_Sports_ Steeplechaser Lopez faces high expectations Fulfills goal of running in Eugene By Ashley ( nnklin Emerald Sports Reporter Sometimes in life you |usl know lh.it somebody will end up in .1 < ertam situn t ion Oregon distant.e runner Danny l ope/ definitely fils ili.it hill. ,md considering .ill the m ell.inns involved It would have beeui surprising d he had ended up any w here else l ope/ a seuioi has ime.nine one of the nation s best steeplet hasers undei i oai 11 Mill Dellinger after spending Ins first two seasons at (auitral Arizona learning the rigors of the t non meter e\ enl from (leorge Young It was a lifelong goal of hope/ to i ome to hugene and train under Dellinger "It w as dream of mine to lamie luOre gon suite it was the running i.apital of the world at that time." hope/ said hope/ said he rame to Oregon through Dellinger "lie and (leorge Young are pretty i lose friends and so they were keeping in tom h on how I was doing through my first year and my so ond year I he friendship between Dellinger and Young goes bai k 10 years to when they rvere teammates on the Pita) and l'llef ( llvnipic Teams Dellinger won a bronze medal in the > 000 meters in the Pl!>-f lokyo (..lines d outlg also i ompeted in the lilt and (lames and won a bronze medal in the sleepier base in 1 utiH at Mexico ( Ity Idle relationship between Dellinger and Young and hope/ s goal to inn for the Dmks aren't the only things that brought hope/ to l lo gon though In PIHT (lo gon s Dan Nelson won the \( A \ Steepler base went on to graduate and Dellinger knew he had to find another steeplechaser It was a priority tor iw Dellinger said Danny was one ot the people we looked at two years ago and knew we needed Dellinger had high expectations for hope/ after he won the national pinioi college steeplei base title his freshman vent and placed second his sophomore season He didn't disappoint last season los mg only one e before the I’m itu III ( on ferelice meet At the Idle 1(1 finals he finished second to Washington State s Marts Sim hi'in but ran a personal re < uni of 8 • l How. things didn't no as well at thi' \< X meet m Provo. I 'tali I In- Steepler hase final was run at night and hope/. fell at (hr water jump barriei v\ 11h thri'i' laps to go At the time he was running third in the rai e al though he Menu ■■ il IJmoi • T YPf SE T TINC • PASH UP iayout • otSign • consuitation HO 111 1 n[1( CON VOIJ GO ? Mijfi fur li uliv ill fill > *■ l; ril i i Mfllj »’ i if If f nf ’fi.* I lls.' i j ! i \ .v •' i, • f- no st S' • r Pr .-i- by •w'wwr mum ©THE COLLEGIAN. U of O located at 18th & Alder Really nice student living! I eery room has ,i private bathroom, a balcony, am! ample storage sr i,implex rooms also have ^•pual stairs to lofts and vaulted ceilitlys with skvhyhts '90-'91 rates per term: ( Ustom studio (single only) Studioples (single) ‘Mudmplex (double pei person) > 10 V, (HI >.M .1) 0(1 > l(>2r> 00 l‘> meals per week are inc luded in these rates Inside parking and cable IV available