Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 17, 1990, Page 5, Image 5

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Wroth ( in If (mils the Global I'artnrri' booth during (hr lirsl ila\ ol (hr Slrrrl I an
Fair offers welcomed break
By Alice Thornton
Providing students .1 muc ii
needed break from midterm
.mil pre tinals stress, local art
ists, diets, merchants and mu
sicians have gathered in the
middle of < ampus to sell their
wares at the ASt'O sponsored
Street 1-air this week
I he Street t air, looking like
a miniature version of Saturday
Market, is an annual event that
tias drawn mam regular ven
dors from tile downtown mar
Students c an enjin food from
all over the world simph In
strolling down 11th Avenue
tiermim sausage, pizza spring
rolls, and Inirritos join a host ot
olhei delta table treats and pro
vide a tempting aroma to stu
dents as the\ pass between
Further down the street veil
dors sell jew e I r \ 1 sti i rl s
plants, tir (Heel items, and nth
er clothing Wednesday s heal!
tiful weather helped attrait
many students to the various
(rule Sonneborn a veteran
Street lair vendoi Mine KIKti
and a veiuloi at Saturdav Mar
ket for tile past three tears said
the lai k ot rain should help
business for the vendors
"1 think it s rained at least
one dav at everv Street Fair I've
been at Snnnebnrn said
Standing behind a table lull
ol c oloriul beads and imported
jevvelrv Snnnebnrn said he
looks forward to the opportuni
tv to i onie to the i anipus I lis
booth .it the Street lull' pro
tides good advertising for the
shop that lie ow ns dow ntovv 11
I i an sit here for three day s
and get good exposure to a lot
ot students' he sa id "It’s
great I look forward to it everv
Soiineborn said he is able to
'.i'll imported goods .11 ihr
St rod lair Ills booth .it S.itm
day M.irkel most i onsisl iit Ins
own blind mailf goods
Hu- Stiff! I air is more like
,i fir,i market in that rnspei I
hr said
( ieorge ( ollillgwood, a food
vendor, boasted that Ins goods
are made entirely b\ band t .ol
Iingvvood, the ou tlet ot the
budge I .a torv . has sold his
old fashtoned Iudge at the
Street lait lot the past three
y ears
( 'ollillgwood has had a booth
at Saturday Market tor four
years I le said there are usually
more people at the Street I air
than at Saturday Matket
Surprisingly. its much
hurdei to sell here than at Sat
unlay Market, he said. t ol
lege kids sure know how to
spend money hut they also
know how to hold onto it
Hearing held on student code
By Dan Eisler
Emerald Reporter
t'niversitv students faculty <ui<l administrators
gave input on proposed < lianges to the Student
( .'undue t ( aide at a public hearing U ednestia\
the proposals included several code amend
ments attend reorganizing student conduct trdiu
mils and appeals boards In addition, one propos
al asked that unwanted sexual attention be estab
lisheii as an offense subjei t to dixi iplinarv ai lion
The offense rule amendment proposed bv the
Student Conduit Committee defines unwanted
sexual attention as sexual attention when a rea
suitable person would know that it was unwanted
and would expect tb.it such behavior would
i ause siguifii ant emotional distress on 1 aiiversitv
property or at I hriversitv sponsored or supers ised
ai tivities
The committee i arefullv rev ievved the proposed
amendment's wording, said committee i hairman
I red Merrill
“Although it might fie covered III an existing
section of the code and the problem needs to
be addressed separatelv be said
One student however, expressed concern over
what he i onsidcred vague wording in the amend
It should be interpreted as dealing with a< turn
itsell not speech and expression said t niversi
tv student Colin Fieri e "It may be improper to
legislate this issue
Marlene Drescher. direi tor of the Offii ■ ■ of Slu
dent Advocacy. also expressed coni, in over uu
i le.tr wording.
"It (mild lie challenged successions on the
(list (irosei ulion. either tor vagueness or uni on
stitutnmalitv she said
Dresi her also proposed that the word sigitili
cant" he either deleted in the amendment or add
ed to the i ode's existing harassment sei tion "It's
tint tear ss hv a higher point must be required
In addition. Dreschei and Mars Acer director
ol Project Saleride riuestioned the amendment s
limited jurisdiction I lies noted that most inci
dents ot sexual harassment o< i nr oil i .impus
I he limitations on the I'niversitv's regulation
ot student c oirdin t ott campus eta ompasses a leg
,n \ ot student at tivism from the late 1‘ttitls and
early t*»70s. said Klame Creen. University assis
taut dean ol students tor student affair-.
"What that means is generally we don't leel we
have the authority to regulate behavior oil cant
pus and don't (been said I he i ondm t code
can t reac h out and solve what is a serious prob
lem m our sot iety
| he Student Conduct Committee also deter
mined that the rules governing the tribunals and
appeals hoards operated independently be resi
dent e halls and the greek system are cumbersome
and ciittit ult to understand said Muriel lackson,
assistant s n e president tor administration
"Approximately six and one halt out of IJ
pages of the code are detailed provisions relating
to tribunals governing offenses in those units and
gener.illv don't apple to other students.' Merrill
The rules will go into effect only after being
tiled w ith the (fregon Secret are of State's offii e
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