SPORTS Freshman Sporcich wins basketball MVP freshman 1 lelibie Spun 11 h who li'ii the Oregon women's basketball team in sc onng .mil rebounding this joist season': named the team's most valuable player Sniidnv at the team’s basketball banquet The 1 'l year old mil ive ot Pasco. Wash was the' first Ore gon freshman to lead the c lull m sc oring sine e He\ Smith in KI7t>-77 Spun irh also broke Mison |l.ang) Kobertson's sill gin-season freshman scoring re c ord ol -1(10 points Spore n h a member of the I’ac ifn Hi ( onlerene tv’s all freshman team, averaged fa points a contest and was third in the c onferenc e with lit re bounds a game kelK Hlair. who iedshirled her sophomore basketball veai to cone eiitrate on t rac k, was named .is the flairs Kite lire Sc holar Athlete Aw.lid winner In addition to practicing with the women s basketball c lub and preparing for spring trac k managed a f 00 grade point average during w infer A. ^ COME TO THE OREGON CASCADES Live and *ork this summer at incredible ' rater uke National Park , .outturn d'eyor Renown for its amazingly blue Like jnd special ular mountain scenery Crater lake is a great place for hiking camping fishing jnd other outdoor activities Crater Lake Lodge Company operate:, nidging restaurants gift shops campground and boat lours tor the park visitor lodging •- .• , i ' (at' staff security night auditor, campground host/hostess • Food service • Other staff needs AH positions s•Msiv'ij. some Mjptfrvi'.ory portions o.-i .U)r Room and Board provided for a fee No fauidies for fam lies of pets Bonus for completion of contract OUR INTERVIEWING SCHEDULE Location: See Student Employment Office Date: April 16 Time: 8:30-5:00 Applications and interview sign up list available at Student Employment Office 12 Hendricks Hall Pleas* call 1-503-594-2511 for additional information CRATER LAKE LODGE COMPANY PO Bo> 128 • Cmio. Lako »«gon 97604 (.Qua/ Guportumty An*m«l>ve Acton Employ** term upping her ,i< t tnmil.iti\e (;i’A to t 'l l l i in.i Mi ( artnev u (in tin islieil her (.inter .is the lluiks fourth le.uling reboumler ami eighth-best st orer of all time was the rei ipieilt ul the He\ Smith Most Inspiratmnal I’l.wei \w aril Along w lth tellow Ireslimeii teaminales lesliu Smith Missv Stow e 11 ,i ml Sara Wilson Spurt li h will leave l.iter tills month lor the I S ( )I\mpii Spoils I’esiivai lr\outs in l ong Beat h ( all) Skipper likely for Pepsi meet Oregon javelin thrower Art Shipper will likely tompete in Saturdav A Pepsi IV.mi In despite suffering Iruni .1 torn ligament in his left foot him I errell. ( tregim A head ton k Ir.ntici said Mond.iv Skipper suffered .1 sni < 1111 i degree sprain ol Ins It'll .inkle in List Saturdav s 1I11.1I meet w 111 ov er U nshiligtoll Skipper said lie would he aide to 1 lirow irom jus! .1 standing position, m this weekend s meet vvhith lei roll i ontirmed \\ lull' Skippi’i did [Mil mIK lhr iig.mii'nl on tin' top dI Ins tool tin' iniur\ i mild li.ivr Im-i'ii unn h norsr it llm \\ Inilc ligiillU’lil linn l‘**rr«tlI s.inl Skippor is rn i nil mg n n tii'.ilntrnl tlirn limi's ,i Iliroiinli .i spin nil hoot holps i 11111 j111• ss thr n r irounil tin- suit tissues nr.ii din lig.imont li'iit'll dsn sal id Skipper shouldn't li.ivi- ,im long Iri iii I'ltl'l Is 111 III! dll' 11) in is lie d prolwhlv I''1 UHI [n'l I I'll! Ill I VS D VM'I'k s sill' s.I III I w u ()r f gun 11 .11 k si r in witi' liunort'i! Minuhix bv I hr l’.ll ll II 111 ( llllft'l fill I' till llii'ir mil's in I lit* ini'i'l w ms u\ n \\ .ishiiiKlnn II r.11 li 11 mv 1 11 n111 n W .1 s n.iiiiril llii- Him s tii'lil ullili'lr nl tin' ui'i'k ulnli' Kusii' U il limns tin1 wuiurn's trm k .llllli'ti ill till' Ul'i'l Himington smnshi-il Ins i>liI pt'isiniii! ri'i nrd nl . I I m tin- shut (nil In six ti'i'l will linn; 11 u • i mnpi't it ii in with ,i put nt r>? l r-WW ’ INSIDE! 4 The ultimate computer date: Iowa woman matched up with Macintosh! Psychic replaces Ouiji Board with Macintosh keyboard! Accuracy doubles! Scientist reveals double clicking cures baldness! Your very own personal computer horoscope: What kind of Macintosh are you most compatible with? EXTRA BONUS! Hundreds of ads for weight loss pills that don't work! PLUS: CAT SWALLOWS COMPUTER MOUSE! "Buffy hasn't had a furball since!" exclaims happy owner. Who says \ i>u can onl^ find rrcat t u non .it i hr hhi ar\ Somct lino I hr Best ,irr found nr\t 11' thr cluu k out 1 incs. Bui it Y‘ m'rr scan. hi nr lor the t rut h .ihoui Apple Macintosh, inquire .11 t hr Mu rocomputet Support h.ih on campus. I hr expert st.itI will ri\ r you thr h.ird fa< . i hoi it h.ird ilrivo .md othri hardware as wrll as software. Stlulrtit discounts will .ilso help m.ikr you .1 helicvei ( ’onir srr tor yoursrlt .in Apple Macintosh can do tor you. Bei. atw you can't always hr hr vr what you re Apple Macintosh. Believe it. Microcomputer Support Lab / 202 Computing Center M-F 9 am - 5 pm / 346-4402 st < ii ies . ts what