Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 16, 1990, Page 5, Image 5

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    I niversitv
Portland hosts international conference
Oregon chancellor Bartlett to speak
country slit* ><ini It s a good
pi.ii t> to make c i'nt.11 t.s .uni it
pri'Vuli*s .1 support system lot
11111 who hopes to hi' in
Vnlvi'd III foreign stiuli'nt .ulvis
ing .i111■ r graduation. s.iul she
will .itti'iid workshops iid.iti'd
to !u>r fitdii
I'm hoping to Ir.irn .ihout
111Hi'ii'nt opportunities in ovi'i
NISIS I'diu .it II 111 sill' S.llli
Workshops will In-Ip .idvisits
.mil Iitii hi-rs understand tho
i urrtTit events th.it have .i huge
imp.let on tori*igu study pm
grams Hill said adding that
part ii ipauts will In- aide In
Itsini about education systems
III lithe! l outlines
By Alice Thornton
t nn^.Hd Reporter
A group ot I'niversiK stu
dtuits and liif ull\ along u ith
morn than 2.II0U delegates and
speakers t rum 'ill over I lie
world will gather in Portland
this work for an international
odiu at ion i onferem e
I he i onlereru e is the 42nd
annual gathering of the Nation
al Association lor foreign Stu
dent Allans
The purpose ot the confer
once is to address the < hanging
environment for international
educators and administrators
I’artii ipants will he discussing
rot amt t hanges in thf world
and thmr impat t on interna
t nmal film at ion
More than 180 workshops
will expound upon thf the mo
ot Budding Knvironments foi
Inlornational 1 lompete m o
Krnost I. Boyer prosidont ol
tho f larnegie Foundation tor tin*
AiK.iiii fulfill ot I'fai hing and
a senior follow at I’rint oton
I'niversity's Woodrow Wilson
S< liool. will delivet tin- ke\
nutr address
I'homas B.irtlett, i Ii.uk ellor
nl the Oregon State System ol
11 ig htir thl in at ion will also
(iliervl Mill, a senior major
iiiv; in derm.in ami Si andmavi
an languages said the i onlei
eni e oilers ,m opportunity loi
foreign student advisers to
meet and dlsi uss issues and
problems related to their field
I Idle I ontereiK e| is a net
work tor people in iiiternalion
a 1 edui a110n all aims- the
Police Beat
The follow ing is .1 li,'l "I
i am pus area c nmcs taken from
(MTiee ill Puhlii S,ih*t\ ami l u
gent' Polite I)t•[>.«rtniiMit reports
htMween M.n I .mil \la\ ! I
• OPS <urested a suI>ji■ < t in tin
knight l.ihrarv on Mav I I after
responding to lihrar\ employee
complaints that the stibiei I was
causing a dislurbaiu e on tile
sei ond II001 I'be snbjei t in
sulted the arresting olfii er and
loudK demanded to know tile
identities ot the 1 omplainants
hetore heing taken to jail
• Id’ll 1 it' d tw n Spillei dm m
residents I01 unlawful (Hisses
sum ot maiijuana ot! campus
oil Ma\ !
I-!PI) plainclothes officers ob
served two white in,lies ap
primi h <i car in the .ire.i of 1 ith
Avenue and Alder Street and
overheard one subject arrang
ing to purchase drugs frirUl the
1 he silbjei ts walked together
to the I S Hank parking lot at
Hit)! I 1th Ave and entered a
pii kup trie k A tew minutes
later, approai lung k.PI 1 otfii ers
observed the subjea t smoking
from a jiipe w hit h turned nit
to he marijuana
1- PI) seized about one gram of
marijuana a wooden pipe and
SI •; I in i ash
• ( H*S . ited i u‘i!. i t lot being
,i minor in possession and ties
Ii.t -s11114 on I'lmcrsils property
on Mas I-1 I in* sublet t ss in 1
was 1 u>1 a l hiiversits student
Incd tn flee u hen approached
ii\ ()I’S at tin' e.isl side- nl the
I'dm atkm building, and briefly
struggled a11*• 1 being i aught
• t )(“• 1 itnl Ini' IraiiMei 1!
I inveisity Inn lur drinking mi
utllii eused premises on Mas
1 I
• Isl’l I l lied I U I ill ■ ' S
resident fur c.ultivatlon "I mat 1
piana 1111 Mas 4 Ol'H informed
!■ I’ll alter ret eivtlig til am ms
mnus lip dial marijuana was
being grown hi tin- resident s
mi nn
I pun mseshgalMm, Kl’l) .mil
(IPS observed 10 11111 r■ 111, hi. i
pi.tills .mil I III***' pipes m tile
mum I I’D seized the propeils
and i ited the resident, ss lio s\ as
m the nmin al the time
• \ S I \ l . : ■ ; . e ! ■ .: . 1
leu hum the knight lalirais l"
111) I III Mas i There ss ere in .
signs id tori ed fill i s In I lie
lin ked i alimel hi \s tin h the
\ I II was stored and to svhn li
lini i kes s were missing
hike- stolen untie i * i i is ered
\ ii I < tiling With
Here & Nozv
in the 90's
Author ol 'BE HERE NOW" and"HOW CAN I HELP" ( with Paul Gorman)
MAY 23 7:30 PM
South Eugene High School Auditorium
S12 U of O Students $15 General Public
Tickets Available at Sundance Mercantile. Stargate EMU Main Desk. Peralandra Books & Music
Photo Credit:
Carl Studna
A Benefit For Seva Foundation
Having a garage sale? Get the word out with an ODE classified
300 ERB
rl()rcm<n Path- _