Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 16, 1990, Page 6, Image 6

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    I Offer good only witn
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Photo bv Andre Ranirn
Families such as Donna Wiseman and her one-year-old daughter Barbara Head make use of
iMe County‘s Family Shelter House, which will be renovated starting in November.
Family shelter improves housing
By Brian Bloch
Emerald Reponer
Renovations are set to begin
soon on the 22-unit Family
Shelter House for the homeless
and will include the addition of
six units to the facility.
The shelter, located at 969
Highway 99 North, received
$340,000 in Community Devel
opment Block Crant funds in
late September for the remodel
ing and is now looking for a
contractor to handle the con
Bids open Thursday when
the Lane County Housing Au
thority will review estimates
for the project anil turn the hid
decision over to county com
Don Williams, community
services director for the lane
County Housing Authority and
Community Services Agency,
said he hopes to get a building
permit by Nov 1 and have the
project completed In early |an
Renovation of the existing
units will cost approximately
$213,000, including the re
placement of doors, windows,
floors, exterior siding and the
addition of more effii ienl heat
ers, bolter plumbing and tire
walls in the attics.
“Basically, we're bringing
things up to code unit by
unit." Williams said.
Each existing unit will be
renovated as it becomes vacant,
allowing for continued use of
the facility throughout the pro
ject, said Linda Dawson, com
munity development coordina
tor for the Eugene Planning and
Development Department.
In addition, three mom units
currently being used for storage
and laundry facilities will t>e
remodeled to occupancy stan
dards. Williams said, bringing
the total numlxT of units up to
H after the renovation.
Six new units will also t>e
added to the site at a cost of
$127,00(1 as part of the renova
tion project, expanding the
shelter's service ability.
"That will be an additional
six families off the streets this
winter." said Teresa Taylor,
f amily Shelter House program
Taylor said the 20-year-old
shelter program is available to
homeless families with at least
one child under 1H for a maxi
mum stay of 60 days, although
the average stay is around 30
The program not only offers
emergency food and shelter for
homeless families, but also pro
vides crisis intervention coun
seling. housing search work
shops. child care, need evalua
tions. advocacy and referral
programs and goal-setting as
sistance - all free of charge.
“We like to go beyond just
being a band aid." Taylor said.
" We help families address the
issues that caused them to be
come homeless and get them
into permanent housing."
I-ust year the shelter provided
temporary housing and assis
tance to 24t> homeless families,
accounting for 825 individuals
- more than half of whom were
children, she said.
Many of those families, she
said, became homeless for eco
nomic reasons even though
they included full-time wage
Taylor said federal funds
have also been secured to ex
pand the facility's internal pro
grams. including child care,
and should be available around
jan. 1.
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Wednesday, October 17,1990
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