University Houseboys wash dishes, wait tables for free meals Working in sororities provides opportunity to socialize as well By Jennifer Thomas f nv.iM Contributor Imagine about -Id wmiicn vv mg fur your attention as you look forward to .i good meal and hurry in You might not another discount like this until you re Your Student Discount: Use it or lose it. Microcomputer Support Lab 202 Computing Center 346-4402 Monday Friday 9am to 5 pm Sessions agreed I lie best part is gelling to know the i.'ill- You fee! like a part of the house We all gel along well Reeentlv the houseboys of the Chi Omega sorority put on ,1 "hasliei hair for the women Sessions said the parlv was i ompiete with a limousine lot the hasher <|ueen as well .is a live band and dam mg Mv motiv ation for hei nm ing a hoiisehuv was not to find a girlfriend. Sessions said "Sometimes we do go out with the girls in groups to birthday parties and on group dates, but that s usually it I i slif Haniaket ni kappa kappa Canuna said, ''The hoiiseboy s are all nur age and we get along really well " "Seventv percent of them are from the Fiji house across the street," she continued "Last year we didn't gel to know tile househoys ven well, but this term we are getting to know them better 1 hev are really good A (‘.amnia I’hi Beta member said. "They lire a great asset to the house They are friendly and really keep the house to gethei I hey are great guys SKIP CLASS Aerobics MW 7 00 7 45am Ger 220 UH 7 00 7 45am Ger 220 UH 12 30pm Ger 220 MW 6 30pm Ger 220 UH 6 30pm Ger 220 Aerobics lligb Intcnsits l ow Impact MW 4 30pm Get 220 UH 4 30pm Ger 220 \\ atcr Aerobics MW 6 30pm Ger Pool UH 6 30pm Ger Pool Aerobics Low Impact UH 5 15pm EsI 47 AA eight AAorkout UH 9 30am EsI 36 UH 12 30pm EsI 36 Dance M M M 7 00pm 8 00pm 9 00pm GerX 350 GerX 350 GerX 350 Beg Swing Ballroom Intermed Swing All classes begin the week of June 19 and run thru Aug 9, and are non-credit. Register at 103 (ierlinger, for $15 per class, t all 346-4113 or 346-4121 for details. uo RECREATION & INTRAMURALS Meed a break? Chech out the EhTERTAIttMEHT section in the ODE classifieds