POLITICS Swan, Kerans separated bv experience By Stan McKenzie Emerald Contributor Peter Swan, a University !rsk Fri Nov. 2nd Students $4.00 Emu Ballroom Public $5.00 8:00 PM opposed to stale Hat I lot Measure ■>. which would limit such tux ation Kern ns said Oregon needs a "progressive tax" that's based on the ahilit\ to pa\. sui h as an income lax. a luxury tax. or a lax on businesses' gross re ceipts I’ropertv tax taxes on real estate value, and you may or max not have the income to pax thi> year that bill comes," herans said "You may lie un employed, underemployed disabled, a widow, a widower, etcetera.'' Kerens said revenues from a new tax, coupled with the S'c'ilt million the state is setting aside to help schools now would buy out residential property taxes that go toward funding schools Tlie state would pay about 71) percent of the si hool bill, he said Swan strictly supports a sales tax to ease property taxes He suggests a rate that would pro vide all or most of the revenue needed for school funding The rate, perhaps 5 or 5.7> percent, would l>e locked into the state constitution, he said "If it's done right, it should virtually take the operating budget of local si bool ilistru ts out of the local property tax base," he said Contributors to the cam paigns indicate a difference lie tween the candidates business and timber interests have con tribnted large