CAREER INSIGHT W Ik-n il ionics to Ins (mure in management and business 22-seal old Ihrdds SjK'lkC lias j|lals/ed esets |>ossi hihi\ and savs Ins i aicci i lioncs ale i leaf lie know s lie doesn't w ant to work in a lortress. and he s pi oil \ suie that he won 1 III in al an aeadems I lie hie question: Does he choose a elllh oi a baseball team 1 I in soil turning it osei in ms nuiul t )n one hand. I think I d be happiest with the immediate opportunities on a baseball team, he leasoits but then I can see the lone leim ads ant apes and lew aids it I t an be patient ill a club S.1 \ \vhal ' Is this sonic soil i'l b school sl.UIV III li t MHI1UMl Speill .C lakcll V.OIII pick* leave of Ills senses’ Neither Spence a K\ enl llarcatd pradu ale ami aspninc businessman, wotks lot Jetties Sonnenleld at I men l noeisitv \ l eniei tm I eadeislnp and ( aieei Chance in \llanla Sunnenteld has done extensive icscau h on somoiate cultures, and he has lound that most t S companies til one ol lout distinct cultural patterns the "fortress." the "academe.'" the "club" and the "baseball team See the - ulebar on pa 14 for a del i nition ot each, i ()lu iousIc. new piaduates ate much mote likelv to excel tn a cultuie that suits then pet sonahties and caieei coals So S|K-nce in nat iow me his diothers to a 'club' ot a "baseball team is well on Ins wav to what too lew count; ctads achieve a deliberate. intotined eat Iv v ateet v hotce I u'li s eat I see students ssind up in tin.' Mum ini's s.i\ s (hits I uederk k-.11 direetot nl tlii- i .ueei eenter at ( 'ahlotma Suite I’olsteshnu m Pomona In about eseis ease. :ii,' students iluin l mails examine themscls es an,I « hat (lies wanted in a |ob 1 lie\ inlet s lev. oil mi i auipuN. didn't examine the emu pain that eh’Noh and took the tirst eood |ob oitei the\ eot mantis Ivuiuxe it eniled the job seats It Nothin; i ail eomp.ue In the miserable leel me nl a bad Inst |ob Not oills does unn sell esteem take a bealine. but sou have to stall all met aeam. sa\s I ledeneksen \nd then souie I meed to eo thioueh the ion proves' am uas 'loti imellt as well do that Ix’lmehatid. and save sourselt all the lion hie " 1’iot Soiinenleld. who was ehairman ol the Mil \ plaeenieiit eommitlee at I lata ard tv! ae aii is me at<>t\. lulls aeiees. I've een ,o eee students make m.i|oi e.ueet deet oils based on 's'.01Kl oi S '.IKNl extra a seal liesass \morli/e that user a sear oi moie. and it s ui'ienilieant eompared to soul happiness and the quality nl yuui hie Mow. V .ill Mill ensure ltl.ll mil .nut M'lll Ilium' emnpani .m .1 |>erleel ntateh 1 li Imils itiiiMi 10 .1 couple nl kei areas knoii ymitselt .iiul kiii'« 1 mu . mnpaiis (•i-llinc In kinm mu I ll.llkl S .III- L'lKnl that inlll lllllllTMll placement nl 111c niters mhiic basic sell .issessiiieul tools I uliloiniu State I’nlllei IlliK I’*'llli'iia loi Ilisl.iiK e. use'.1 pin ei.iin helps students deleriiiine the impni l.mee lliei pl.iee mi i .11 inns uoik tel.iled lies Nnillniesiem t 111 s emus \ kellnee (ii.klmile Si linnl nl M.m.ieeiiieiil stapes a sell assessment uurkslinpeaily mi 111 its mo , e.u \l It \ pinei .1111 "It's exiienieli important that students ei al uule lliemselies and then evaluate the enrpn 1 ate 1 ultines and em irninneills nl the emnpa lues dies le emisideihie s.n s Knianiie llmi Kellnee s assistant diieelm nl plaeeinent We think sell assessment is so iinpmtant that mie nl the Inst thincs ue enouuaee mn M H \ students to do is take part 111 a sell assessment ivmkshnp |dunne the Inst month} nl then lust seal, uell before the |nh seauh process begins \\ bet her mui ha\ c access In lorinal pro grams or not- you alread\ have a wealth ol valuable inIt>riu.ititm and insight tront which in draw. .11 gin’s Soimcnlchl 11. suggests