Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 21, 1990, Image 1

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    Monday. May 21. 1990 Eugene. Oregon Volume 91. Issue 156
Oregon Daily
While spring's fair urather
signals good times tor hi< yi lists,
it mav also bring more bit yele at
( ulents. a( cording to area public
s,det\ stall.
Sn/.i I lunter. (iflite of Public
Saleh officer, says the worst
problem areas on i arnpus exist
where hie vt lists ignore postings
to dismount m breeze ways and
on sidewalks btisv with pedestri
an traffic .
See stem . Page 7
On Campus
Vankee Samurai a film about
the internment ot Japanese Amer
ic alls during World U ar II will
be show n tonight at 7 in the I.Mt
Hen I.indrr Room as part ol the
YW( '.A’s film series on rat ial |us
See Id Ms. Page 4
The Oregon men used a strong
show mg Saturday to beat I'( f.A
and give coat h Hill Dellinger his
fourth Pac it it It) c hampionship
in the c onterenc e finals, held
nvei the weekend 111 Seattle
The 1 tuck w omen also did
well, coming in sec ond behind
the I'(:i.A Hruins
See stories, Pages 11 and 12
Hrian ( alien
Ram tuda\. w 11It highs
f>u Shoui'is tonight and
da\ with locaI thundei • t
and highs near t>0
Reservation system planned
Rhetoric majors won't face pre-registration woes
By Dan Eisler
Waiting .ill night in pie legistialion
lines lui rhetoric .uni i niTimunir.ilurn
I kisses i mild lie .1 thing ol Ihf past ll ,1
new < nurse ri'snrv.itiuu system tor tall
term winks
"Students don't need to spend the
night m Vill.ird I kill in line Im 1 lasses
they 1 mi l gel into said ( and\
\l<iizels rhelnrit peer .id\ isei and . ..
1 oordiiiiitor tor the new trial system
Based on the total immbet ot an 11 mu
kited academe credits, rhetorit majors
with senior standing will receive first
prmnt\ tollowed bv majors with an an
standing and rlletorii minors
To reserve 1 lasses students must turn
Hi reservation forms to peer advisers in
the rhetoru department at Komn 2 It*
Vdlard between H a m itid I ill p m
Tuesday through Thursday
Students tan write down the two
t lasses they want along with two alter
nale selci lions said Mamie Havtei
rlietoru peei adviser and former r.oordi
nalor tor the sv stem
Students should return to the depart
menl after Memorial l)a\ to pick up
then si lied 11 les M.u/els said
It sludi nts limi t return the form dm
mg the reservation period, thev r annot
(ire register
It V\e get a turm late it s going to
si leu everything up Then you'll have
to take v*»ur rhantes at Mar tourt,'
M.o/els said referring to the l aliversi
I\ s ‘4.md.tr<l 11■ s•.i■,11,1111>11 inside Mi Ai
thtu ( unit ,il thr beginning ol each
(.rudliate students .mil students who
have taken a term oil might not lie on
the peel advising office's list hut peel
advisers will ai a ept furins during the
reservation [leriiul and find nut ai i mini
I,ited i iedit totals (rum Oregon Hall lei
‘students claiming to be undnigiadu
ates including nowK dei lared riiu)urs.
who are not on the peer advising ot
lu e s list need a note from department
serretuic ( darn e |eppetisen that ill
i hides tin'll total mimbei ot i redlts
No depaitment offerings have been
Turn t RHETORIC. Page 11>
The struggle to do it all
i - -f-- -.,*^.-*11
Phttlti \t\ Sir \ r ( Jt tl
\tter I i/ Sumner /inks up her daughter lenm
Iron) do i tore. •.he ll he able to tell her bon slit'
dill in s< hool tod.n Sumner is one ol .1 ijrimiiii;
number ol older nomen students .it the I Diver
sit \ .
Returning to
school after \
30 isn 't easy
By Denise Clifton
In-li uutors .lie ii mil ol telling
-.Indents t till I mi I.ill' assign
ments ijr 11 i.ikt- iip exams will
lit- accepted nil .111v occasion,
I'M I• p 1 (losslhl V tnl ill',it Ii
Hut uh.it u nu111 Ihi■ \ 1111 it
mu' ut tin'll students missed ,ui
exam Ht'i .him' lii'i grandi lnlil
was lini n '’
\|i|iiiii'iltlv tin' professors
unulii In' roinptivo ai cording
to t'niversity junior l.iz Sum
hit who Ix•! .mu' a grnndmoih
ri during midlttrms fall term
I wiirni'd mv instructors
that I might miss a midterm,
and sun' enough I did.'' she
said l lie (irotessui was realk
( )h almiit It It w as just a mallei
nl letting It he known 111 ad
vain e
higgling classes with taiiuh
matters is just nne strain n! he
ing a w niiian nvei ill w ho is il
luming In si honl, Sumner said
These women have it reallv
tough what with their studies.
Turn to STRUGGLE, Page 8
WIT offers support for women
Women ui Transition offers a vane
ty of support services tor women l.o
i ateil in tin* Women's Center. Suite I
I NI! WIT provides support groups
to discuss spec die topics and issues
ot concern For information on .inv ot
these servii es i all W1 I .it 14ti 4(lti‘l
Here is a listing of what is available
• (.eneral support groups open to all
women are conducted weekly, issues
ranging from self esteem to power
and relationships are dist ussed
• Ail older women's support group
is .open to all women ,C> years old or
older 1 areei goals, i hanging rela
tionships and families are topics ot
disi ussion
• “Let's talk'’ voting women's sup
port group (overs issues ranging
from personal identity to ai udeinii
• Life choices support group is de
signed tor women considering im
portant dei isions about their lives
Pregnancy and adoption issues are
• A women's sexuality identity
group n. open to women ipiestmuing
then lesbianism or bisexuality St.irt
ing relationships and homophobia
are among the points of discussion
• An ar< hitei ture and allied arts
Turn to WOMEN. Page 8
forces cut
in budget
By Stephanie Holland
Costs im.tim'd from giving
fret1 measles stints lust ti*rm .mil
rising l.u ult\ s.il.nil's next vimi
have prompted llii' Stuili'iil
I ir.lllh ( rlllrr to i ill li.ii k
l lir health i i'iiti'1 has ili'i id
.si not to replai i' .1 pin xii i.in's
position .uni .1 grmlii.itc leni h
mg li'llow s position
In .icicl it ion, till- lii'.ilth > on
tin s 'Well Now" inserts th.it
appear in tin• (Irriion I).itl\ t in
rruld to ediuate students on
lii'.ilth issues v\ ill .ippe.ir mu e n
term i.idler than twu e a term,
said Robert Petit, mod teal ad
uiiiustraliir. on I i id.n
Spending S tun.(ton on tlie
measles llioi II lat ions ( o 111
limed w itti rising tai uItv sala
lies, led the bealtb i enter to i ut
some positions for next veur
sale I III |. i lues | .ti k son d llei tin
ot the health i elilei
In an effort to balani e the
ilea it li i entei s budget a ret 11
mg general prai I it loner u In i
spei i.di/es in spoils medu.ine
will in it he repliii ed |•■( kson
|.n kson said <itliei plnsii ians
at the health i entei with Spur Is
iiieilK me knowledge w ill as
siime the retiring dm tor's du
\\ hell Mill look at all ill I lie
d 111 i're lit ex pend it u I es there
ale some that you i (loose to le
dill e and there ale some X oil
don t Petit said
h inline I I auk . direi tor ot the
i entei s health edmation said
she del idl'd to i III a ( 1 TI s po
itlon next \ear to help balani e
the budget
Pile health i enter del idl'd to
eliminate positions next year
that would least aflei t the
quulitx ot servile til students
I rank said
■We're lust Irving to be i nst
etlii 'ent and i ost etle’i tile
lai kson said
Tun ' CUTS. P.u;e 'C