Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 21, 1990, Page 9, Image 9

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Continued from Page 8
administrators also seem to ills
i mirage women from returning
to college. kudur.i said she
in.i\ have hi i'il ilt’iili-iI admis
sion to a doctoral program In1
i arise stir is an older student.
Who knows what went on
in !hr (let isniii iliak illi; proi ess.
but another woman who was
older and applied didn't get in
and I did not get in." kudiira
I know some ot the t(linking
tended Roiisell's group. she
said talking w 1111 other women
is import,ml
These people i an give sou
strokes t, h gelt mg an \ on a pa
per she s.iul Your kills pisl
look al von like ‘Yeah No
Hies don l understand svh.it an
\ in i oliege means
Hut klldllla noted that slip
port groups don't alwass ssuik
(or these students
I tried to d«i a support group
tor single parents hut it jus!
didn't work because ingle par
nils don't have time to go to
groups. she said
‘These women hove it
what with their studie:
sometimes jobs.'
really tough,
s', kids and
I,iz Sumnor
Ih;it w,is m>jnu mi v\that we
were a 1 most .it llii’ age vvhere
the\ were Irving to gel their
I,u 11! t v to I a k i • earh retirement
I'm not sons th.it it hap
peued lli.il wa\ in thf long
run sliu addl'd "But I tori
like that kind of thinking m.i\
hu going on .is I a i .is gr.idu.Bus
go. .mil I don’t think th.it’s
t.iu she said
1 tow ever. k udut'.i suid she
li.is never felt out of plat e .it the
l' n i vers i t \ '11 know some
women are verv ( onsi ions of it
.mil I ill ink it's their im n sell
i oust iQtisness so proh.iblv
I lies need help v\ it h that
Women students i .in boost
their sell esteems In joining
support groups and talking
with other women about their
common trials l.aura Kousell is
a graduate teat liing fellow who
leads such a group tor women
over ta through the Women's
t .enter
''Bet nose they re sharing
common problems indet isions
and struggles thes realize that
otliet women are struggling
too Kousell said
I’nsith e strokes
Although Sumnei hasn't at
I-or reluming students
t here s so much pressure in
managing vour lime that .is
mm h .is Iiie\ need .support do
ing thdl through one more
meeting isn't helpful, hudura
I iespile all the dlltn uilies
and frustrations w ith going
liai.k to siliool. most women
sin k it out hudura said
"When vou're a returning
student there's almost tills
added pressure ol wanting to
improve vour situation to get
off \\ elt.lle Ol hav e mole |ol> se
eurity." slie s.ml
Part of that is wanting to be
able to gel a |ob w lien you get
out. but part of that is also en
joying the profess of edut a
t ion hudura said
I hese uomen sik k with it
bet ause they have a goal They
want to get an eduiation and
get a degree so the\ i an do
something they want to do
Sumner said
These women w ho are bat k
in si liool are working really
hard and they have oy en time
obstai les othei students just
i an t understand
Woman graduates continue
to earn less than men earn
{(d’N| Ft'mil If col logit gr.it I
Hales earn loss monos than men
who hast* finished unis high
st lit ml savs a Stanford I nis ei
sits rescan her
(lollege-edtn aletl women iui
lionsvide earnt'il an average ot
SJs .4 m l‘)H7 which high
st hool t'tlni ated men made
$27..’*1.1 the same sear, said the
Women's Resean h and I tint a
lion Institute, a Washington
l)( hasetl non profit organi/a
Stanlord I insersils resean li
er Deborah Rhode who an
thored the section on gender
t‘t|ualils lor the report titled
"The American Woman
HtMfl 01 " sper ulated tile rea
son lot the disparity is licit
mans women are still tom etc
trated in traditionalls lower
paying |obs. tiragging down the
average salats
Most high ranking jobs in
professional fields are still
tilled In mi'll. Khiiilr said
In i it In■ i graduate |uli pi.ii e
mi'iit nrnvs tin- (lollege I’1.11 ••
nii'iit (limiii il ri'piirti'il tli.it al
though employers arc offering
fewer lulls tu graduating simiors
than last spring, they an* pay
ing tin* people thin do hire
in all. must starting salaries
are up about i . percent uvei
last year, which just almul i um
(lensates for tire rise in the con
sinner pin i index, the ntajoi
gauge ut inflation, over the
\ear. said Dawn Oberman. ( d‘(!
spi ikesw olll.ill
laigineering majors once
again .ire getting the highest
starting salaries among buche
lor s degree earners this spring
reported the ( l'l . whii !i sur
\eyed 1JH i aniplis pi.a ement
off il es to litld out tile sal.UA ol
lers made to 1'IH'I no graduates
from last September through
March 10
5>tl~c*tc:rl your dollars
h\ using i mi|mns from
•'> the Oregon Daily Hmerald.
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Plmt.i In St.
I.i/ Sumner tries In tintI .1 s math time .is possible In sprint with her tbihlren. hut i.irrvini; .1
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