Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 04, 1990, Page 10, Image 9

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Steeplechaser Lopez faces high expectations
Fulfills goal of running in Eugene
By Ashley ( nnklin
Emerald Sports Reporter
Sometimes in life you |usl know lh.it
somebody will end up in .1 < ertam situn
t ion
Oregon distant.e runner Danny l ope/
definitely fils ili.it hill. ,md considering
.ill the m ell.inns involved It would
have beeui surprising d he had ended up
any w here else
l ope/ a seuioi has ime.nine one of
the nation s best steeplet hasers undei
i oai 11 Mill Dellinger after spending Ins
first two seasons at (auitral Arizona
learning the rigors of the t non meter
e\ enl from (leorge Young
It was a lifelong goal of hope/ to i ome
to hugene and train under Dellinger
"It w as dream of mine to lamie luOre
gon suite it was the running i.apital of
the world at that time." hope/ said
hope/ said he rame to Oregon
through Dellinger "lie and (leorge
Young are pretty i lose friends and so
they were keeping in tom h on how I
was doing through my first year and my
so ond year
I he friendship between Dellinger and
Young goes bai k 10 years to when they
rvere teammates on the Pita) and l'llef
( llvnipic Teams
Dellinger won a bronze medal in the
> 000 meters in the Pl!>-f lokyo (..lines
d outlg also i ompeted in the lilt and
(lames and won a bronze medal in the
sleepier base in 1 utiH at Mexico ( Ity
Idle relationship between Dellinger
and Young and hope/ s goal to inn for
the Dmks aren't the only things that
brought hope/ to l lo gon though
In PIHT (lo gon s Dan Nelson won
the \( A \ Steepler base went on to
graduate and Dellinger knew he had to
find another steeplechaser
It was a priority tor iw Dellinger
said Danny was one ot the people we
looked at two years ago and knew we
Dellinger had high expectations for
hope/ after he won the national pinioi
college steeplei base title his freshman
vent and placed second his sophomore
He didn't disappoint last season los
mg only one e before the I’m itu III ( on
ferelice meet At the Idle 1(1 finals he
finished second to Washington State s
Marts Sim hi'in but ran a personal re
< uni of 8 • l
How. things didn't no as well at
thi' \< X meet m Provo. I 'tali
I In- Steepler hase final was run at
night and hope/. fell at (hr water jump
barriei v\ 11h thri'i' laps to go At the time
he was running third in the rai e al
though he <lid finish the rai e. he plai ed
a non si oring ! 1th
lie has eyesight problems and does
ill have very stood depth peneplain
Dellinger said "That rate vs.is run at
night and that makes it more dillu ult I
think he i ert.nnly would have si ored
"I was feeling pretlv good during the
rate hope/ said, "and I thought I had
a good shot of at least the top tour
It hurts he said, but that s some
tiling that happens and it i .in happen at
anv time
A fall over .1 harrier or into the water
pimp is not untummon and definitely
sets steeplei (lasers apart from other dis
tain e runners
It's a skilled event Dellinger said
"You have to not be afraid of the bar
riers if you knock it down or it knoi ks
you down You i an dislot ate a knee or
sutfei a broken leg
"It takes a certain amount of daring to
run the steeplechase he said
hope/ had the daring when he
showed up at Central Arizona but
found out he was alone in that regard
I got there and we had no steeple
chasers whatsoever and nobodv who
v\ anted to try the ev e 111 lie aid
hope/, kept asking Young about the
sleepier base during the tall and got hi
i ham e when ■spring; rolled around
lie told me |'d get m\ 1 ham e at the
test meet hope/, added. and so a
Week befoie the tirsl meet I started
working on the hurdles and that's how
it all started
Mils season hope/ Is looking for an
N't X \ title He has already qualified lor
a return trip to the \( AAs to be held 111
Durham N ( this year, with a time of
8 42 ta almost a month ago
Saturday s dual meet between Oregon
and Nebraska (amid Ire a preview of tin
\( A A steeplei base rai e
On hand will be the ( ornhuskeis' |oe
Photo h\ Sr«n Potion
Danny l.upez, who arriied at Oregon as it hr went t (impelled to t ompete here,
hopes tor a strong pertormam e Saturdat
kirln third .11 the \( \ \s Lis! vt'.it .tnd
Harold (Iruham. who placed seventh to
battle Lope/ and teammate Kick \lest
lei eighth 111 last \ ear’s \L,\A meet
Lopez basil t run the Steepler base
situ e the I’epsi Leam Invitational on
April 1-4 and thinks the break will help
him Salurdat
It s almost been a month Sattudas
mhi e I vr rjii ,i steeple ,mil 1 think, it
w ill bn .1 ginnl performam i' he said
Alter Ins college i areer ends next
month. Lopez. is looking forward to t.ik
mg ,i shot ,it training lot the I’l'U ()|\ m
pit l litmus With the Dellinger Young
coaching connection the Olympus
would seem to be a i ertaintv tot some
one like Lope/
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