Musique Gourmet Catering to the Discriminating Collector CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED CLASSICAL MUSIC A OPERA ON COMPACT DISC CD s FROM $5 95 CLASSIC FILMS ON VIDEO LASERDISC NEW LOCATION In the Fitthpearl Building ?07 E 'ith Avenue OPEN 7 DAYS 343-9000 Eugene's westside neighborhood cate, fea turing home baked breads and desserts. Mexican, vegetarian, and meat entrees Good food at a reasonable price Weekend Dinner Special— Friday & Saturday Manicotti, green salad, garlic bread.$4.75 W 5th at Lawrence 7 a m to 9 p m Mon-Sat 7 a rn to 2 p m Sundays Breakfast til 2 p m Community Pholo b\ Sim < r«l Chi I’si fraternity will he one ot many build inti* declared historically sii(nilh:ant il the Millrace is classified as a historii district. may earn histone title Option causes controversy By Sheri Metzler / mr'jij Contributor Walk north along Alder or Hilyard Streets from rumpus ami vou will find the Millrace a waterway nowadays looks more like an eyesore than a historii part ot the West I'm versity Neighborhood The 1 listoru Rev lew Hoard and Planning Commission is asking the City ot Kugenc to eonsidet establishing a historii district foi the Millrai e and surrounding buildings Ihe houndai ies ot this district would stretch from I'tunklin Boulevard south to f 12th Avenue and would encompass all of the buildings in the area Mike Shellenbarger chair ot the I listoru Review Hoard foi the ( Its ot laigene said the Millrai e deserves to be de i hired a historii distrii I It was dug before the stage coach arrived, before steam boats arrived and 20 years be tore the lust train came to Ku gene." Shellenbarger said 'It was built 2Ti years before Death Hall which started the whole I niversity It the i itv makes this region into a historii distrii t it is like ly to iin reuse the i bailees tor other historii distrii ts to he es tablished Shellenbarger said However there is opposition to the establishment ol a histor it district, primarily bet a use to change ans of the buildings in the /one would require approv al trom the llistorit Res less Hoard Shellenbarger sass fit) pert out ol the properts osvners m the area nilisl give then i on sent before the i its t an at tualls t ie.ite l by Hilvurd Shave and Avery Smith