Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 05, 1990, Page 11B, Image 25

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Continued from Page 3
lo tw i (insistent " St hulfr s.tul
"We can’t be on .1 rollfr master
ride every other week."
The Ducks' defense lies tin
proved each year under Schul
er After ranking fourth in the
Pacific-to Conference in 1*187,
I It i ref in IliMH amt second List
year, the Ducks are poised to
lake over the top spot in the
Considering his recent slit
cess with the defense, it mat
surprise some peo|ile lli.it
Schuler first made a name for
himself Tt tears ago 1 .itching a
l>ass not defending one.
In l‘t<>7, Schuler, a starting
wide receiver, made history hy
scoring the first Duck touch
down in Autzen Stadium. It is
a moment that he looks hack on
and laughs about
"I always tell my players that
rr. illy lit-l|ird tis imdiTsl.iml
wlial we iiimmIimI In ilo In In
mu i rsslul attains! ttinm
Schiller jmirnrvrd hat k lu
I In- I’.M III (’linlrrriii i' in I'lH.I
. 1111 - r landing .1 |nli .il I ’.ill Ini in.i
wln-rr In* was ili-lrnsivi* i minii
ii.il<ir iimI mm mill.try 111.11 li In
!*IIM. Ills Hr.ns ilrli'iisr till
isliril sim mill 111 tlii* i iiiili-rnni ii
III tl.iss llrlrnsr .uni llli-ir -II
laki-ayy.ivs wort- lllr ii.ilmn s
lliiril higln-sl .iinminl
Schiller i rl ii r uni In the
I kill ks III 1‘IHIi ilfll-r s|lrllllllin
mil' Sl'iismi .IS .1 S|HM l.11 ilrlril
sive assistant yyilli I hr Nl l.'s
l.ns Anneles K.niis Si It ii If ir i-n
jnvi'il workiitK under former
Dm k |iihu Kiiliiiisiin itiiriug Ins
si, iv with till" K.iiiis lull lulfillril
a dream whtm ho came Ii.h k in
“I had always hofied I i mild
come back In Kuttune," Schuler
said. "I didn't really sim1 mysrll
7 always thought it would bo more fun
to take Oregon to any bowl game than to
take iJSC to the Rose Bowl because the
whole state would go nuts and that's ex
actly what happened.'
Denny Schuler
I caught 12 passes that day."
Schuler said. "! had It in
warmups and uue. the tom h
down, in the game."
Schuler began his coaching
career as a graduate assistant
for the Ducks before moving on
to the Big Sky conference as a
wide receiver coach for both
Idaho State and Weber State.
After coaching defensive
backs for a year at Washington
State. Schuler began a seven
year stint at Utah State. He
coached the Aggies' quarter
backs and wide receivers for
two years before switching
back to defense — a move he
thinks helped the Ducks defeat
the Cougars last weekend.
"I've been around those guys
(the Cougars) for a long time.”
Schuler said, "and I think that
ending up anywhere else
"I always thought it would
be more fun to lake Oregon to
any ImiwI game than to take
lISO to the Kose Howl,'1 Sc hol
er said, "because the whole
stale would go nuts and that's
exactly what happened."
brooks was more than happy
to welcome Schuler hat k to Ku
‘' I bad followed hi m
throughout his career," brooks
said. "He had been successful
everywhere he had coached. "
Now that lie’s here and the
Ducks are enjoying success,
don't count on Schuler leaving
anytime soon
"I'm content here at Ore
gon.” Schuler said. "I have a
tremendous loyalty to this
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