Monday. May 21. 1990 Eugene. Oregon Volume 91. Issue 156 Oregon Daily Emerald Briefly While spring's fair urather signals good times tor hi< yi lists, it mav also bring more bit yele at ( ulents. a( cording to area public s,det\ stall. Sn/.i I lunter. (iflite of Public Saleh officer, says the worst problem areas on i arnpus exist where hie vt lists ignore postings to dismount m breeze ways and on sidewalks btisv with pedestri an traffic . See stem . Page 7 On Campus Vankee Samurai a film about the internment ot Japanese Amer ic alls during World U ar II will be show n tonight at 7 in the I.Mt Hen I.indrr Room as part ol the YW( '.A’s film series on rat ial |us tice See Id Ms. Page 4 Sports The Oregon men used a strong show mg Saturday to beat I'( f.A and give coat h Hill Dellinger his fourth Pac it it It) c hampionship in the c onterenc e finals, held nvei the weekend 111 Seattle The 1 tuck w omen also did well, coming in sec ond behind the I'(:i.A Hruins See stories, Pages 11 and 12 Hrian ( alien Weather Ram tuda\. w 11It highs f>u Shoui'is tonight and da\ with locaI thundei • t and highs near t>0 near lues nrtns Reservation system planned Rhetoric majors won't face pre-registration woes By Dan Eisler Waiting .ill night in pie legistialion lines lui rhetoric .uni i niTimunir.ilurn I kisses i mild lie .1 thing ol Ihf past ll ,1 new < nurse ri'snrv.itiuu system tor tall term winks "Students don't need to spend the night m Vill.ird I kill in line Im 1 lasses they 1 mi l gel into said ( and\ \l11 inside Mi Ai thtu ( unit ,il thr beginning ol each term (.rudliate students .mil students who have taken a term oil might not lie on the peel advising office's list hut peel advisers will ai a ept furins during the reservation [leriiul and find nut ai i mini I,ited i iedit totals (rum Oregon Hall lei mils ‘students claiming to be undnigiadu ates including nowK dei lared riiu)urs. who are not on the peer advising ot lu e s list need a note from department serretuic ( darn e |eppetisen that ill i hides tin'll total mimbei ot i redlts No depaitment offerings have been Turn t RHETORIC. Page 11> The struggle to do it all i - -f-- -.,*^.-*11 Phttlti \t\ Sir \ r ( Jt tl \tter I i/ Sumner /inks up her daughter lenm Iron) do i tore. •.he ll he able to tell her bon slit' dill in s< hool tod.n Sumner is one ol .1 ijrimiiii; number ol older nomen students .it the I Diver sit \ . Returning to school after \ 30 isn 't easy By Denise Clifton In-li uutors .lie ii mil ol telling -.Indents t till I mi I.ill' assign ments ijr 11 i.ikt- iip exams will lit- accepted nil .111v occasion, I'M I• p 1 (losslhl V tnl ill',it Ii Hut u nu111 Ihi■ \ 1111 it mu' ut tin'll students missed ,ui exam Ht'i .him' lii'i grandi lnlil was lini n '’ \|i|iiiii'iltlv tin' professors unulii In' roinptivo ai cording to t'niversity junior l.iz Sum hit who Ix•! .mu' a grnndmoih ri during midlttrms fall term 1'IHH I wiirni'd mv instructors that I might miss a midterm, and sun' enough I did.'' she said l lie (irotessui was realk ( )h almiit It It w as just a mallei nl letting It he known 111 ad vain e higgling classes with taiiuh matters is just nne strain n! he ing a w niiian nvei ill w ho is il luming In si honl, Sumner said These women have it reallv tough what with their studies. Turn to STRUGGLE, Page 8 ______ I WIT offers support for women Women ui Transition offers a vane ty of support services tor women l.o i ateil in tin* Women's Center. Suite I I NI! WIT provides support groups to discuss spec die topics and issues ot concern For information on .inv ot these servii es i all W1 I .it 14ti 4(lti‘l Here is a listing of what is available • (.eneral support groups open to all women are conducted weekly, issues ranging from self esteem to power and relationships are dist ussed • Ail older women's support group is .open to all women ,C> years old or older 1 areei goals, i hanging rela tionships and families are topics ot disi ussion • “Let's talk'’ voting women's sup port group (overs issues ranging from personal identity to ai udeinii concerns • Life choices support group is de signed tor women considering im portant dei isions about their lives Pregnancy and adoption issues are covered • A women's sexuality identity group n. open to women ipiestmuing then lesbianism or bisexuality St.irt ing relationships and homophobia are among the points of discussion • An ar< hitei ture and allied arts Turn to WOMEN. Page 8 Epidemic treatment forces cut in budget By Stephanie Holland Costs im.tim'd from giving fret1 measles stints lust ti*rm .mil rising l.u ult\'s next vimi have prompted llii' Stuili'iil I ir.lllh ( rlllrr to i ill li.ii k l lir health i i'iiti'1 has ili'i id .si not to replai i' .1 pin xii's position .uni .1 grmlii.itc leni h mg li'llow s position In .icicl it ion, till- lii'.ilth > on tin s 'Well Now" inserts appear in tin• (Irriion I).itl\ t in rruld to ediuate students on lii'.ilth issues v\ ill mu e n term i.idler than twu e a term, said Robert Petit, mod teal ad uiiiustraliir. on I i id.n Spending S tun.(ton on tlie measles llioi II lat ions ( o 111 limed w itti rising tai uItv sala lies, led the bealtb i enter to i ut some positions for next veur sale I III |. i lues | .ti k son d llei tin ot the health i elilei In an effort to balani e the ilea it li i entei s budget a ret 11 mg general prai I it loner u In i spei i.di/es in spoils medu.ine will in it he repliii ed |•■( kson said |.n kson said