Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 09, 1991, Page 10, Image 10

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    Ph'iln hv Mark > Irn
Sl.m Hfcrriiiut stands in front of thr tro/ihirs hr % non in fnnf\ building < nmftrtifions
University body-builder
wins Mr. Oregon title
By Ashley Conklin
F •! r!;. F:d.!or
11 n i vc rs 11 v s I uden t S I a n
Kfferding began i ompetitive
hodv building in 1989
lint it basn I taken long for
sm i css to i mile I.Herding s
rra\ ami the tiltiiliate sm i ess
i .line un i spring break when
l.ffeiiiing won not only the Nb
Oregon bear \ rreight compete
lion but was named the overall
Mi (Iregoii rr inner
I o tie tile best in the state
after three rears of training,
run get a great ileal ot satisfai
lion Klterdmg said It's a
real spei in I feeling
I Herding, a native ot Aloha
fust started competing in nor
lie i ompet it urns in 1<I89 after
tiring bis hand at otbei sports
I Herding 2 1 rr as a r arsilr
The l I) Hooks tort I MO - VI H.mnl
We Need Your Help!
Run For A Position On the U of O Bookstore Board
And Make A Difference!
Serving on the Hoard oj Directors of the ( () Bookstore is one o) the few oppor
tunities students have on campus to make a teal difference I he Board oj Diret
tors establishes police for the Bookstore and plans of the future for this non
profit corporation.
The Bookstore m etis people of vision who want to make a positive difference to
serve on the Board Are you such a person?
These t*v-yi’ur positions are available:
• One Freshman Position
• Two Sophomore Positions
• One Graduate Student Position
• NOTE: One Graduate Student
(hie-Year Position also open
• One Teaching Faculty Position
Nominations for the available board positions will be taken at the ANNUAL
MEETING OF TllE BOOKSTORE, which will be held at 3:30 pm, Tuesday,
April loth, in the Walnut Room of the EMU (across from the U S. post office).
Individuals may nominate themselves.
For more information about the Board of Directors and running for a position,
contact Bookstore General Manager Jim Williams in person or at 340-4331
Stan KITerding
letterinan m both wrestling and
soiier at Aloha High School
and had si holarships offers in
both sports from the I'niversity
ot Pennsvlvania. lull del ided to
stay close to home and attend
the lhnversiH
Alter lilting weights "lor
strength lor college wrestling
and soi i er I,Herding del lilt'd
to take 11[> body building on .1
full-time basis
1 like v\eight lifting and de
1 iiled to 1 0111 enlrate on body
building,'" he said "I just
dumped im self m It
I ve always been confident
in mysell and bod\ building
just p i( k ed up where ill \
weight lilting lead into
this Ktlerding s.iid
That confidence has served
I Herding well ever suit e
In ItlHU, Ktlerding won the
nov 11 e heavyweight and the
overall novice competition at
tlie l iner.dd 1 'input' ( Oiliest
1 10111 there KfteriJing's 1 areei
took oil
1 Herding laptured both the
Mi (Jregon ( oast heavyweight
and overall competitions last
year as well as the light heavy
w eight competition at I he
Northwest Naturals and the
heavyweight Rose (hip i.umpe
I it ion
! ut I Jferding. .ill ot (lit) w ms
.in' ini|)orl.int. but he said th.it
neither win was mure signifi
cam e than another because of
that I Herding keeps Ills Ml
Oregon title in perspective
Kverv show 1 compete in is
a i hallenge ' ‘ he said - '' We
have some iealk good hoik
builders right here We re all
pretty i lose
At the limerald Hmpire
competition, lie have the ovei
la Mr Oregon and the keen
and t ollege Mr Oregons so it s
tough competition
While Kfterding has definite
ly enjoyed the glory and sue
i ess of hoik building, the sport
is more physic aik demanding
that most people realize
I Herding works out si\ days
.i week. hours a (fay. Oil
top ol that lie is working to
ward acceptance into medical
si Imol after getting a psvcholo
gv degree .it the University In
addition to the demands ot
workouts and school, he also
works part-time as a trainer at
Southside Fitness in Flugene
Kfferding also follows a ver\
stru t diet, eating chic ken fish,
pasta, brown ric e and "lots ot
legumes ."
"The last week before com
petition we cut out salts," he
Turn to EFFERDING Page 13