Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 30, 1990, Page 6, Image 6

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Houseboys wash dishes, wait tables for free meals
Working in sororities provides
opportunity to socialize as well
By Jennifer Thomas
f nv.iM Contributor
Imagine about -Id wmiicn vv
mg fur your attention as you
look forward to .i good meal
and <i Milk toll of dishes aflei
l los di'si i dies ,i part lime joli
of .1 levs III,lie I ’Diversity sill
denis who (all ihemsehes
h mi seho y s 11 is a g reed.
though, that a benefit of the job
is the i onvenieiK e
' The original intention was
to find a wav to get mv meals
i miked. said llrian l'(isew it/
a sc, mid r ear law student and
housnboy tor the ( 'hi (tmega so
rm it y
1 nr us. ii is a to a id deal if
YOU don’t like to (.link and
( lean Si hool keeps me busy
ami it's a real i unvenietu <•.
he ( on)ilined
1 lousehoys. oi "hashers ' as
they are sometimes railed, are
students who work out a deal
with a sorority to provide dish
washing and waitm servu.es in
CM liallge for free meals
file meals serve as payment
foi the serve e although tech
lin allV, a wage is giveil and the
meals are deducted out of the
paycheck The househovs re
, eii e the rem.iindei oi the ha!
.mi c w lii'ii they art' paid, said
I’osew it/
"Must id the houseboys are
law students and nr are su
buss . said I’osew it/
Ihook Sessions, another set
onil veal la w st udr ut a ml
hoiisulroy lor the ( hi (tmega so
rot it v said "I live in Spring
field and it reallv saves tune to
lie able to eat at the sorority It
sa\ i s money. toii
In the I telta I Jnlta I lelta siirnr
it\ "I hire the new hoys In
word ot mouth said house
mother Shirley l lrvden "There
is a waiting list ul hoy s wanting
to work We haven't had to
i hange idler! I he hovs .ire
good "
l lie w eekl\ si hedule usually
einphnone hoiiseliuy working
toi 'III minutes oil the lum;h
shift while two houseliovs
work tor two hours at dituiei,
(leaning off the tallies and
w ashing dishes
llie Monday night formal
dinners an the only or i. is ions
llie houselMiys are e\pci ted to
wait on the tallies a- well as
perform the regular duties
I a< h hoiisehov ends up work
ing tliree to tour days a week
i'usewit/ said
1 figure the time I spend
wotkiug would he the time I
Photo In Sf.in Poston
Si oil Itnrejsi a junior business major has \uirkeit a "hasher in the Pi Beta Phi sororit\ tor the
Ilast two i ears
would norm.'IK spend i uuk
iag, (leaning rind shopping
(if siiid
"Sin i.ills . d s good, too hi1
continued. We go! to r.d in
llio dining room ss ith I lit* girls
and got to know them Tin*
mouthers an* always refills'
nice pleasant anil polite I
i an t i nmplain
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Sessions agreed I lie best
part is gelling to know the
i.'ill- You fee! like a part of the
house We all gel along well
Reeentlv the houseboys of
the Chi Omega sorority put on
,1 "hasliei hair for the women
Sessions said the parlv was
i ompiete with a limousine lot
the hasher <|ueen as well .is
a live band and dam mg
Mv motiv ation for hei nm
ing a hoiisehuv was not to find
a girlfriend. Sessions said
"Sometimes we do go out with
the girls in groups to birthday
parties and on group dates, but
that s usually it
I i slif Haniaket ni kappa
kappa Canuna said, ''The
hoiiseboy s are all nur age and
we get along really well "
"Seventv percent of them are
from the Fiji house across the
street," she continued "Last
year we didn't gel to know tile
househoys ven well, but this
term we are getting to know
them better 1 hev are really
A (‘.amnia I’hi Beta member
said. "They lire a great asset to
the house They are friendly
and really keep the house to
gethei I hey are great guys
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