Sports Crawford selected for Orient golf trip By Cam Sivesirtd l ■ ' Ori'^on u*i!f*‘r Nani a ( iii\\ lord will not have ,i suniiiwi brink limn i I.ism s Tin suphnmon from Klk I .rovi t nil w ill spend uni' month ol (mi summer tourniK tin' t )ni-nt iifti ; hi-iny, nami.'d uni' of tin' i’ai itii 111 uoff ,ilI slurs Inst ivi'i'h ( i.1 wfonl who iis nil!s n.imi'd (Iri'Kon s most valuable plus it tor tin- season i- the first Ort'yott m>l)**r to i"u'i In ii.imi'd to Iho cmht membei tom mn '.qii.iil now in its third vnr It s just ri'.dlv cm it up: I i.i wlord s.iid It's ,i usd lion oi lii'i .nisi' it's so 1111• -11v;io11s It's good fur tin- si lioul ,uni tin t he lea m , espet mil v >in< i' V\ e're "in voting’ i raw lord anti Inr .ill star leaminafes will In' 11call'd III a $1(1.11(10 .ill expenses ji.iid (rip through .seven different i imn tries The I' S golf represent.! lives Will leave l.os Angeles (line I!) for a month-Icing lour ol japan, ( tuna I aiwan. I long hong Korea The Philippines and Singapore I he t S team will plav ria tional teams Iroin the various i *mntnes II the area visited due- not ha\e a national team. sin h as I long hong, the all stars will plav the sponsoring organization said Oregon women's gull i oat h Renee Mat k Mai;k knows .ill about tlir trip dirough the (frient h.n ing i hi'd (hf all ••1,0 squad foi Iasi gear's I'M ursioii Its dii' greatest trip of \our lilt' Mai k ■•aid Vim re Hi .ill'll like queens. anil llir girls get a i.ham i- to p 1 a\ im i nurses Iha! women in those i fill ill r ies are not even alloived on M,n k has a lot ol onnfillerH e in ( raw lnrd gulling aliilitv as well as Met altitude awav from the eourse She s a great golfer She's going to lie one of the last in Ihe nation next \ eat Mar k said "She lias a good attitude about life Marv Mulflui. women's golf i oat h at Washington is tins s . iiiii h ol lb.’ Pii< in .ill stars, draw ford %v i 1! he joined l.\ I da. \ Nakamura ol I St Iili/.abeth Bow'man ol t'(.1 A ! ynn Mikolas .ind Irish honz ol Arizona Sidle. |enniiri 'i... kc\ ..1 Washington. Au drey Wood ini; ol Stanford and Paine (Tiber! ..1 Arizona Tin just hoping to be able In i iimpete with them " (Taw lord said II \1a. k N high praise is am indii ator. I rawford should do jusl fine "She's the diflerence lie twe. n us being a mediocre tram to being a great Irani. Mack said This experience will also prove she's just as good as other top players in the Pa. Id wo ■ ALL LEATHER AND VINYL BRIEF CASES • Ml Kl 1 \(.1 • Klll)()» ( \M( R\l I ■ DAYRUNNER ORGANIZERS AND REFILLS ■ CAMBRIDGE BUSINESS WEAR • l‘M)H( )ll)l Rs • RIM, BI\MRs • /IPPl R i’( )R It OLIOS • \\l> MC )K(1 ALL QUALITY FOUNTAIN PENS 30% OFF ALL ARTIST PORTFOLIOS • R()v\n\ \K I MICHA1I KOC.IRs k UO IMPRINTED PADHOLDERS • S( H()( it ()1 I \\\ • SC IK )( >1 C >1 |( H RN \l ISM * ( (Mile,I ()l IU s|\|ss . i ()l 11 (.1 CM l|)U MIOS SAVE $5.60! rk, iv-,-, NOW 9.95 BOSTITCH UO IMPRINTED STAPLER • HI \( k • HI \( k s||\|K Rf Cl. 18.95 22.95 NOW 9.95 srUO Bookstore ART & SCHOOL SUPPLY DEPT. 13th & Kincaid M*F 7:30-6:00 SAT 10:00-6:00 346-4331 NCAA Continued from Page 12 Inid .in easy tilin' ill it Briiin Wright in tlir 400-nietcr ln:r (Ill's. Wright won his heat i n tit) h-l, his ht-st time this season and the second-best time oi Ills ( areer to advance to Friday s semifinals lien n k Adk ins ol ('.cm gla Tech had the day’s top time at m 411 No other Oregon men com peted \\ ednesd.u but Rosie Williams Stephanie Smith and i.i/ Wilson all qualified easily for I ridav s i ompetition. W illiams ran 2:1 on in the 201) meters to qualify tor Friday s semifinal heals (larlette (luidry ot Texas turned in the (lav’s top time with a 20 12 clot king. In the disc us. Smith had only the sixth-best throw of seven ( ompetitors in her flight ol the dis( ns w ilh a toss ot 151 1 but did qualify for the finals rile best dis( us mark w .is turned in hv I’ai 10 charnp I rai ie Milled ot I ’Cl A who threw I 78-0 Women's i o a ( h T o m II e i n o n e ii had 111 i g i n a I I y planned to enter Wilson in only the a 000 meters, but W ilson was entered in the 1.000. but didn't have to com p e t e Wednesday bei 00 meters tin the women, Paula Berry and Kim Hyatt will have quail lying flights in t lie jav el i n while Stephanie Wessell yyill be ill the 10.000-meter finals Wilson may also compete in the Looking for a place to live? Check the ODE Classifieds