Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 09, 1991, Page 11, Image 11

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Freshman Sporcich
wins basketball MVP
freshman 1 lelibie Spun 11 h
who li'ii the Oregon women's
basketball team in sc onng .mil
rebounding this joist season':
w.is named the team's most
valuable player Sniidnv at the
team’s basketball banquet
The 1 'l year old mil ive ot
Pasco. Wash was the' first Ore
gon freshman to lead the c lull
m sc oring sine e He\ Smith in
KI7t>-77 Spun irh also broke
Mison |l.ang) Kobertson's sill
gin-season freshman scoring re
c ord ol -1(10 points
Spore n h a member of the
I’ac ifn Hi ( onlerene tv’s all
freshman team, averaged fa
points a contest and was third
in the c onferenc e with lit re
bounds a game
kelK Hlair. who iedshirled
her sophomore basketball veai
to cone eiitrate on t rac k, was
named .is the flairs Kite lire
Sc holar Athlete Aw.lid winner
In addition to practicing with
the women s basketball c lub
and preparing for spring trac k
HI.in managed a f 00 grade
point average during w infer
A. ^
Live and *ork this summer at incredible ' rater
uke National Park , .outturn d'eyor
Renown for its amazingly blue Like jnd special
ular mountain scenery Crater lake is a great
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Crater Lake Lodge Company operate:, nidging
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• Food service
• Other staff needs
AH positions s•Msiv'ij.
some Mjptfrvi'.ory portions o.-i .U)r
Room and Board provided for a fee
No fauidies for fam lies of pets
Bonus for completion of contract
See Student
April 16
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list available at
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PO Bo> 128 • Cmio. Lako »«gon 97604
(.Qua/ Guportumty An*m«l>ve Acton Employ**
term upping her ,i< t tnmil.iti\e
(;i’A to t 'l l
l i in.i Mi ( artnev u (in tin
islieil her (.inter .is the lluiks
fourth le.uling reboumler ami
eighth-best st orer of all time
was the rei ipieilt ul the He\
Smith Most Inspiratmnal I’l.wei
\w aril
Along w lth tellow Ireslimeii
teaminales lesliu Smith Missv
Stow e 11 ,i ml Sara Wilson
Spurt li h will leave l.iter tills
month lor the I S ( )I\mpii
Spoils I’esiivai lr\outs in l ong
Beat h ( all)
Skipper likely for Pepsi meet
Oregon javelin thrower Art
Shipper will likely tompete
in Saturdav A Pepsi IV.mi In
vil.illiin.il. despite suffering
Iruni .1 torn ligament in his
left foot
him I errell. ( tregim A head
ton k Ir.ntici said Mond.iv
tli.it Skipper suffered .1 sni
< 1111 i degree sprain ol Ins It'll
.inkle in List Saturdav s 1I11.1I
meet w 111 ov er U nshiligtoll
Skipper said lie would he
aide to 1 lirow irom jus! .1
standing position, m this
weekend s meet vvhith lei
roll i ontirmed
\\ lull' Skippi’i did [Mil mIK
tc.ir lhr iig.mii'nl on tin' top
dI Ins tool tin' iniur\ i mild
li.ivr Im-i'ii unn h norsr it llm
\\ Inilc ligiillU’lil li.nl linn
l‘**rr«tlI s.inl Skippor is rn
i nil mg n n tii'.ilntrnl tlirn
limi's ,i il.is Iliroiinli .i spin nil
hoot tli.it holps i 11111 j111• ss thr
n r irounil tin- suit tissues
nr.ii din lig.imont
li'iit'll dsn sal id Skipper
shouldn't li.ivi- ,im long Iri iii
I'ltl'l Is 111 III! dll' 11) in is
lie d prolwhlv I''1 UHI [n'l
I I'll! Ill I VS D VM'I'k s sill' s.I III
I w u ()r f gun 11 .11 k si r in
witi' liunort'i! Minuhix bv I hr
l’.ll ll II 111 ( llllft'l fill I' till
llii'ir mil's in I lit* ilii.il ini'i'l
w ms u\ n \\ .ishiiiKlnn
II r.11 li 11 mv 1 11 n111 n W .1 s
n.iiiiril llii- Him s tii'lil ullili'lr
nl tin' ui'i'k ulnli' Kusii' U il
limns u.is tin1 wuiurn's trm k
.llllli'ti ill till' Ul'i'l
Himington smnshi-il Ins
i>liI pt'isiniii! ri'i nrd nl . I I m
tin- shut (nil In six ti'i'l will
linn; 11 u • i mnpi't it ii in with ,i
put nt r>? l
The ultimate computer date:
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