Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 17, 1990, Page 6, Image 6

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Chi I’si fraternity will he one ot many build inti* declared historically sii(nilh:ant il the Millrace
is classified as a historii district.
may earn histone title
Option causes controversy
By Sheri Metzler
/ mr'jij Contributor
Walk north along Alder or
Hilyard Streets from rumpus
ami vou will find the Millrace
a waterway th.it nowadays
looks more like an eyesore than
a historii part ot the West I'm
versity Neighborhood
The 1 listoru Rev lew Hoard
and Planning Commission is
asking the City ot Kugenc to
eonsidet establishing a historii
district foi the Millrai e and
surrounding buildings Ihe
houndai ies ot this district
would stretch from I'tunklin
Boulevard south to f 12th
Avenue and would encompass
all of the buildings in the area
Mike Shellenbarger chair ot
the I listoru Review Hoard foi
the ( Its ot laigene said the
Millrai e deserves to be de
i hired a historii distrii I
It was dug before the stage
coach arrived, before steam
boats arrived and 20 years be
tore the lust train came to Ku
gene." Shellenbarger said 'It
was built 2Ti years before Death
Hall which started the whole
I niversity
It the i itv makes this region
into a historii distrii t it is like
ly to iin reuse the i bailees tor
other historii distrii ts to he es
tablished Shellenbarger said
However there is opposition
to the establishment ol a histor
it district, primarily bet a use to
change ans of the buildings in
the /one would require approv
al trom the llistorit Res less
Hoard Shellenbarger sass fit)
pert out ol the properts osvners
m the area nilisl give then i on
sent before the i its t an at tualls
t ie.ite <i distill I
Northwest Christian College
is one property OSS net that does
not ssanl to bet ome part ol the
district |anjes Woinaik. presi
dent ol \( ( said the atiminis
(ration is not opposed to the
histom preservation ot the
Militate, hut it does not ssanl
its buildings 70 pelt ent ot
ss hit h net ups the area 111 qties
110(1. to he tlei lared historic
it took tls tit) s ears to at ( 11
Ululate the properts sse are noss
on and sse sv.int to redevelop it
svith fat ilities appropriate to a
tail lege t a ill pus U'nmai k
Womack said the preserva
tion ot the Millrat e itself is not
<in issue ss ith N( it i
We have alssass assumed
the Millrat e svould he there
We're perfectly willing to pre
sers the Millrat e." he s.ud
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Catalogues can be found inside today's Emerald
insert and on bulletin boards around campus.
Millrace is an important part ot
the history of Kugene.
"It's not just a ditch with vva
ter in it." he said, adding that
it could he some time before
the city makes a decision about
making the area a historic dis
trit t
The Millrace has a colorful
history It was built in I8r>l by
Hilvurd Shave and Avery Smith
<is a w<it<-r power source for in
tilistriiiI development and irri
Ker re.it in na I use of f he
Millrei e began \\ ith n e skating
in ltifta followed bv the pupti
l.i111\ ot boating and canoeing
I he area around it bet .line a
fashionable pint e to 11\ u ai
i ordmg lo a l atv of Tugene
pamphlet entitled "West I'm
\ ei sity Nelghbi il hood
In 1‘I27 a flood i aused major
damage to the Millrace \1
though it was repaired, elec
tliiltv and automobiles weie
now available and the main
fu net ions of the waterway
i eased liv the t950s the
Millrace was partly covered
and fell into disrepair
In recent years, there have
been some efforts to clean up
the Millrace Meanwhile I in
versitv students, Kugene resi
dents and area visitors continue
using the waterway for recren
tioiial purposes.
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