Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, August 02, 1990, Image 1

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    Thursday. August 2,1990 Eugene. Oregon Volume 92. Issue 14
Oregon Daily
Ti( Lets art* still on salt’ fur the
Ktigeue Hint’s I estival Saturdax
August in Alton linker I ’ark
Thu festival will feature the likes
ol blues greats Ho Diddlev , ( units
Saigutlo and the Stilettos, and |u
nior Walker and the All Stars
See t alendar. Page 5
dent Hush prepared Wednesday
to detent) his I ‘i1) 1 defense budg
.-I as House I lemut rats savored
the cuts thev infli( ted on the B-d
bomber program and the Slr.ite
gu: Defense Initialive
"I v\ as out running at six this
morning just bet ause I was exhil
mated." Rep Ron Heliums. I)
(ial it . told reportei s .1 lew hum s
after the I loust Armed Seta it es
( Committee tail S-t t billion trom
the Slid? billion the president
had requested tot defense spend
ing in the fiscal \ear heginnmg
Get. 1.
The administration began lob
b\ ing Senate Republic ans to re
store the tails as the White I louse
said Bush would speak I hursdny
on "how he pen fives the 1 ' S
defense budget
RI( HI.A\l), Wash. (AIM
llariftirtl nut dear reservation man
agers ha\ e been "lilt omplete ill
at curate ami misleading" in pub
la comments about potentially
explosive radioactive waste stor
age tanks at SI fepartment of
Knerg\ report null lutles
The so-t ailed Blush report was
sharplv i ritu al of the w av I Ian
ford managers and federal 1 on
trat tors have dealt w ith problems
invoh mg the mu leat w astt*
tanks The report implied delib
erate attempts had been made to
1 loud the issue
I he study team headed b\
Ste\ e Blush the departmeui s
t hint of nuclear safety . also w as
t r 11it 01 of information given the
public about hydrogen build-up
inside the most dangerous tank, a
1-million-gallon structure t ailed
"(lertain information ndeased
bv I)()f. (RichlandI to the publit
1 out erning problems <it the Han
ford tank farm has been incom
plete. inaccurate and misleading
regarding the extent of contractor
knowledge about safety issues re
lated to slurry growth and BU
SY .’’ the report saitl
The report saitl deficiencies
continue to be found in safety
analyses, procedures, operations,
training, maintenance, anti re
porting and called that "a serious
management failure
Brief morning clouds today,
sunnv and warm in the after
noon. Highs in the mid-HOs. Sun
nv and warm Frida\ highs in the
upper HOs.
This one won Y get away
Amundti Six leiuip.i (nglill ol ! ennl.de. IV .ish le.irns proper fix -< ,ist
//i,!,’ lei liidipie from Hnrh.ir.i Kidirer .it the i .<>/</it,' pond, onr ol seiernl
i’ll!jjr.s m'/ up on the I .me t 'oiinti I nitgrounds Ini the P ith <mni\ ei s,u \
nl the I edrr,itmu ol I Is fisher*
I’tinlo In V ilit i' K.immv
Lorax co-op
prepares for
fall opening
By Alasdair McCondochte
f rnoM'd i t'ntnt'UlOt
I'tir Students (Inoperative Assoi ia
linn has paid S -it iMml (u pun li.isn ,iml
renovate I lie former I’ari 1'nwet huilil
my; tin'll ni'vvi'st filitnin lo in up lions
Tilt’ Dili’ tllllf CO-up. llll .Ill’ll .ll lll’IH
Alder Si Inis lint’ll ri’ii.imi'il I In* l.oi.iv
Manner loop by its now mi hits s.oil
I in.i Kir Si \ pri'siili’iil .mil i hairwnm
Km- -..nil thf n.inif borax M.innri
v\as deliv mi trom lllf Hi Sens . |took
lht‘ whit 11 u.ts 11,1 nm'Ii Ironi i’i
er.ii i omiiumitifs m tin- I 'mti■<i State-.
"borax sir; n l i les e in 11 on me n I a I
.iw.ireness, anil the new co op is tie
signeil lii.111rai l people com timed about
ern iionnienl.il issues Hoe said 1 be
i o op is open to everyone bill we hope
people who ail in the manner ol the
borax w ill limi a home iieie she said
■a \ which also owns ( amphell (dull
and Jane! Smith co-ops, purchased I'ari
lower m lautiarv attei poor iiiaii.e'e
meiit and in-aiflii lent tundme. too ed its
i Insure and sale. Roe said
I'ari lower prevititisiv owned l)\ ( o
ed llotlsuiK Ini was i losed by the lire
marshall in I'lHU, partly her ause their
weir not e no ll K11 exits for residents oil
Uppei Ilnurs Roe salil
rids problem. i oiiihiiied w ith otlieis
and w 11h poor management led to the
sale ol the huildiuK at a relatively low
pi ii e ahout Sul) nun
Meanwhile St \ was interested in ex
pandinc; its i o op system Ur were m
leresled m euInikmg d it was ei onotiui
ally leasihle Roe said It yvas really
lortUliate timing she added SI A
had the money when I’ari loyveis own
ers yvanled lo sell
Roe said ahout a tourth id the
SIKK) to $ ittll (MM) St A has spent
covered tin- actual purchase id the
building w ith the rest devoted to irno
The main goal ol the renovation is
bringing the building up to tire i ode
standards. including a niwy S. -'.OItO
staircase and a ni-yy fire alarm system
Turn to LORAX. P .
Employees union votes to back Roberts
Endorsement may generate union donations
By Daralyn Trappe
Emerald Contributor
I'he ()regon Public Km
plovees I 'moil which ri‘pnj
seuls 18.1)00 stall; and lor al
government workers lias
voted overwhelmingly to en
dorse Deinot rat Harhara Roll
erts tor governor ot ()regoil
" Harhara was clear!v bet
ter on our issues " said lean
me Me\or Rodrigue/. ()RKt
polilii al direi tor ' I rohn
maver wasn't bad, but liai
bar a Roberts was belter
more tori etui and dec isivt
She has solutions tor the
problems we re hired with
The number one issue ot
corn ern to the employers
union is health i are lor ()re
gonians. Rodrigue/ said Al
leviating employee work
Barbara Roberts
lu,ills presen ilis the risht to
legal abortion .ind impruv
ins funding "I local govern
irients were also on an a gen
<1.1 nl priority issues she
ti<1111 Knherts .mil Kepubli
< ,m i .11iiti<i,it• ■ I)<ivc I rolin
m.nrr were inter\ lew it) in
open nifinlMTship JiifftiiiK-S
,iuci asked tIn• ir \ ievvs mi ,i
list ill issues compiled in
1111 y .it .m ()I*Kl' i onvention
s i \ t \ eight percent ot the
1 , (lot) inemh r union subxe
111ii■ n11 v espressed .in inter
i'st m nuking .in endorse
mi nt H\ .i in.irgin of two In
one they chose to endorse
Barbara Koherts
\tler the me hi he rs h i p
vote tile union's ho.ml ot
duet tors voted unanimously
to finalize the endorsement
Kndrigucz .(tided lh.it she
was impressed with both
i andidates' < uni cm for an
improvement in relations be
IVM'i'ii thf governor' s oHi( i'
,m(l the union
rhc endorsement will re
suit in don,limits In tile Kut)
ells i ampaign said Bentlev
(dlliert ( ll’ld publii relit
lions duel lot. although the
.iinnunt has not vet heen do
(.dhert also said he e\
pet ts lli.ll a ({real llUlllhei of
(Il’Kl memliers will \ ollill
leer then time to the KoheiIs
1 amp.iign
Met ause of I lie w a\ this
endorsement went d was a
MTV personal derision, and
there is a lot of personal
( ommitmeilt
I w ent\ pen e|lt of ( ll’ld
memliers voted in the en
dorse moot proi eed I n g s
Kodrigue/ said adding that
the figure "doesn’t sound
good lull it is Tvventv pel
i ent is high It's often tell to
eleven pen ent