ENTERTAINMENT ‘Home Alone’ plays on ‘It’s A Wonderful Life’ HOME ALONE PG-13 Cinema World it it it • - Don t bOtn*r • • W*t !0 f*«l «t • • • - Worth tim« * • * • -A mu%l By Helen Phan Emerald Contributor Kadi year, the holidays pro vide movies with a new twist on the It's a Wonderful Lite theme I tome .Mono is no ex centum Kevin McCallister IMat.aulay (ailkin) is the typical kid nil'll! mare. 11 is family has pinned him as the trouble-maker He moans. "Why do I always gel treated like sunn?" Chaos bombards tbe mansion as his whole family prepares for a trip to Paris three days be fore Christmas. During a sling ing argument with his mom. he tells her that he wished bis w hole family would disappear And they do Actually. Kevin's lamih at - cidentally forgets him in the frantit rush to the airport Kiglit-year-old Kevin is left, home alone, to fend tor him self. Have you ever had the feel ing that something is missing7 His mom (Catherine O'Hara) nervously ponders that thought on the plant' When she finally realizes the mishap, she ties peratelv tries to go bat k home THE PRIVACY Fourteen piivolely enclosed ipoi await you at Onsen Nature'! own bree/es will refresh you in our open to the-tky room! Our worm, bubbly water will relai you Get to Know u! and dose the door on the world lor one quiet hour MOUMT HOT n» MNUK ToKing reservation! until It X p m weetdoy! until 12 45 weekend! Coll 345-9048 1883 Garden Ave . Eugene EASTSIDE LAUNDROMAT • coin op 7am-11 pm • drop offs 1430 Orchard St. • dry cleaning 345-6133 though I he holiday rush has .ill tin' flights booked Meanwhile ti