Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 02, 1990, Page 11, Image 10

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Swan, Kerans separated bv experience
By Stan McKenzie
Emerald Contributor
Peter Swan, a University !<iv\
professor, admits lie's fight mu
an uphill battle to unseat in
cumbent Grattan K era ns in the
District 20 Senate race.
Kerens. -PI. has been a state
representative five times in ad
dition to being a senator; Swan.
54. has never run for or held a
political office.
In the last general election.
Kerens, a Democrat, captured
all 57 precincts in District 20.
which encompasses parts of
south and most of northwest
Eugene. It’s a district when;
voters registered as Democrats
outnumber Republicans 25,500
to 14.725.
And with an easily recogniz
able name like Grattan, both
candidates say Kerens has fa
miliarity with the voters
Hut, Swan said, “I don't
think lie's had a good challenge
for a long time, and 1 think he's
got to deal with his record and
his effectiveness. I think he's
Kerans and Swan share simi
lar views on some issues —
each supports abortion rights
for women, the ban on log ex
ports. reforestation and reduc
ing automobile emissions
but they are divided on as
many others.
They disagree about how to
lower property taxes, even
though the two are mutually
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opposed to stale Hat I lot Measure
■>. which would limit such tux
Kern ns said Oregon needs a
"progressive tax" that's based
on the ahilit\ to pa\. sui h as an
income lax. a luxury tax. or a
lax on businesses' gross re
I’ropertv tax taxes on real
estate value, and you may or
max not have the income to pax
thi> year that bill comes,"
herans said "You may lie un
employed, underemployed
disabled, a widow, a widower,
Kerens said revenues from a
new tax, coupled with the S'c'ilt
million the state is setting aside
to help schools now would
buy out residential property
taxes that go toward funding
schools Tlie state would pay
about 71) percent of the si hool
bill, he said
Swan strictly supports a sales
tax to ease property taxes He
suggests a rate that would pro
vide all or most of the revenue
needed for school funding The
rate, perhaps 5 or 5.7> percent,
would l>e locked into the state
constitution, he said
"If it's done right, it should
virtually take the operating
budget of local si bool ilistru ts
out of the local property tax
base," he said
Contributors to the cam
paigns indicate a difference lie
tween the candidates business
and timber interests have con
tribnted large
<imounts to
Swan's cam
p a i g n ;
unions, trial
lawyers and
ohiroprai tors
have backed
k era ns
kerans said
he's disliked
by business
groups, add
ing that h e
w a s rated
“the worst"
by business
lobbyists in a
recent issue of
Oregon Husi
ness Hut the
senator, who
d e s i r i b e s
himself as a
"champion of
working men
and women."
is not
support t o
Swan's cam
paign. indud
Peter Swan
Candidacy: Stall* Senate.
District 20
Party: Republican
Age: 54
Home: Eugene
Occupation: t-uv professor
ut this University; legal
council to President Myles
Background: I roftsumr and stirring cormnittro
member on Republican legislative campaigns
Grattan Karans
Candidacy: Slate Senate.
District 20
Party: Democrat
Age: 40
Home: Eugene
Occupation: President of
an advertising and public
relations firm
Background: Slate senator. Him} present: state
representative. 1**74-I*»H4: House majority lead
er. 1W79-19B2; House speaker. 1 *m3
iUK so far from Asmm ial
ed Oregon Industries. indicates
that businesses are looking for
someone who will listen to
them. Swan said
Swan criticizes Kerens for be
ing "hostile" toward the work
ers' compensation reform the
l-egislalure easily passed last
spring The package had bi
partisan . management-labor
and the governor's support,
while unions opposed it, he
h era ns said he opposed the
package, because it took money
that i mild lie used for workers'
benefits and gave it to insur
ance companies
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