Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, July 03, 1990, Image 1

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    Tuesday. July 3, 1990 Eugene. Oregon Volume 92. Issue 5
Oregon Daily
r -
The (hateful 1 lead have lelt
town, but the impact of the two
day event will be lelt in Kugene
for some time
(hateful I lead publicist I tennis
\1i \a 11 \ told I'lir Register l iu.ml
til,it Kugenc's economy < ould e\
|)i‘( t "well over a $ 1 million to
be spent bv ( Dili ert goers
See story. Page 5
r i
\\ tic!n#*stla%,
Iu 1 \ 4 is <i nation
al hoi id.iv \(
( lasses will be
On Campus
Ini idental Fee (Committee’s
meeting lor toda\ has been < .in
A raH initiator's ( lino toi ratt
ers u hn u ant to star! trips
through the outdoor program will
he held Tuesday and Thursday at
7: It) p m in the (iutdoor Pro
gram otfii e in the KMl base
The following rei miters u ill
he oil campus:
• |tilv IK Standard Insurant e (o
(sales representative).
• July 20 Livingston Securities
Ini (at count e\e< utive).
• July 25 Kinne\ Shoe dorp
(management trainee).
lor more information. call the
(Career Planning and Plar ement
Serv ice, I-In 12 i'i
Mostly cloudy this morning
with afternoon clearing. Highs
will he in the upper 70s Partly
( loudy Wednesday alter morning
clouds, with highs in the lower
Walk the walk
Krlwi t ,i ('m\uh‘i .uni her il.iu^hlrt Cnrissn Like ,id\ .whi^c ot Moll
i/,a imeilinii s hr.iulitlil iti'.i/Zit'/ Id n.ilk ,/ /»*n /<//».s .imlliul the ll.i\
ti uni I ifid Ir.ii k
I’hoto In Scan Poston
SETA not to
persist with
fraud charge
By Daralyn Tsappe
Students for the Ktliii <il I reatiueii! of
\11i111.11s is mil planning In I<■ K.111V ptli
sue it (.(urge lli.it I)i Kii li.inl M.uroc i o
m,i\ have falsified a repot t in the lush
tiititiii.il Animal (".ire .mil I ■ ( nnimil
rile group is miss iimierniilg itsi'lf
with the 11ft dI thi'm.ii .t<1111' monkeys
tli.it will hi' i ilium : in i .impus lali-i lliis
summer fur rcsfiin h bv Marion o
SI. I A sent li'lli'is lu (In- I ,ini' I minis
Itisiml Attorney and the (fregou Attm
IK'S (h'liet.ll mi )IIlit* I I 11•<iUt'sl 111tll.lt
Miiuoi.t o in' investigated tin h.tml
W lifii Matrono s pnilocol ss.is n
s less ed lis llic 1 At 1 I in Mart.li. In- was
asked whether Ills proposed sluils
would ri'plli.atc or < losels approximate
ans oilier studies Marion o lespoMiled
that the studs had never heell done tie
Hut members of M l \ said llies had
reviewed .ihstrai Is trum other si lentisls
and believe that Matron n s svork ssas
(lupin alive Mthnugh tluplii alum in il
sell is nut ti.iudulenl falsifying inlni
illation on a protoi 111 is
Both Marroi i o and I tiiversily \ ii
I’resident for Kesearrh |ohn Moseley
said there ssas no salldlts to the SI- I \
I barge*.
In a letter to SK I A Kane ( aninls His
Ini I Attorney Hone Han leroad respond
ed that tlie i liargcs would not he inves
tig.lied hs the DA s ollii e
( )ur ollii e (Oiisideis the lilins', of
i nniin.il i lunges after a polli e inscstiga
lion, the letter stales ''Furthermore
il appears that your interpretation of the
literature differs from that of Hi
Marrrx a o lliis would not Kill into the
ilililin.il area, hill lather in some other
i is il toniin |sni h as the polit e depart
ment I
I'odd Bailsman of SK I A said lie he
lies es the issue ol (lupin alum is hased
mi eat h person's definition of what
i losels approximates' oilier studies
Turn to SETA. Page 4
Officials pleased with survey results
Public feels positive about University
By Travis Bishop
Fmeraici Contributor
A public opinion survey
i oiulm ted In the I ni\ i■ is11\
this spring has yielded posi
tive findings tor the I niveisi
tv and higher edm ution in
general said Arnold Ismai h.
dean ot the joornalisiu school
and head ot the far ullv i orn
niittee in charge ot the stir
The survey . i ondiii ted In
Mai Slat Kcseari h. a I n
gene researc h firm. consisted
ot 17 quest ions asked to
1 .1 (It) randomly selected
adults throughout the stale
Questions ranged trom oic u
patiou and age to opinions
on statewide issues and
knowledge on various sub
jects relating to the fniversi
Ismai h said the survey was
seen primarily as a means tor
knowledge and awareness on
vvh.it the puhlit thinks about
tin' I 'nivi“isit\ .uni thf liighei
etlut .it it in system .is .1 whole
I he hasii purpose i>1 this
was that we should kmm
w hat people t It t uk about
what we're doing." I'sniat h
said "That's easier said than
done Vou'vi' got to start
.somewhere and we started
with a surve\ that brought us
a i ei tain distant e along that
f’artii ularlv interesting to
lsinai.lt was the publii s post
ti\e response to questions
about the higher eduf rition
s\ stem in the stale
I leallv think I hat the gen
eral attitude was ipialiH ol
higher edural inn in (Ire
gon." he said "To me. those
were the most interesting
findings bet ause I didn't ev
pet t them I don't think most
people espet let) them to he
ipiite that positive
More than HI pert ent ol
till- pull's respondents mill
i .iti'il iii.it il u iinpoi lillll III
li.ivI- a piililii mmersitv lli,it
ranked ,11111111^; tiir hi'sl m
the cnuntrv ' Ism,it II s.iid
ilus finding was interesting
because tins support h,h
iii'iirh ' ,n niss tin' hoard
Regardless ill i'll in a lit hi,11
lev id or geograph ii al Ini at ion
within tin' stall' thi' piililii
si'i'in i'll o ve r u h el m i ng I \
positive toward the iilisi ol a
nation,dl\ rankl'd stall' t 'id
v ersitv
Another survey ipiestion
asked how i|iuditv higher ed
illation ranks as a ni'i'd lor
tin' stall' in comparison with
i it lit* r issues like reducing
i rime or lowering state laves
t lose to JJ percent ot those
polled ranked improving the
ipialilv ot higher edm atiun
as one nl then top three pri
orities hn slate government
p lai init as the lowest
ranked of the seven Issues
\ i mild Ism.ii h
tll.lt respondents i hose li'lMTI
Some people inI<■ 11>i• -t• -d
th. it .is hriiit; low. only in in
out ol five people but to mi'
I feel lli.it till' t.ii I tli.il
mure tli.it 20 pen cat of tin*
propli' mi hided tli.it .imong
tin' top three i om eras is e\
ti. ioului.il \
Turn to SURVEY. Page 8