I Offer good only witn I Mary and Marla ILLUSIONS' 1311 Lincoln Willamette Towers Bldg □ PERMS customized tor vour ha*r type Wuaatcanmionet SOT oc etc 54/00 v Z/.aD LOOP ROOS • SPIRALS •ncKKjr*.' OfxMrtXVtT* • uT & «C$6000 HAIRCUTS s39.95 JintSuOP. tfvjmpoc i tOrt*t>Omp' $15 00 *7.00 I I I I I J-ILLUSIONS • 345-1810 j Don Ongejarv Mlda E«f* Vw »ft**?* G«o. \i M*r* C irnwr- C*fu | I Good through November 16. 1990 _ I FALL CYCUNC SPECIALS Rhode Gear fanny pack ueg $19%) $8.00 Rhode Gear winter gloves $15.00 Panaracer Timbuk II kevlar e remodeled to occupancy stan dards. Williams said, bringing the total numlxT of units up to H after the renovation. Six new units will also t>e added to the site at a cost of $127,00(1 as part of the renova tion project, expanding the shelter's service ability. "That will be an additional six families off the streets this winter." said Teresa Taylor, f amily Shelter House program manager. Taylor said the 20-year-old shelter program is available to homeless families with at least one child under 1H for a maxi mum stay of 60 days, although the average stay is around 30 days. The program not only offers emergency food and shelter for homeless families, but also pro vides crisis intervention coun seling. housing search work shops. child care, need evalua tions. advocacy and referral programs and goal-setting as sistance - all free of charge. “We like to go beyond just being a band aid." Taylor said. " We help families address the issues that caused them to be come homeless and get them into permanent housing." I-ust year the shelter provided temporary housing and assis tance to 24t> homeless families, accounting for 825 individuals - more than half of whom were children, she said. Many of those families, she said, became homeless for eco nomic reasons even though they included full-time wage earners. Taylor said federal funds have also been secured to ex pand the facility's internal pro grams. including child care, and should be available around jan. 1. Citibank’s Consumer Services Group — International — Management Associate career opportunities available in our Asian and Middle Eastern Divisions for 1991 graduates who have language fluency and legal authorization to work in these areas Join Citibank's Consumer Services Group-International to discuss our business and career opportunities in the Asia-Pacific and Middle Eastern Regions Presentation: Please bring your resume RSVP Carol Daly 6-3370 Reception following 228 Chiles Hall Wednesday, October 17,1990 7:00pm 128 Chiles Hall Because you want to succeed.... CfT1BAN