University Photo to \ iin » Kiimitr.' Wroth ( in If (mils the Global I'artnrri' booth during (hr lirsl ila\ ol (hr Slrrrl I an Fair offers welcomed break By Alice Thornton Providing students .1 muc ii needed break from midterm .mil pre tinals stress, local art ists, diets, merchants and mu sicians have gathered in the middle of < ampus to sell their wares at the ASt'O sponsored Street 1-air this week I he Street t air, looking like a miniature version of Saturday Market, is an annual event that tias drawn mam regular ven dors from tile downtown mar ket Students c an enjin food from all over the world simph In strolling down 11th Avenue tiermim sausage, pizza spring rolls, and Inirritos join a host ot olhei delta table treats and pro vide a tempting aroma to stu dents as the\ pass between classes Further down the street veil dors sell jew e I r \ 1 sti i rl s plants, tir (Heel items, and nth er clothing Wednesday s heal! tiful weather helped attrait many students to the various booths (rule Sonneborn a veteran Street lair vendoi Mine KIKti and a veiuloi at Saturdav Mar ket for tile past three tears said the lai k ot rain should help business for the vendors "1 think it s rained at least one dav at everv Street Fair I've been at Snnnebnrn said Standing behind a table lull ol c oloriul beads and imported jevvelrv Snnnebnrn said he looks forward to the opportuni tv to i onie to the i anipus I lis booth .it the Street lull' pro tides good advertising for the shop that lie ow ns dow ntovv 11 I i an sit here for three day s and get good exposure to a lot ot students' he sa id "It’s great I look forward to it everv veal Soiineborn said he is able to '.i'll imported goods .11 ihr St rod lair Ills booth .it S.itm day M.irkel most i onsisl iit Ins own blind mailf goods Hu- Stiff! I air is more like ,i fir,i market in that rnspei I hr said ( ieorge ( ollillgwood, a food vendor, boasted that Ins goods are made entirely b\ band t .ol Iingvvood, the ou tlet ot the budge I .a torv . has sold his old fashtoned Iudge at the Street lait lot the past three y ears ( 'ollillgwood has had a booth at Saturday Market tor four years I le said there are usually more people at the Street I air than at Saturday Matket Surprisingly. its much hurdei to sell here than at Sat unlay Market, he said. t ol lege kids sure know how to spend money hut they also know how to hold onto it Hearing held on student code By Dan Eisler Emerald Reporter t'niversitv students faculty \ /,*• • H' i lAity • M. ;»•' * 1 • 343 1**88 _ ’OA H f nQtirit.’ .