Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 25, 1990, Page 3, Image 3

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Photo b\ **f<n Potion
Democratic nuhernatorial candidate Barbara Roberts attracted a crowd of 700 to H00 people at
her noontime rally in the KMC Courtyard.
Roberts draws grass-roots support
By Catherine Hawley
Emerald Associate Editor
Democratic gubernatorial
< andidate Marhara Roberts came
to campus Wednesday to rally
support for the final days of tier
r ampuign.
Roberts, who spoke at a
noontime rally in the KMU
Courtyard, praised the support
she has received from students,
union members and other
working-class groups
"More than dollars. I have
the support of grass roots or
ganizations willing to give
something ot themselves," she
told an enthusiastic ( rowd
The rallv, sponsored by Stu
dents for Roberts, drew about
70(1 to Htlll people, according to
unofficial estimates from the
()ffice of Public Safety
Roberts said Oregonians have
responded favorably to her
"straightforward" positions on
issues and apprec iale a candi
date who is willing to make po
liticallv unpopular det isions
"They want someone who
will not lie afraid of the criti
cism of taking a tough stand."
she said
For example. Roberts re
tailed the critic ism leveled .it
her campaign after site an
nounced her support tor Mens
ore- -4. whit h would shut down
the Trojan nuclear power plant
near Rainier until more strin
gent safety standards are met
”Everyone said the race was
over the day that happened."
she said "Hut ever since then.
Oregonians around the state
have said thanks tor speaking
out for our safety
Rolierts reiterated her stain e
on other state issues, mt hiding
affordable housing and job
skills training tor people on
welfare, yvhicll she called a
"human investment not an ex
"Teaching young women to
grow, le.irn and educate their
families is an investment It's
only when you want to put
them to work as a waitress at ‘HI
percent of the minimum wage
that it becomes an expense."
Roberts said, taking a jab at
Measure t> The measure would
establish a pilot "workfare"
program in six counties
Roberts said she pledged at
the iicgiiiiiing ot her campaign
to "talk about problems, otter
solutions and put price tags on
those solutions
Before Roberts' speech
ASI'O co President Sheila
Stickel stressed the important e
of students' votes in the up
i outing i*let tain
W ith about ri0,0(1(1 students
registered to vote in Oregon,
students i an have "a huge ini
I km !" on what happens in state
elections. Stii kel said
Home-school advocates hold rally
SA1.KM (AP) ■ Mon? than 7(H) advocates ot
hoinc-st booling held a rall\ .ednesdav in Sa
lem to protest changes that would give the
state more control over private schools and
Uii k kartnan. president of the Oregon
Christian Home Educators Association Net
work. said new rules proposed by the state
Hoard of Education would hold home-school
ers to a stricter standard than public sc hool
"They're making standards higher for
home-schoolers than they are for public
schools." said Debbie Cowart of l-ebanon, who
h.is lour i hiltirttn m home si hoots
St.ii)' statistii s indicate .ihoul "i.tioo i lol
ilrt'ii are taught <it home in Oregon
Some of the most controversial changes
would require that private educators file writ
ten philosophies with the stall' and th.it those
philosophies he ‘congruent" with those of
public schools.
The rules also would require that teachers
he state-certified
Advix ales for private and home si hools
have accused the state of acting hastily for fear
that voters will pass a school-choice initiative
Nov. ti
on campus
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