Oregon DAILY EMERALD f ridiiv. November '(). |0‘#> l:.upene. Oregon Volume V2. |s\ue M> Briefly A panel of experts af a Eugene town meeting criticized the t foiled Stale's military involve ment in the Persian Gulf and warned that a war against lra(| could bring a reinstatement of the draft. Decision Research ex ecutive Steve Johnson said the selective service system, although it has not been used since 1 *>72. “is in place, and it is ready to go." should Con gress decide its use is necessary. Sec story.Page 6 The voices of the 17 women in Nadia Telsey’s Self Defense for Women class are varied, but the message is often the same: Women deserve to lie safe in any situation. Telsey says self-de fense is more than know ing how to break an at tacker's choke-hold. Sec story. Page 4 Sports The Oregon women's basketball team will be out to win its first road game since Feb. .1 this weekend as the Ducks leave Eugene in hopes of breaking their current seven-game losing streak awav front home "We're anxious to gut a victory," said 15-year Coach FI win lieinv. See story. Page 11 Entertainment At a bring your-own instrument party in Fu gune, five men joined forces. Five years later. Nine Days Wonder was born. And bv March, the band will have more to show for its music than local concert posters It will have an album See story. Page 9 IntemaSonafi^ UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The U N Security Council, led by the Unit ed States, voted 12-2 Thursday to authorize military action to free Ku wait if Iraq does not with draw its occupying troops and release all foreign hostages by Jan. 15. The only other time the council, created 45 years ago to iron out in ternational disputes, has sanctioned force in its history to counter aggres sion was during the Kore an War. New Wave /\ poly.stvrt'iu' host srrvrs as a inotlt'l tor rt-srart h assis t,mt l)aivn latkson as lit' winks on "Thv Sot." a prnjtHt i rt'att'd In I’rofpsstir Don Tuckrr ot thr l ’nivorsit\ s Co# nilive and Decision Scieiues Institute The net. when placed on the si alp ot a human sobject, produces .in ele< troem aphalotiram. a measure ol the subjet t's brain waves Photo by Kric; Kvans University waits for review of dean’s action By Peter Cogswell fc meMld Associate tditoi Tim l'Diversity is waiting lur the Office of Affirmative Ac tion and l-apial Opportunity to review an in< ident involving a ga\ law st hool instrin tor before it considers letters calling for the resignation ol law Dean Man ru e I lolland University Vice President Hrotlie Keining ton released a statement Thursday m re sponse to ,t storv appearing that day in 77ie RctfisUT-Cutird reporting licit several peo pie. int lulling faculty memlrers. are t ailing for Holland's resignation. Holland has come under fire for his re sponse to instructor (ireg Johnson's dcsi lo sure of Ills hnmnsexualits during legal re se.iri li i nurses several weeks lohnson was part it i paling in National Cuming ()ut Day. .1