Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 30, 1990, Image 1

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f ridiiv. November '(). |0‘#>
l:.upene. Oregon
Volume V2. |s\ue M>
A panel of experts af a
Eugene town meeting
criticized the t foiled
Stale's military involve
ment in the Persian Gulf
and warned that a war
against lra(| could bring a
reinstatement of the draft.
Decision Research ex
ecutive Steve Johnson
said the selective service
system, although it has
not been used since 1 *>72.
“is in place, and it is
ready to go." should Con
gress decide its use is
Sec story.Page 6
The voices of the 17
women in Nadia Telsey’s
Self Defense for Women
class are varied, but the
message is often the
same: Women deserve to
lie safe in any situation.
Telsey says self-de
fense is more than know
ing how to break an at
tacker's choke-hold.
Sec story. Page 4
The Oregon women's
basketball team will be
out to win its first road
game since Feb. .1 this
weekend as the Ducks
leave Eugene in hopes of
breaking their current
seven-game losing streak
awav front home
"We're anxious to gut
a victory," said 15-year
Coach FI win lieinv.
See story. Page 11
At a bring your-own
instrument party in Fu
gune, five men joined
forces. Five years later.
Nine Days Wonder was
And bv March, the
band will have more to
show for its music than
local concert posters It
will have an album
See story. Page 9
(AP) — The U N Security
Council, led by the Unit
ed States, voted 12-2
Thursday to authorize
military action to free Ku
wait if Iraq does not with
draw its occupying troops
and release all foreign
hostages by Jan. 15.
The only other time
the council, created 45
years ago to iron out in
ternational disputes, has
sanctioned force in its
history to counter aggres
sion was during the Kore
an War.
New Wave
/\ poly.stvrt'iu' host srrvrs as a inotlt'l tor rt-srart h assis
t,mt l)aivn latkson as lit' winks on "Thv Sot." a prnjtHt
i rt'att'd In I’rofpsstir Don Tuckrr ot thr l ’nivorsit\ s Co#
nilive and Decision Scieiues Institute The net. when
placed on the si alp ot a human sobject, produces .in ele<
troem aphalotiram. a measure ol the subjet t's brain waves
Photo by Kric; Kvans
University waits for review of dean’s action
By Peter Cogswell
fc meMld Associate tditoi
Tim l'Diversity is waiting lur the Office of
Affirmative Ac tion and l-apial Opportunity
to review an in< ident involving a ga\ law
st hool instrin tor before it considers letters
calling for the resignation ol law Dean Man
ru e I lolland
University Vice President Hrotlie Keining
ton released a statement Thursday m re
sponse to ,t storv appearing that day in 77ie
RctfisUT-Cutird reporting licit several peo
pie. int lulling faculty memlrers. are t ailing
for Holland's resignation.
Holland has come under fire for his re
sponse to instructor (ireg Johnson's dcsi lo
sure of Ills hnmnsexualits during legal re
se.iri li i nurses several weeks <iv;i>
lohnson was part it i paling in National
Cuming ()ut Day. .1 <la\ for gavs and leslu
.ms to npenlv discuss their sexual orient.1
turn Several students complained to law
si Itnnl administrators alter (ohnson's dis
As .1 result ol a law si liool investigation
into the 1 oinplaints, the ailministration and
johnson agreed that the mstrui lor would
read a statement to Ins 1 lasses apologizing
lor his at lions
Throughout the pirn ceilings. |ohuson has
said the issue is academic freedom, not sex
ual orientation
Immndiateh after the agreement between
the law si IhmiI and Johnson was rear hod.
I bnversity President Myles brand i.died lor
a review ol the in< idenl by the University's
Office of Affirmative Action
brndic's statement says the University
will wait for the review I Hi fore der idinu
whether Holland handled the situation cor
re< lly
"The Itniversilv does not wish to pro
einpl the review process whir h has bonun.
Hrodie said in tin- statement ' Therefore, in
fairness to all concerned parties, it is not
appropriate to comment on possible out
comes while the review is continuing
"President brand indicated that d sui h a
review indicates corrective action is need
ed. steps will he taken
Racism persists in American society
Marabel, Meer provide panel debate
By June Russell
Emeiaid Repoitec
The issues of ra» e and ethni
city in America are central to
discussion of American apart
fluid, panelists told students
and faculty, Ihursd.n evening
at a panel discussion in
C.erlinger l.ounge
Systematu rai ism and ethnii
discrimination in white-domi
nated American six iely persist,
panelists said, and link r.n e.
i lass and power to a political
construction called apartheid
Manning Marahel professor
ot politic al sc idle e and soc iolo
g\ .it tin' t'niversitv nl (lolnra
do. said ethnicity is derived
from (iiltnr.il heritage and his
tor\ Race, however, is an arti
fil ial societal strut ture mi
posed on people, and is often
described in terms ol plivsiral
( liarai teristii s
"American society is more
thoroughly integrated in terms
ol r.K e than at any time in Ins
lory.” Marabel said Yet dr
spite all the ( hange toward
ending racism, we have also
seen the escalation nt racial
violent c across the countrs
And the opposition to iai ist
Turn to APARTHEID Page 3
Ptrniu In Uk« Hrr*
I atima Meer and Manning M.irahel dis< ussed factors ih.it
permit de l.n In apartheid In persist in the I nited Stales