction to wet under wav
this summer
Site Improvement Project
finally. the University is
nearing tin* last phases ot .1
"multi contrai l site improve
ment project" at tin* new si 1
ence buildings. t'niversity
PI a n 111 n g A ssoi iate f red
Tepfer said
The 1' S Department ol f’.ner
g\ and the state ol (Jregon will
he paving $80(1,(Hit) lor workers
to plant shrubs trees grass and
other foliage around the far ill
In .1 two-part process, the
st.de vs dl also help fund the
construction of parking
spaces between franklin lioule
varcl and the buildings About
half of the spat es will be com
pleted in this fall, while the
other half will be finished tall
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