Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 04, 1990, Page 12, Image 32

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W Ik-n il ionics to Ins (mure in
management and business
22-seal old Ihrdds SjK'lkC
lias j|lals/ed esets |>ossi
hihi\ and savs Ins i aicci
i lioncs ale i leaf lie
know s lie doesn't w ant to
work in a lortress. and he s
pi oil \ suie that he won 1 III
in al an aeadems I lie hie question: Does he
choose a elllh oi a baseball team 1
I in soil turning it osei in ms nuiul t )n
one hand. I think I d be happiest with the
immediate opportunities on a baseball team,
he leasoits but then I can see the lone leim
ads ant apes and lew aids it I t an be patient ill a
S.1 \ \vhal ' Is this sonic soil i'l b school
sl.UIV III li t MHI1UMl Speill .C lakcll V.OIII
pick* leave of Ills senses’
Neither Spence a K\ enl llarcatd pradu
ale ami aspninc businessman, wotks lot
Jetties Sonnenleld at I men l noeisitv \
l eniei tm I eadeislnp and ( aieei Chance in
\llanla Sunnenteld has done extensive
icscau h on somoiate cultures, and he has
lound that most t S companies til one ol
lout distinct cultural patterns the "fortress."
the "academe.'" the "club" and the "baseball
team See the - ulebar on pa 14 for a del i
nition ot each, i
()lu iousIc. new piaduates ate much mote
likelv to excel tn a cultuie that suits then pet
sonahties and caieei coals So S|K-nce in nat
iow me his diothers to a 'club' ot a "baseball
team is well on Ins wav to what too lew
count; ctads achieve a deliberate. intotined
eat Iv v ateet v hotce
I u'li s eat I see students ssind up in tin.'
Mum ini's s.i\ s (hits I uederk k-.11 direetot
nl tlii- i .ueei eenter at ( 'ahlotma Suite
I’olsteshnu m Pomona In about eseis ease.
:ii,' students iluin l mails examine themscls es
an,I « hat (lies wanted in a |ob 1 lie\ inlet
s lev. oil mi i auipuN. didn't examine the emu
pain that eh’Noh and took the tirst eood |ob
oitei the\ eot mantis Ivuiuxe it eniled the job
seats It
Nothin; i ail eomp.ue In the miserable leel
me nl a bad Inst |ob Not oills does unn sell
esteem take a bealine. but sou have to stall
all met aeam. sa\s I ledeneksen \nd then
souie I meed to eo thioueh the esamin.il ion
proves' am uas 'loti imellt as well do that
Ix’lmehatid. and save sourselt all the lion
hie "
1’iot Soiinenleld. who was ehairman ol the
Mil \ plaeenieiit eommitlee at I lata ard
tv! ae aii is me at r.ni<>t\. lulls aeiees. I've
een ,o eee students make m.i|oi e.ueet deet
oils based on 's'.01Kl oi S '.IKNl extra a
seal liesass \morli/e that user a sear oi
moie. and it s ui'ienilieant eompared to soul
happiness and the quality nl yuui hie
Mow. V .ill Mill ensure ltl.ll mil .nut M'lll
Ilium' emnpani .m .1 |>erleel ntateh 1 li Imils
itiiiMi 10 .1 couple nl kei areas knoii ymitselt
.iiul kiii'« 1 mu . mnpaiis
(•i-llinc In kinm mu
I ll.llkl S .III- L'lKnl that inlll lllllllTMll
placement nl 111c niters mhiic basic sell
.issessiiieul tools I uliloiniu State
I’nlllei IlliK I’*'llli'iia loi Ilisl.iiK e. use'.1 pin
ei.iin lh.il helps students deleriiiine the impni
l.mee lliei pl.iee mi i .11 inns uoik tel.iled i.il
lies Nnillniesiem t 111 s emus \ kellnee
(ii.klmile Si linnl nl M.m.ieeiiieiil stapes a
sell assessment uurkslinpeaily mi 111 its mo
, e.u \l It \ pinei .1111
"It's exiienieli important that students ei al
uule lliemselies and then evaluate the enrpn
1 ate 1 ultines and em irninneills nl the emnpa
lues dies le emisideihie s.n s Knianiie llmi
Kellnee s assistant diieelm nl plaeeinent
We think sell assessment is so iinpmtant that
mie nl the Inst thincs ue enouuaee mn
M H \ students to do is take part 111 a sell
assessment ivmkshnp |dunne the Inst month}
nl then lust seal, uell before the |nh seauh
process begins
\\ bet her mui ha\ c access In lorinal pro
grams or not- you alread\ have a wealth ol
valuable inIt>riu.ititm and insight tront which
in draw. .11 gin’s Soimcnlchl 11. suggests <hat
stiklcnts shtuik) simple evaluate then lives m
and out nt school ierv carefully
Studv \nui tendencies. tm cvainple even
as lai bach as elemental v school and high
sihtHil "I ooh buck at w hat you did. how mui
spent mm time he savs How did mui teel
about certain jobs and ceitam uctiv Hies? I )nl
mu look lorwartl to some ni amid others ’
I li.it can help you understand w hat en\ non
incuts autl lOrpoiate cultures suit you best
1 el s sav mu most eii|oy indiv idual spoils
such as tennis, golf 01 skiing, pin sue sohtaiv
hobbies like chess m photography. tliriYe on
inilependent studies 01 lab wink. and pielci
jobs where mu hase treedoin, independence
and are paid in direct proportion to mui pci
tormuncc Siinnenteld s.ns mur peisonahlv
may be best suited tin eutiepienetiii.il conip.i
lilt’s that he characlen/es as baseball teams
where mu have little security but are reward
ed by what you produce \l such companies.