Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 30, 1990, Page 6, Image 6

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Outward Bound offers adventure
Bn Ann Ziegler
(merald ( ontributor
While some people think ot
lulling nil a s.intlv beach along
side ii/.ure waters ,is the ideal
way to est ape horn the stress of
(lie daily grind others imagine
an .K tion par ked adventure as
the perfei t getaway
Outward Hound specializes
in adventure Its si holds pro
vide a way to sitnullaneoush
relieve stress and develop a
new perspei live on life
Outward Bound is an inter
national non profil organiza
tion that offers outdoor adven
lure i nurses tor men and worn
eti as well as juniors aged 11 to
Participants test themselves
on wilderness i nurses, i limb
mg mountain peaks and i loss
mg rugged Bails challenging
rapids and deserts, and learn
mg to sun ive alone and in
Outward Bound is a marvel
mis program said Luna Dale
an (Jutward Bound river m
strut toi sum e PIHH and grade
ate student at the I University
"I’eople i ome with this great
desire to learn .mil < hange. and
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it's wonderful to be around th.it
energy I )aie s.ud
The schools stress sm i.d dv
natnii s rather than individual
competition. Dale said Al
though participants learn some
let Itnical skills the\ rtiostlv
take with them the sue I ess of
hav ing tai kled some tough ps\
i hologii al challenges, she said
(inursex can last from a levs
days to several months Some
are tailored for individuals
with eating disorders and sub
statu e abuse problems, for i an
( er patients and their families,
oi for vii tuns of violence and
others \\ ith spec ial therapv
needs Outward Hound even of
teis a professional development
course to promote teamwork
and pelsonal effectiveness in
the workplace
I tale said a I v pit al i nurse is
two to three weeks in the
mountains and one week on the
river A final expedition might
be a hike from one mountain
peak to another within a i ertain
tune frame, with an instructor
billow mg the group
A seven (lav river course
might begin w ith a 10P mile
ratting trip down the Dest luites
or Hogue Kiver. Dale said With
instrui tor supervision, students
are in i barge of then ovvn boats
after one or two days on the
w ater
Ko< k (limbing would 11 k»-1 \
iii( ludc the exhilarating expon
ent e of rappelling down an Hi)
foot t,liff ha< h trip im Indes a
solo or one to three days o|
uninterrupted solitude in the
w ilderness tor a i hani e to con
template ami reflet t on whatev
er the student < houses
Dale said Outward Hound is
tlie first lug outdoor school of
its kind, founded h\ hurl Hahn
ill the !>l-}t)s It has been ipiite
successful, she said and oper
ates on trustee donations and
partii ipant tees of about SltlO a
day .Si lialarships and college
credit are tivaiiahle to students
through the program as well
' ()ne ot the big tenets of ( hit
w ard Hound is sei vice,' 1 tale
said She said Hahn s interest
in groups and personal well he
ing are evident in Outward
Hound's philosophy
h.itln kinset a geography
student at the I'niversitv went
through ,i u ilderness leadei
slop semester < nurse at ( ailora
do Outward Hound in the
spring ot She spent two
weeks winter mountaineering
in the (lascade Range of (adore
(In, then explored Oanvon
Lands Rational Park in I Mali
went ro< k ( limbing in U vn
uiing and while water rafting
nil l ’tab's ( been River
Rinser’s solo adventure took
place in the i anvon lands over
three davs and nights During
the i nurse she subsisted on
iiiosth peanut butter, crackers
i hccses. and what she i ailed
"bloatmeal and i ream ol pun
islunent’’ bind pai kets
"rhe group was left to figuie
out meals." Rinser said. "We
had to get to camp b\ a i ertain
time, dig snow i aves or put up
a pyramid," w hit h is a tarp
tent for snow camping.
What it someone panii s or
dei ides not to partii ipate’
"'ion encourage them," Dale
said. ’ espet iallv r.ippelling
Croup members encourage
eai h other to lace challenges,
and one ol the rewards ol a
course is to see people rooting
for someone who was a strati
ger to them before the trip. Dale
Saleh is a top prioritv in
( )utw ard Hound si bools In
strut tors have several years ol
experieni e and extensive train
mg at Outward Hound, includ
ing first aid, OPR and wilder
ness emergent \ management
instrui tion
Rinser said her H I da\ s in the
w ilderness went bv quit klv
but there were times when be
ing out there "making do with
what you have" w.is more ol a
persona! challenge than she
' (hitward Hound emphasizes
group communication skills
whii h I believe is cxi client
kinsci said ‘ Ihcv bring to
getber technii a I and i omnium
cat ion skills th.it t ombinc to
give people .1 i limit c to grow
within themselves and with
others, she said
kinser said hel Outward
Hound experieni e gave hei
more sell respei t and the
knowledge that she can sm
i ceil in a varietx of situations
Outward Hound courses take
place in the w ildwoods and
badlands ot 22 states including
( begun Texas. Maine (lolora
do. North (larolina and Mon
Tor more information call
Outward Hound at
I mill a-47 I t 12
Positions available for Summer
and fall in the Marketing and
Promotions field. Non-paving po
sition. Can receive internship
credit. Work study positions also
available. Preference for appli
cants who wish to have a career
in the athletic field.
For more information call: 346-4485