A&K Fine arts candidates’ work on display in EMU By Julie Decker £mcrald C'onlr >, I m versitv Hai liclor of l ino Arts stubnots The .tnnii.tl HI A show brings llio I.iloiit within tin' I’nivrrsilv ili'p.irlmi'iit to tile public s .it tnntion Review Various artists |oiu tom'lbet to offiT an i-xhibit of miM'tl mi di.i and nii\ril sub|i't t matti'i that ch.illcnni' tin- pert I'ptions and toasi' the srlisrs llnahrrni Wahab displays "Planus and Plain's from " rim Hook ( )t'.' a Imok about Ills jiasl Wahab drsi rilx's bis past as onti that is gone so far awns now that it almost stifius likn a diffcri'iit lift'll mi' in somi'oni' eise's Iilf span \\ .1 hat) livid m Afganistan and (fills uf "a place so df'vas I.ili'd and destroyed by war that lor the 111v;11 al sifI• ■ of me none ol these sweet memom s make sense The stories and images of I’lanes and I’lanes speak to t lie v fewer with Iears and hopes They depit t nightmares and memories hut maintain a dominant theme of sun ival I wrote tills hook so that I won’t lose tom h with that time of ms life and the life of ins I on nil \ lietore the wai started tearing us apart W aliah said 1 w