Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 30, 1990, Page 3, Image 3

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IFC denies reallocation requests
B\ Wayne Parker
t merald ( ontrilnitor
The I m idental l ee ( unirml
lee refused to budge Iluirsdat
on its original allot alums lor
1 AH’ programs and on a pro
posed offiee addition lor Club
At a meeting earlier this tear
the ll'l allot ated S all lot In
(All' programs, a „! J pen cut
ini rease over the prev unis
\ ear’s budget
Mark Weigei . i hail man of
the I Ml lludget Committee
asked lid! memheis to ret onsid
el the I Alt "s 1‘1'MI <1 1 budget
request nt .1 ' penrut ini reuse
lit members volt'll t I In leave
llii> budget at Svt I Hi ]
In .mollii'r appeal, I Hub
sports asked thr i ummiltrr tor
S 10.(1(10 tn I'lil.u ur its . ittirr
sp.u !■ (Irgam/.atiou supporters
i ompl.lint'll tbr i urri'iit ottii r is
too sm.ill to house the number
ot people using it
( lub Sports li.nl reipiesleil
tile same amount at an April In
II t meeting, but members were
told to |iul tin- request on the
student boiK elections ballot
\i i ording to a memo hum
the ( Hub Sports I Aei nin e (aim
miller the \St ( ) ( i rust Out ion
Youth Greens meet today
Student Health Insurance Committee meets tudav it t to p m
in KMl' (lentuiA Kuuni I
E olith (ireens meet loda\ at t HI p in it tin1 Koliuuii.i ( entei
1-4 1-4 Kmc aid SI
KKMA Campus Radio meets tonight at tt in Kuuni t in Sti.1 ill)
OSIMKCs l'o\ii s/l’estii ides (.roup meets tonight at ti HI 111
lAH' Suite I
Amnesty International meets tonight at K m t Ml Cenliirv
RiMini I)
|ew ish Student I ’nion will hold a mandator\ meet inn to elec t
_El als_
the group's direr tor .md .issisl.ini direc tor tonight .it > in I Ml
Suite n
i\ ikkyikws
The following organizations will tie holding interviews on
campus Bids can he submitted for interviews in Room .V I Hen
dm ks tod.i\ through Wednesday
• Slav I Ksc.o 1 , irp (product adnunisti .itor, market mu 1 nordin.itoi
master s degree)
• Mav 2 Kiel trunic Data Systems (systems engirieeriiu: levelop
merit programmer) i (ttil’A reipnred
Mutual Bellelli I o (registered sales representative!
• Mav 3 slieru in \\ ill jams (summer internships)
Public Si hool System. Saipan (spec ial eilin ation positions
• Mav 4 I 'i i■ in 11 ■ I 1 11 sti• i ii ■ i (!i ; ' ■ : , 11 \ . 11.. • I V e.. e
• May 10
• Mav 14 Ivir i .; .. -It Si h. M: ; 1 '. . .: ! Ill- . I i ‘
• Mav 1 a ( at V .1 Sa lei i in w ’ 11K e i* ■ K p. u ' a ■: 11 '■ p1 ■ ■'' ’
i er) (Iroup meet mg orilv Mas t a at t p til 111 KMl ( ed.u Ri lorn I)
I list Investors t tup (management trainee! turnip meeting
t ml v. Mav la ti It) p m in KMI' Kedai Room I) Sign up in Koom
_!4-i ) lendl li ks
• Mav lli Kt I v\ a nda Si tune Dedih I. 1 tie. u: la t aid
special educ ation |iositions).
Peac e ( urps | volunteer) group meeting Mav i at to p in
in the ( All' W aliiut Koom
t S \av y (various positions| K.M1 from lit a in to t p in
I'esting vv ill be held ill KM l ( a ill in v Koiiint
• Slav 17 i S Air lone (pilot navigator management various
others! I All' Irom 10 a nr to p m
• Slav 1H Northwestern Mutual Kile Baird Set untie. ollegi
ternship program minimum (d’A 2 'B
MISt: 1.1.KAN I d )l S
Photo li|)s fur late-bluoming photographers will la- pres, m, .1
at a workshop sponsored bv (b'fgt in lone 1 uestlav f r* nil 11 a I: ' ‘.
noon in I All ' Suite i I he (iresentation is part ot (begun l urn
How to Write Satire is the title ot a workshop i, !„■ pie-. :
h\ (begun l'nil e tudav trorn 1 1 til a in to I; Id |i m m KMf ‘suite
i niirt told ( lul) Sport*. April .tit
tli.d tlms had missed tin' \pril
1 i ji'.idI iof for 11,«111>t measures
l ht* III sofftl I ii 1 tit dt'iis’
tin' nt'ss rf<|0('st
In other II I business
• Che committee voted i to
i nt thf I’tlilosnphs I lull budget
Iroin SI trill to s ' U I hr
AS! I ) f\fi ul is t' i if t H t s fined
thf huger .uniitint approved hs
I hf 11 I . 11 .in f.it lift niff tuu:
• I hf hot Isn't tor tin \ti. t.-op
( toniiminity I fnaiit> Assoi i.i
t It 111 Ss ,|\ lilt t ft '111 Si fill to
S ■ Vi i lor nest st'.n II I tin in
tiers silted uiltlliiilKnisIs to re
dm f the l.irget .dim .ition
ssliuli h.nl lieetl vetoed hs the
\St I I
• Tht 'i ■ ts ISo
jet t hudgft s\ .is restrm ttired
hut not c hanged in .iiiioiint
Assess the stress
in your life!
Learn relaxation
techniques, time
and coping strat
egies tor
adjusting to the
pressures which
emerge in
college life and
Sl'ONSOftf D BY I Mt S T Cl P I N J
Mt At t H t t 111 W
Ml At t M t (XJCA t K »N C'H. KiR A M
*U> » 10.
I f t, 24th
-> ! *> ♦. i’>
Coll CM) 4-156
to prei etjister.
of a
I Fumihccpc In Ahmit An Hmir \
Custom-Crafted Eyeglasses In About An Hour
May 6-12
• uver ouuu rrameb
• Friendly service
• Vision exams
• odiisidLiiun yudidiueeu
• Student and Senior Discount
• Contact Lenses
400 Valley River Center (503) 687-2926
Woid Pwt\VMt«i K
A U'bflfp IW Whip
Large Experienced Staff
Graduate School Approved
605 E 13th
Do it with the information >ou need, from the
pi.tee that can’t be beat when it comes to travel
S.S. Adventure
Traveler’s Supph
HSS I'earl Street, Ku^ene
Open Mon-Sat
__ Oregon Daily _ _
1*0 K-v »!<•» Eu»*«i*c Oiryjon **’*»»
T he Or**.;, n Dan, fmwf.tUJ published M.-nday through Hn5.iv ««• »*l»* during
r>.\n *< • - . .5 .,i« i' M-k t.'y lh« Ong* n Daily f rmuald Publishing Cu it the
U v j-r.;." Eugene Oregon
Tlir E m-.»o i , i n>t'f ated -hi jtv't;, •! the l i>'ive",it y with itfii ■ >n t f
jr ■ | ft ■ .»t the f ft* Men.. • al Uni - and .» mernf>et -t the As • - Press
T tie f riifM d I*. pn .ate pn -prrly the ur i a 'ul removal ' use of p ipei s s p.f
*•■ Jut •• t.’y .ia
E dltor ’ * l . »'• A
Managing Editof A • .
Editorial Editor
Graphics f ditor Mu'* * ■
Encore Editor ► - We*
Associate E ditors
Community H .5
Higher f ducation;Administration
Reporters Ai 1
H • - , - 1 | Hi,!.} ?. I,i 11» r
Sives.n.j A lie e Thornton
Photographers , ■ v •
Advertising V
News Editor
Sports Editor
Supplements Editor
Night Editor
T f di
ip her Blau
V Sumner
a J d< h s< m
Student Government.'Ac:tivities
t. ..■•* " f eatures
,*•11 Ashley ConHrn
;•m « i f
Apprentice *
RrmfHM Hi Janet Schotttr T&d SI
General Statf
Advertising Director i
Production Manager V
Classified Manager 1
Accounts Receivable Circulation Newsroom
Classified Advertising
Display Advertising
Production Graphic Services
on Born
Assistant to the Publisher
Advertising Coordinator
346 5511
346 4343
146 3712
346 4 3H1
C m, rn,i„