SCHULER Continued from Page 3 lo tw i (insistent " St hulfr s.tul "We can’t be on .1 rollfr master ride every other week." The Ducks' defense lies tin proved each year under Schul er After ranking fourth in the Pacific-to Conference in 1*187, I It i ref in IliMH amt second List year, the Ducks are poised to lake over the top spot in the conference Considering his recent slit cess with the defense, it mat surprise some peo|ile Schuler first made a name for himself Tt tears ago 1 .itching a l>ass not defending one. In l‘t<>7, Schuler, a starting wide receiver, made history hy scoring the first Duck touch down in Autzen Stadium. It is a moment that he looks hack on and laughs about "I always tell my players that rr. illy lit-l|ird tis imdiTsl.iml wlial we iiimmIimI In ilo In In mu i rsslul attains! ttinm Schiller jmirnrvrd hat k lu I In- I’.M III (’linlrrriii i' in I'lH.I . 1111 - r landing .1 |nli .il I ’.ill Ini in.i wln-rr In* was ili-lrnsivi* i minii S “» VN I VSI V V\ I I II I I 0*1 >| 11 S I f IKI IUSKI \V|| I III IMIII \M I Itll N « I»» S I M \ SUMMNUk ^ \M WM I »«NI \S>t I II Wilt »IWM lltM I M*»M ‘tM4 < * o mu uM»m ~ " .•rr;rr-^r:t» — * NOW PLAYING A self-guided tour of our lab. Dw Irm mm fran through 4 wran of puinhtng lo in vurr fUwlrtt lUrtfy jnd * pmttr pmortfttiuA —-^ AukmvitH hrvri «lgm your Irm kw *n run! hi in »hr funw Wan» rwrrd Ravw-k’ Wt ccuAtom um vow 1nwn m *nv of hundmls of rcmbiM I (MU 7 tiprflly ir»h Hu um i Nrt i jrvl whnk your km thnnjjh f*m tugr ul product** r o ■/ Pifittum jrrfiton Unrvl the km* to mjti h thr njkt curve your prrurnpt** zzz j W# ctmfy t\tni p*r*m*i*f oi tour JU fvwf itit PD pr»rr' ^ 1 Km# evnt Irflifii turn* j*Ugnm