Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 30, 1990, Page 7, Image 7

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‘Home Alone’ plays on ‘It’s A Wonderful Life’
Cinema World
it it it
• - Don t bOtn*r
• • W*t !0 f*«l «t
• • • - Worth tim«
* • * • -A mu%l
By Helen Phan
Emerald Contributor
Kadi year, the holidays pro
vide movies with a new twist
on the It's a Wonderful Lite
theme I tome .Mono is no ex
Kevin McCallister IMat.aulay
(ailkin) is the typical kid nil'll!
mare. 11 is family has pinned
him as the trouble-maker
He moans. "Why do I always
gel treated like sunn?"
Chaos bombards tbe mansion
as his whole family prepares
for a trip to Paris three days be
fore Christmas. During a sling
ing argument with his mom. he
tells her that he wished bis
w hole family would disappear
And they do
Actually. Kevin's lamih at -
cidentally forgets him in the
frantit rush to the airport
Kiglit-year-old Kevin is left,
home alone, to fend tor him
Have you ever had the feel
ing that something is missing7
His mom (Catherine O'Hara)
nervously ponders that thought
on the plant' When she finally
realizes the mishap, she ties
peratelv tries to go bat k home
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though I he holiday rush
has .ill tin' flights booked
Meanwhile ti<n k .it home
Kevin enjoys lIn* freedom .ihout
u hit li must kids i .1 ii «nly
dri'.im lie cats minimis ol ice
i ream lor dinner yvatt hes oil
limits videos and explores mi
known domains mt hiding
his brother s pri. i stash
lie even gel' i i ride his
sleigh down the s'airs through
(lie doorway Surprisingly hi*
also bec omes very domestii .
washing laundry and shoyver
ing himself, being sure to rent h
all his crevit es
lint can he defend his home
from tyyo inane burglars mak
ing their holiday si ore7 Taking
the Kambo role, Kevin sets out
In defend his home yyilh inno
vative boobie traps
Some of the more grisly lr.i|is
include si ori hilig the hair oil
Harry the leader and selling
an iron to tail on the tat e ot his
dimyvitted partner, I’eter Alter
wards. Kevin i elebrates each
victory with an excited arm
(lump and .1 call of "Yes!"
Hut what makes Home Alone
stand out is writer and prodtu
er |ohn Hughes Ills previous
works include Unt ie lltu k An
tional Lampoon's U,nation and
Tlw Hrt'dikl.isl Uluh
Underneath the blizzard.
Home Alone reminds its atuli
ence about the import.1111 e ol
family unity and the true spirit
ol the holiday season
Although some of the gigs
are repetitive. Home Alone is
yvorth the trip for the (Ihrislmas
musii and the holiday spirit
f ilr (ibulii
Macaulay Culkin stars as eight-yaar-old Kevin McC.allistvr. ilefending his house against a pair
ut humbling burglars when his family Hies ofl on holiday, accidentally leaving him Home Alone
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