Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 31, 1990, Page 16, Image 16

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Crawford selected for Orient golf trip
By Cam Sivesirtd
l ■ '
Ori'^on u*i!f*‘r Nani a ( iii\\
lord will not have ,i tvpii.il
suniiiwi brink limn i I.ism s
Tin suphnmon from Klk
I .rovi t nil w ill spend uni'
month ol (mi summer tourniK
tin' t )ni-nt iifti ; hi-iny, nami.'d
uni' of tin' i’ai itii 111 uoff ,ilI
slurs Inst ivi'i'h
( i.1 wfonl who w.is iis nil!s
n.imi'd (Iri'Kon s most valuable
plus it tor tin- season i- the
first Ort'yott m>l)**r to i"u'i In
ii.imi'd to Iho cmht membei
tom mn '.qii.iil now in its third
It s just ri'.dlv cm it up:
I i.i wlord s.iid It's ,i usd lion
oi lii'i .nisi' it's so 1111• -11v;io11s
It's good fur tin- si lioul ,uni tin
t he lea m , espet mil v >in< i'
V\ e're "in voting’
i raw lord anti Inr .ill star
leaminafes will In' 11call'd III a
$1(1.11(10 .ill expenses ji.iid (rip
through .seven different i imn
tries The I' S golf represent.!
lives Will leave l.os Angeles
(line I!) for a month-Icing lour
ol japan, ( tuna I aiwan. I long
hong Korea The Philippines
and Singapore
I he t S team will plav ria
tional teams Iroin the various
i *mntnes II the area visited
due- not ha\e a national team.
sin h as I long hong, the all
stars will plav the sponsoring
organization said Oregon
women's gull i oat h Renee
Mat k
Mai;k knows .ill about tlir
trip dirough the (frient h.n ing
i o.li hi'd (hf all ••1,0 squad foi
Iasi gear's I'M ursioii
Its dii' greatest trip of \our
lilt' Mai k ■•aid Vim re
Hi .ill'll like queens. anil llir
girls get a i.ham i- to p 1 a\ im
i nurses Iha! women in those
i fill ill r ies are not even alloived
M,n k has a lot ol onnfillerH e
in ( raw lnrd gulling aliilitv
as well as Met altitude awav
from the eourse
She s a great golfer She's
going to lie one of the last in
Ihe nation next \ eat Mar k
said "She lias a good attitude
about life
Marv Mulflui. women's golf
i oat h at Washington is tins
vr.tr s . iiiii h ol lb.’ Pii< in .ill
stars, draw ford %v i 1! he joined
l.\ I da. \ Nakamura ol I St
Iili/.abeth Bow'man ol t'(.1 A
! ynn Mikolas .ind Irish honz
ol Arizona Sidle. |enniiri
'i... kc\ ..1 Washington. Au
drey Wood ini; ol Stanford and
Paine (Tiber! ..1 Arizona
Tin just hoping to be able
In i iimpete with them " (Taw
lord said
II \1a. k N high praise is am
indii ator. I rawford should do
jusl fine
"She's the diflerence lie
twe. n us being a mediocre
tram to being a great Irani.
Mack said This experience
will also prove she's just as
good as other top players in
the Pa. Id
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Continued from Page 12
Inid .in easy tilin' ill it w.is Briiin
Wright in tlir 400-nietcr ln:r
Wright won his heat i n
tit) h-l, his ht-st time this season
and the second-best time oi Ills
( areer to advance to Friday s
lien n k Adk ins ol ('.cm gla
Tech had the day’s top time at
m 411
No other Oregon men com
peted \\ ednesd.u but Rosie
Williams Stephanie Smith and
i.i/ Wilson all qualified easily
for I ridav s i ompetition.
W illiams ran 2:1 on in the 201)
meters to qualify tor Friday s
semifinal heals (larlette (luidry
ot Texas turned in the (lav’s top
time with a 20 12 clot king.
In the disc us. Smith had only
the sixth-best throw of seven
( ompetitors in her flight ol the
dis( ns w ilh a toss ot 151 1 but
did qualify for the finals
rile best dis( us mark w .is
turned in hv I’ai 10 charnp
I rai ie Milled ot I ’Cl A who
threw I 78-0
Women's i o a ( h T o m
II e i n o n e ii had 111 i g i n a I I y
planned to enter Wilson in only
the a 000 meters, but W ilson
was entered in the 1.000. but
didn't have to com p e t e
Wednesday bei <iuse ol a la< k ot
competitors The finals are Kri
llie a.000 preliminaries are
si heduled to run Thursday. but
a meet oifii ial n.is unable to
confirm at press lime whether
Wilson was entered in the
1 .000 or ey en il a 5 .000 quail
tying round would be field
l )ne N't A A ( diampioiiship
m eel record w a s b ro k en
Wednesday while the second
fastest women's 800 f’ai 10
time ever was turned in
World record holder 1’atrik
Boiler! of I'exas who threw
202 4 m Man Ii. wasn't expel t
ed to i ompete in tile i oinpeti
turn but did throw 265-1) to
break the meet record of former
longhorn I lag WTnnlund w ho
threw 258-0 in 1080
W ashington State's (.'elestine
\ Drin [lusted the fastest time
Hi tile 800 w itll a 2:02 00 < Itx k
ing I he mark trails only the
2 00.01 ot l S( A Mu lielle lay
lor in I’.K 10 history
Three mine Oregon men and
[inssibly lour Oregon women
w ill compete Thursday
\ m o u g I Ii e ill e n . S i o 11
Metier and Spencer Williams
will go through qualifying
Bights in the hammer and tri
[ile jump, res pel lively rv Idle
1 a ii Peterson w ill be in the
semifinals of the 1 >00 meters
tin the women, Paula Berry
and Kim Hyatt will have quail
lying flights in t lie jav el i n
while Stephanie Wessell yyill
be ill the 10.000-meter finals
Wilson may also compete in
the i.ooo
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