Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 25, 1990, Page 10, Image 9

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Fine arts candidates’ work on display in EMU
By Julie Decker
£mcrald C'onlr ><ulor
( urrcnllv on display in tin1
I Ml' ( .alhirv am works b>, I m
versitv Hai liclor of l ino Arts
The .tnnii.tl HI A show brings
llio I.iloiit within tin' I’nivrrsilv
ili'p.irlmi'iit to tile public s .it
Various artists |oiu tom'lbet
to offiT an i-xhibit of miM'tl mi
di.i and nii\ril sub|i't t matti'i
that ch.illcnni' tin- pert I'ptions
and toasi' the srlisrs
llnahrrni Wahab displays
"Planus and Plain's from
" rim Hook ( )t'.' a Imok about
Ills jiasl
Wahab drsi rilx's bis past as
onti that is gone so far awns
now that it almost stifius likn a
diffcri'iit lift'll mi' in somi'oni'
eise's Iilf span
\\ .1 hat) livid m Afganistan
and (fills uf "a place so df'vas
I.ili'd and destroyed by war that
lor the 111v;11 al sifI• ■ of me none
ol these sweet memom s make
The stories and images of
I’lanes and I’lanes speak to
t lie v fewer with Iears and
hopes They depit t nightmares
and memories hut maintain a
dominant theme of sun ival
I wrote tills hook so that I
won’t lose tom h with that time
of ms life and the life of ins
I on nil \ lietore the wai started
tearing us apart W aliah said
1 w<int to i r\ hut that wmild
mean I have given up hope I
have not
Lithographs and etchings by
Kick Simpson also address the
problems of society, but Simp
son foi uses on the six nil ills he
sees m the t hiited States after
living abroad for .1 number of
"I now live in .1 culture
whir li values tog business and
1 ominerr e o\ er a clean environ
ment I lie right-- of \ iolent
i riminals ovei those of tin’ll
victims .ind which fms taken
.111 apathelii slant e on erlur .1
lion w lor h has produi nd an en
lire generation of fum lional il
lileiales who no longei i oil!
mand eilliei er onomir, or 1 ul
lural respect throughout the
world ' Simpson said
Simpson's images portray ins
concern with the current state
of sor iet\ Simpson maintains
that Ills images are not meant to
he pleasing, hut rather .ire in
tended to he thought provnk
I'iglires are represented 111
tin- process of decay and meta
morphosis with amliiguons
forms suggesting human life in
Cat's Meow Jazz & Blues Corner
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its distortion
Titles sued) as "Before the
I .ill." Hl.ii k Angel " "U'aste
land' and "Blind laith" sug
gest Simpson's distaste and im
pat ient.e with the modern
i\orld and a selfish so< iet\
Simpson said he wants to
turn over the rooks ot soi ial
filing computer application
and later began to si an photo
graphic images to imitate the
appearance of sound images
These images are then paint
ed with vvaleri olors. creating
works th.it e< ho sound, vet they
are personified into portraits of
figures that seem to come alive
7 wish to evoke the ancient, ritualistic
use of mask as mediator of universal spir
— Karen Baxter
convention .ind show the un
derbellv. the mot cause of so
( ial interaction
Karen Maxtor < hose to ex
plore her world through a 4 x 5
view camera in an effort to ex
amine her "personal mytholo
g\ and tin- nature of identity
Baxter's Anima s Vision Se
ries" includes several silver
gelatin selenium toned prints
Baxter said her constructions
"point to the contradictory
semhlanc e of permanence and
the transitory in both content
and proc ess
Baxter uses porcelain port rail
masks as primary subjects in
her stdl lives, some of svhic li
are self-portraits
In the photographs the mask
is a silent face passive allow
mg itselt to he manipulated by
the photographer and the im
posed imagery l*ivcred sub
jei ts give a densits to the pho
digraphs as detail emerges from
shadow s and drapers to appeal
m (|uie! simple 11\
I w ish to evoke tin- am ient
i itualistii use ol mask as medi
ator ot universal spit it the ide
a! ol persona as mediatoi ol selt
and sot lets and the perspei
live id soul as mediatoi ol
hod s matter actual its and
mind spirit and idea said
I lelell M Khun presents hel
Sound to Image" col lei lion ot
works as examples ot art in
spued by tec hnologs
Klein was an exploration ge
ologist in the oil and gas indus
11 x in the turn's and early
1'tHtiS in Texas where she ana
Is /ed hundieds ol elei trii al
logs representing rocks and
their pin sit al properties
"Black cursed lines on a
svhite background represented
ioi ks that I s\ <ui 111 never sec
said Baxter
Baxter began to pi.is ssdli a
Mai Kei ordei a sound sail!
within the entangled lines of
the sound-inspired images.
Shelley Hubert also uses a
computer as an inspiration for
her art
Hubert uses a Macintosh
computer to create composi
tions using form, pattern and
"The computer is especially
useful for layering forms and
applying shades with patterns.
I explore many options in de
sign before deciding how to
edit the different combinations
of design elements into the fi
nal arrangement." Hubert said
(lolleen Hemphil creates de
signs using a lilai k and white
photo-copy mat hine
Henphil uses repetition of
identical or similar images to
t reate large format composi
lions that invite the viewer to
explore the work as a whole or
in individual pier es
Suzanne I Hughes presents
her woik with silkscreemug in
the form of subtle intriguing
portraits and compositions of
figural forms
Works such .is "I’ixehited
Stone Watt hers" and ' I ixat
ed" seem to represent minds .it
work and a quiet intensiU of
froth the artisl and the sublet t
matte i
(Catherine I )e I a g e offers
works using a variety "I media
"Simply Apples" anti Sim
ply Apples 2' are i rented using
oils and ink wasti to form the
still images
Deluge also displays works
w ith t hart oal and t ut papei
1 at h ai 11st part a iputing in
this exhibit offers the vieuei a
unique appoint ti to inteipref
ing the worhl around them
The works are intriguing m
then quality and in their sub
jet 1 matter
The HI A show w ill lie on
displ.w in the I Ml' (alien for
the remainder ol the term
JOO Efti Memorial Union • 146 4.1HI
• Typesetting
• Paste- Up/Layout
• Design/Consultation
• PMT's/Transparencies