Engine Service 1000 S Bcrtelscn Rd #1 lugcne OR 9740? One Blor.li Worth of W 11th Nol.in Ind Pla/«i Spe: ; ' ' 342-3952 10% Student Discount CONTACT LENSES FROM RAINBOW Sjv i ijii/in}* hi vtMit.K i Iviwv uk liiilinr tint oil, hil»KaU v Mcmk’kl »kii .uni leiw v for jv«»plc with unII ht* full i.m^c "I com.iv I Iciim: ' m'HIu'n uuiul-}t)s It has been ipiite successful, she said and oper ates on trustee donations and partii ipant tees of about SltlO a day .Si lialarships and college credit are tivaiiahle to students through the program as well ' ()ne ot the big tenets of ( hit w ard Hound is sei vice,' 1 tale said She said Hahn s interest in groups and personal well he ing are evident in Outward Hound's philosophy h.itln kinset a geography student at the I'niversitv went through ,i u ilderness leadei slop semester < nurse at ( ailora do Outward Hound in the spring ot She spent two weeks winter mountaineering in the (lascade Range of (adore (In, then explored Oanvon Lands Rational Park in I Mali went ro< k ( limbing in U vn uiing and while water rafting nil l ’tab's ( been River Rinser’s solo adventure took place in the i anvon lands over three davs and nights During the i nurse she subsisted on iiiosth peanut butter, crackers i hccses. and what she i ailed "bloatmeal and i ream ol pun islunent’’ bind pai kets "rhe group was left to figuie out meals." Rinser said. "We had to get to camp b\ a i ertain time, dig snow i aves or put up a pyramid," w hit h is a tarp tent for snow camping. What it someone panii s or dei ides not to partii ipate’ "'ion encourage them," Dale said. ’ espet iallv r.ippelling Croup members encourage eai h other to lace challenges, and one ol the rewards ol a course is to see people rooting for someone who was a strati ger to them before the trip. Dale said Saleh is a top prioritv in ( )utw ard Hound si bools In strut tors have several years ol experieni e and extensive train mg at Outward Hound, includ ing first aid, OPR and wilder ness emergent \ management instrui tion Rinser said her H I da\ s in the w ilderness went bv quit klv but there were times when be ing out there "making do with what you have" w.is more ol a persona! challenge than she imagined ' (hitward Hound emphasizes group communication skills whii h I believe is cxi client kinsci said ‘ Ihcv bring to getber technii a I and i omnium cat ion skills th.it t ombinc to give people .1 i limit c to grow within themselves and with others, she said kinser said hel Outward Hound experieni e gave hei more sell respei t and the knowledge that she can sm i ceil in a varietx of situations Outward Hound courses take place in the w ildwoods and badlands ot 22 states including ( begun Texas. Maine (lolora do. North (larolina and Mon tana Tor more information call Outward Hound at I mill a-47 I t 12 ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT —INTERNSHIPS— Positions available for Summer and fall in the Marketing and Promotions field. Non-paving po sition. Can receive internship credit. Work study positions also available. Preference for appli cants who wish to have a career in the athletic field. For more information call: 346-4485