Ph'iln hv Mark > Irn Sl.m Hfcrriiiut stands in front of thr tro/ihirs hr % non in fnnf\ building < nmftrtifions SPORTS University body-builder wins Mr. Oregon title By Ashley Conklin F •! r!;. F:d.!or 11 n i vc rs 11 v s I uden t S I a n Kfferding began i ompetitive hodv building in 1989 lint it basn I taken long for sm i css to i mile I.Herding s rra\ ami the tiltiiliate sm i ess i .line un i spring break when l.ffeiiiing won not only the Nb Oregon bear \ rreight compete lion but was named the overall Mi (Iregoii rr inner I o tie tile best in the state after three rears of training, run get a great ileal ot satisfai lion Klterdmg said It's a real spei in I feeling I Herding, a native ot Aloha fust started competing in nor lie i ompet it urns in 1 body building on .1 full-time basis 1 like v\eight lifting and de 1 iiled to 1 0111 enlrate on body building,'" he said "I just dumped im self m It I ve always been confident in mysell and bod\ building just p i( k ed up where ill \ weight lilting lead into this Ktlerding s.iid That confidence has served I Herding well ever suit e In ItlHU, Ktlerding won the nov 11 e heavyweight and the overall novice competition at tlie l iner.dd 1 'input' ( Oiliest 1 10111 there KfteriJing's 1 areei took oil 1 Herding laptured both the Mi (Jregon ( oast heavyweight and overall competitions last year as well as the light heavy w eight competition at I he Northwest Naturals and the heavyweight Rose (hip i.umpe I it ion ! ut I Jferding. .ill ot (lit) w ms .in' ini|) but he said neither win was mure signifi cam e than another because of that I Herding keeps Ills Ml Oregon title in perspective Kverv show 1 compete in is a i hallenge ' ‘ he said - '' We have some iealk good hoik builders right here We re all pretty i lose At the limerald Hmpire competition, lie have the ovei la Mr Oregon and the keen and t ollege Mr Oregons so it s tough competition While Kfterding has definite ly enjoyed the glory and sue i ess of hoik building, the sport is more physic aik demanding that most people realize I Herding works out si\ days .i week. hours a (fay. Oil top ol that lie is working to ward acceptance into medical si Imol after getting a psvcholo gv degree .it the University In addition to the demands ot workouts and school, he also works part-time as a trainer at Southside Fitness in Flugene Kfferding also follows a ver\ stru t diet, eating chic ken fish, pasta, brown ric e and "lots ot legumes ." "The last week before com petition we cut out salts," he Turn to EFFERDING Page 13