Thursday. August 2,1990 Eugene. Oregon Volume 92. Issue 14 Oregon Daily jnerakl Entertainment Ti( Lets art* still on salt’ fur the Ktigeue Hint’s I estival Saturdax August in Alton linker I ’ark Thu festival will feature the likes ol blues greats Ho Diddlev , ( units Saigutlo and the Stilettos, and |u nior Walker and the All Stars See t alendar. Page 5 Briefly WASHINGTON (AIM I’resi dent Hush prepared Wednesday to detent) his I ‘i1) 1 defense budg .-I as House I lemut rats savored the cuts thev infli( ted on the B-d bomber program and the Slr.ite gu: Defense Initialive "I v\ as out running at six this morning just bet ause I was exhil mated." Rep Ron Heliums. I) (ial it . told reportei s .1 lew hum s after the I loust Armed Seta it es ( Committee tail S-t t billion trom the Slid? billion the president had requested tot defense spend ing in the fiscal \ear heginnmg Get. 1. The administration began lob b\ ing Senate Republic ans to re store the tails as the White I louse said Bush would speak I hursdny on "how he pen fives the 1 ' S defense budget RI( HI.A\l), Wash. (AIM llariftirtl nut dear reservation man agers ha\ e been "lilt omplete ill at curate ami misleading" in pub la comments about potentially explosive radioactive waste stor age tanks at SI fepartment of Knerg\ report null lutles The so-t ailed Blush report was sharplv i ritu al of the w av I Ian ford managers and federal 1 on trat tors have dealt w ith problems invoh mg the mu leat w astt* tanks The report implied delib erate attempts had been made to 1 loud the issue I he study team headed b\ Ste\ e Blush the departmeui s t hint of nuclear safety . also w as t r 11it 01 of information given the public about hydrogen build-up inside the most dangerous tank, a 1-million-gallon structure t ailed tnt-SY "(lertain information ndeased bv I)()f. (RichlandI to the publit 1 out erning problems /