BILL Continued from Page 1 because it is. "incredible that Oregon is the only state in the union w ill not allow a pn lice officer to approach, and question a person who is about to commit a crime beyond disagreement over the state's law Stannic angrily rejei led a in arguments that link his bill with the Los \n geles beating "Los Angeles has nothing to do with this issue." he said The 1 ’ S Supreme (aiurt has ruled that a person's race, gen der or national origin cannot be used as a basis for reasonable suspii ion Her atise ot that rul ing M.mins said that the lull < ould not be used to justify ra i nil harassment by police The court ruled in 1968 that police can slop and question people tliev believe are about to commit a (.rime. In 197.i. how ever, the Oregon Legislature adopted .1 strii ter standard that allows police only to intervene when a 1 rime is already in pro gress Mannix said that under 1 nr rent law. it a polic e offi« er sees someone in a dark alley at 2 a in with burglary tools, the of cannot stop that person and ask what they're doing The bill simply "gives offi ids the ability to stop anyone who looks suspicious Mannix said I'llis is ex.ii 11 v y\ hat 1 oncerns David l idanque. associate di rei tot ot the A meric an ( uvil 1 .ibertles l’nion iit ()regon Tolu c should not huv e the right to interrogate someone be i ause the\ look suspit ions Iidanque said, .uiiling he In' lieves thf lull amounts to an invitation to polite to harass people I idiinque also said the hill is unnet essarv anti tliingerous he t ause polite otfit ers tain al readv stop and tpiestion anvone wliu is t oinnutting or has at tempted to t oniinit a t rime ‘ It gi\ es polit:e an nppurtu nit\ to go on fishing expedi turns' and harass innot ent t iti zens; he said Fidanqile s.iid he believes the hill has a slim chant e of pas sage in the Senate, mainly he t ause there are representatives out there who stand up to this nonsense " Si'ii lun Hill, I) S.ili'iu vh c i liciirmah of llif Si■ 11,111• (min i.i r\ (aimimltee. w hii li is review mg tin- I>i11 s.uii In' w ill In' Mir prist'll it !lie lull 111.ikes It 111!' Si'll,iti' llill said III' Im'Iii'VI'S thr lull is I78. is a non profit student service organization that coor (finales pro)et Is sm h as Home coming Mavfest and Parents Weekend It also organizes campus blood drives and the 1 ake a Dili k to l unch program I he imini il is ,1 uaiversits relations bud v under the .idvisorshi|) ol the I () Minimi Asso< latum It ,11 ts ,is 1 a collcge program leading to an assoc iate or bacc alaureate degree Irom an ace redited < ollege < >i univeisitv. you could he- earning more than $1,100 a month during voui jnnioi and senior vears of t ollege. (Technic .d majors ma\ n pavment foi up to S(> months.) I hat's a total <>l $-40,000 t>\ graduation! (ietting a good stait is the best thing von can do to prepare toi voui successful future. So, it you have a 3.0 GPA or above, qualify tor the Baccalaureate Degree Completion Program (BIX P), call: 1 -800-543-7287. You and the Navy. Full Speed Ahead.