Tuesday. July 3, 1990 Eugene. Oregon Volume 92. Issue 5 Oregon Daily Emerald Briefly r - The (hateful 1 lead have lelt town, but the impact of the two day event will be lelt in Kugene for some time (hateful I lead publicist I tennis \1i \a 11 \ told I'lir Register l iu.ml til,it Kugenc's economy < ould e\ |)i‘( t "well over a $ 1 million to be spent bv ( Dili ert goers See story. Page 5 Almanac r i \\ tic!n#*stla%, Iu 1 \ 4 is 1 this was that we should kmm w hat people t It t uk about what we're doing." I'sniat h said "That's easier said than done Vou'vi' got to start .somewhere and we started with a surve\ that brought us a i ei tain distant e along that road f’artii ularlv interesting to lsinai.lt was the publii s post ti\e response to questions about the higher eduf rition s\ stem in the stale I leallv think I hat the gen eral attitude was ipialiH ol higher edural inn in (Ire gon." he said "To me. those were the most interesting findings bet ause I didn't ev pet t them I don't think most people espet let) them to he ipiite that positive More than HI pert ent ol till- pull's respondents mill i .iti'il iii.it il u iinpoi lillll III li.ivI- a piililii mmersitv lli,it ranked ,11111111^; tiir hi'sl m the cnuntrv ' Ism,it II s.iid ilus finding was interesting because tins support h,h iii'iirh ' ,n niss tin' hoard Regardless ill i'll in a lit hi,11 lev id or geograph ii al Ini at ion within tin' stall' thi' piililii si'i'in i'll o ve r u h el m i ng I \ positive toward the iilisi ol a nation,dl\ rankl'd stall' t 'id v ersitv Another survey ipiestion asked how i|iuditv higher ed illation ranks as a ni'i'd lor tin' stall' in comparison with i it lit* r issues like reducing i rime or lowering state laves t lose to JJ percent ot those polled ranked improving the ipialilv ot higher edm atiun as one nl then top three pri orities hn slate government p lai init as the lowest ranked of the seven Issues \ i mild Ism.ii h tll.lt respondents i hose li'lMTI Some people inI<■ 11>i• -t• -d th. it .is hriiit; low. only in in out ol five people but to mi' I feel lli.it till' t.ii I tli.il mure tli.it 20 pen cat of tin* propli' mi hided tli.it .imong tin' top three i om eras is e\ ti. ioului.il \ Turn to SURVEY. Page 8