UNIVERSITY Photo b\ **f The measure would establish a pilot "workfare" program in six counties Roberts said she pledged at the iicgiiiiiing ot her campaign to "talk about problems, otter solutions and put price tags on those solutions Before Roberts' speech ASI'O co President Sheila Stickel stressed the important e of students' votes in the up i outing i*let tain W ith about ri0,0(1(1 students registered to vote in Oregon, students i an have "a huge ini I km !" on what happens in state elections. Stii kel said Home-school advocates hold rally SA1.KM (AP) ■ Mon? than 7(H) advocates ot hoinc-st booling held a rall\ .ednesdav in Sa lem to protest changes that would give the state more control over private schools and home-schooling. Uii k kartnan. president of the Oregon Christian Home Educators Association Net work. said new rules proposed by the state Hoard of Education would hold home-school ers to a stricter standard than public sc hool students. "They're making standards higher for home-schoolers than they are for public schools." said Debbie Cowart of l-ebanon, who lour i hiltirttn m home si hoots St.ii)' statistii s indicate .ihoul "i.tioo i lol ilrt'ii are taught