I niversitv Portland hosts international conference Oregon chancellor Bartlett to speak country slit* > to make c i'nt.11 t.s .uni it pri'Vuli*s .1 support system lot .idvisi'rs 11111 who hopes to hi' in Vnlvi'd III foreign stiuli'nt .ulvis ing .i111■ r graduation. s.iul she will .itti'iid workshops iid.iti'd to !u>r fitdii I'm hoping to Ir.irn .ihout 111Hi'ii'nt opportunities in ovi'i NISIS I'diu .it II 111 sill' S.llli Workshops will In-Ip .idvisits .mil Iitii hi-rs understand tho i urrtTit events th.it have .i huge imp.let on tori*igu study pm grams Hill said adding that part ii ipauts will In- aide In Itsini about education systems III lithe! l outlines By Alice Thornton t nn^.Hd Reporter A group ot I'niversiK stu dtuits and liif ull\ along u ith morn than 2.II0U delegates and speakers t rum 'ill over I lie world will gather in Portland this work for an international odiu at ion i onferem e I he i onlereru e is the 42nd annual gathering of the Nation al Association lor foreign Stu dent Allans The purpose ot the confer once is to address the < hanging environment for international educators and administrators I’artii ipants will he discussing rot amt t hanges in thf world and thmr impat t on interna t nmal film at ion More than 180 workshops will expound upon thf the mo ot Budding Knvironments foi Inlornational 1 lompete m o Krnost I. Boyer prosidont ol tho f larnegie Foundation tor tin* AiK.iiii fulfill ot I'fai hing and a senior follow at I’rint oton I'niversity's Woodrow Wilson S< liool. will delivet tin- ke\ nutr address I'homas B.irtlett, i Ii.uk ellor nl the Oregon State System ol 11 ig htir thl in at ion will also speak (iliervl Mill, a senior major iiiv; in derm.in ami Si andmavi an languages said the i onlei eni e oilers ,m opportunity loi foreign student advisers to meet and dlsi uss issues and problems related to their field I Idle I ontereiK e| is a net work tor people in iiiternalion a 1 edui a110n all aims- the Police Beat The follow ing is .1 li,'l "I i am pus area c nmcs taken from (MTiee ill Puhlii S,ih*t\ ami l u gent' Polite I)t•[>.«rtniiMit reports htMween M.n I .mil \la\ ! I • OPS ji■ < t in tin knight l.ihrarv on Mav I I after responding to lihrar\ employee complaints that the stibiei I was causing a dislurbaiu e on tile sei ond II001 I'be snbjei t in sulted the arresting olfii er and loudK demanded to know tile identities ot the 1 omplainants hetore heing taken to jail • Id’ll 1 it' d tw n Spillei dm m residents I01 unlawful (Hisses sum ot maiijuana ot! campus oil Ma\ ! I-!PI) plainclothes officers ob served two white in,lies ap primi h 1 a l hiiversits student Incd tn flee u hen approached ii\ ()I’S at tin' e.isl side- nl the I'dm atkm building, and briefly struggled a11*• 1 being i aught • t )(“• 1 itnl Ini' IraiiMei 1! I inveisity Inn lur drinking mi utllii eused premises on Mas 1 I • Isl’l I l lied I U I ill ■ ' S resident fur c.ultivatlon "I mat 1 piana 1111 Mas 4 Ol'H informed !■ I’ll alter ret eivtlig til am ms mnus lip dial marijuana was being grown hi tin- resident s mi nn I pun mseshgalMm, Kl’l) .mil (IPS observed 10 11111 r■ 111, hi. i pi.tills .mil I III***' pipes m tile mum I I’D seized the propeils and i ited the resident, ss lio s\ as m the nmin al the time • \ S I \ l . : ■ ; . e ! ■ .: . 1 leu hum the knight lalirais l" 111) I III Mas i There ss ere in . signs id tori ed fill i s In I lie lin ked i alimel hi \s tin h the \ I II was stored and to svhn li lini i kes s were missing • hike- stolen untie i * i i is ered THIS IS AN EMU CULTURAL FORUM PRODUCTION \ ii I < tiling With RAM DASS Here & Nozv in the 90's Author ol 'BE HERE NOW" and"HOW CAN I HELP" ( with Paul Gorman) MAY 23 7:30 PM South Eugene High School Auditorium S12 U of O Students $15 General Public Tickets Available at Sundance Mercantile. Stargate EMU Main Desk. Peralandra Books & Music Photo Credit: Carl Studna A Benefit For Seva Foundation Having a garage sale? Get the word out with an ODE classified CRADUATINC? NEED SOME CASH? OR COME INTO THE CLASSIFIED OFFICE ROOM 300 ERB MEMORIAL UNION OR UO BOOKSTORE OR EMU MAIN DESK. rl()rcm