University IFC denies reallocation requests B\ Wayne Parker t merald ( ontrilnitor The I m idental l ee ( unirml lee refused to budge Iluirsdat on its original allot alums lor 1 AH’ programs and on a pro posed offiee addition lor Club Sports At a meeting earlier this tear the ll'l allot ated S all lot In (All' programs, a „! J pen cut ini rease over the prev unis \ ear’s budget Mark Weigei . i hail man of the I Ml lludget Committee asked lid! memheis to ret onsid el the I Alt "s 1‘1'MI <1 1 budget request nt .1 ' penrut ini reuse lit members volt'll t I In leave llii> budget at Svt I Hi ] In .mollii'r appeal, I Hub sports asked thr i ummiltrr tor S 10.(1(10 tn I'lil.u ur its . ittirr sp.u !■ (Irgam/.atiou supporters i ompl.lint'll tbr i urri'iit ottii r is too sm.ill to house the number ot people using it ( lub Sports reipiesleil tile same amount at an April In II t meeting, but members were told to |iul tin- request on the student boiK elections ballot \i i ording to a memo hum the ( Hub Sports I Aei nin e (aim miller the \St ( ) ( i rust Out ion Youth Greens meet today Ml ! I INCS Student Health Insurance Committee meets tudav it t to p m in KMl' (lentuiA Kuuni I E olith (ireens meet loda\ at t HI p in it tin1 Koliuuii.i ( entei 1-4 1-4 Kmc aid SI KKMA Campus Radio meets tonight at tt in Kuuni t in Sti.1 ill) OSIMKCs l'o\ii s/l’estii ides (.roup meets tonight at ti HI 111 lAH' Suite I Amnesty International meets tonight at K m t Ml Cenliirv RiMini I) |ew ish Student I ’nion will hold a mandator\ meet inn to elec t _El als_ the group's direr tor .md .issisl.ini direc tor tonight .it > in I Ml Suite n i\ ikkyikws The following organizations will tie holding interviews on campus Bids can he submitted for interviews in Room .V I Hen dm ks tod.i\ through Wednesday • Slav I Ksc.o 1 , irp (product adnunisti .itor, market mu 1 nordin.itoi master s degree) • Mav 2 Kiel trunic Data Systems (systems engirieeriiu: levelop merit programmer) i (ttil’A reipnred Mutual Bellelli I o (registered sales representative! • Mav 3 slieru in \\ ill jams (summer internships) Public Si hool System. Saipan (spec ial eilin ation positions • Mav 4 I 'i i■ in 11 ■ I 1 11 sti• i ii ■ i (!i ; ' ■ : , 11 \ . 11.. • I V e.. e • May 10 • Mav 14 Ivir i .; .. -It Si h. M: ; 1 '. . .: ! Ill- . I i ‘ positions) • Mav 1 a ( at V .1 Sa lei i in w ’ 11K e i* ■ K p. u ' a ■: 11 '■ p1 ■ ■'' ’ i er) (Iroup meet mg orilv Mas t a at t p til 111 KMl ( ed.u Ri lorn I) I list Investors t tup (management trainee! turnip meeting t ml v. Mav la ti It) p m in KMI' Kedai Room I) Sign up in Koom _!4-i ) lendl li ks • Mav lli Kt I v\ a nda Si tune Dedih I. 1 tie. u: la t aid special educ ation |iositions). Peac e ( urps | volunteer) group meeting Mav i at to p in in the ( All' W aliiut Koom t S \av y (various positions| K.M1 from lit a in to t p in I'esting vv ill be held ill KM l ( a ill in v Koiiint • Slav 17 i S Air lone (pilot navigator management various others! I All' Irom 10 a nr to p m • Slav 1H Northwestern Mutual Kile Baird Set untie. ollegi ternship program minimum (d’A 2 'B MISt: 1.1.KAN I d )l S Photo li|)s fur late-bluoming photographers will la- pres, m, .1 at a workshop sponsored bv (b'fgt in lone 1 uestlav f r* nil 11 a I: ' ‘. noon in I All ' Suite i I he (iresentation is part ot (begun l urn week How to Write Satire is the title ot a workshop i, !„■ pie-. : h\ (begun l'nil e tudav trorn 1 1 til a in to I; Id |i m m KMf ‘suite i niirt told ( lul) Sport*. April .tit tli.d tlms had missed tin' \pril 1 i ji'.idI iof for 11,«111>t measures l ht* III sofftl I ii 1 tit dt'iis’ tin' nt'ss rf<|0('st In other II I business • Che committee voted i to i nt thf I’tlilosnphs I lull budget Iroin SI trill to s ' U I hr AS! I ) f\fi ul is t' i if t H t s fined thf huger .uniitint approved hs I hf 11 I . 11 .in lift niff tuu: • I hf hot Isn't tor tin \ti. t.-op ( toniiminity I fnaiit> Assoi i.i t It 111 Ss ,|\ lilt t ft '111 Si fill to S ■ Vi i lor nest st'.n II I tin in tiers silted uiltlliiilKnisIs to re dm f the l.irget .dim .ition ssliuli lieetl vetoed hs the \St I I • Tht 'i ■ ts ISo jet t hudgft s\ .is restrm ttired hut not c hanged in .iiiioiint r STRESS MANAGEMENT WORKSHOP Assess the stress in your life! Learn relaxation techniques, time management, and coping strat egies tor adjusting to the pressures which emerge in college life and academia. FREEH Sl'ONSOftf D BY I Mt S T Cl P I N J Mt At t H t t 111 W Ml At t M t (XJCA t K »N C'H. KiR A M Ihur *U> » 10. I f t, 24th -> ! *> ♦. i’> Coll CM) 4-156 to prei etjister. ? ) lu search of a little adfice? ERMTtRS ( I Fumihccpc In Ahmit An Hmir \ Custom-Crafted Eyeglasses In About An Hour GRAND OPENING! May 6-12 • uver ouuu rrameb • Friendly service • Vision exams • odiisidLiiun yudidiueeu • Student and Senior Discount • Contact Lenses 400 Valley River Center (503) 687-2926 Woid Pwt\VMt«i K A U'bflfp IW Whip Large Experienced Staff COMPLETE COPY CENTER Graduate School Approved Apr 344-4510 605 E 13th GOING SOMEWHERE? Do it with the information >ou need, from the pi.tee that can’t be beat when it comes to travel 10% student discount S.S. Adventure Traveler’s Supph HSS I'earl Street, Ku^ene Open Mon-Sat __ Oregon Daily _ _ Emerald 1*0 K-v »!<•» Eu»*«i*c Oiryjon **’*»» T he Or**.;, n Dan, fmwf.tUJ published M.-nday through Hn5.iv ««• »*l»* during r>.\n *< • - . .5 .,i« i' M-k t.'y lh« Ong* n Daily f rmuald Publishing Cu it the U v j-r.;." Eugene Oregon Tlir E m-.»o i , i n>t'f ated -hi jtv't;, •! the l i>'ive",it y with itfii ■ >n t f jr ■ | ft ■ .»t the f ft* Men.. • al Uni - and .» mernf>et -t the As • - Press T tie f riifM d I*. pn .ate pn -prrly the ur i a 'ul removal ' use of p ipei s s p.f *•■ Jut •• t.’y .ia E dltor ’ * l . »'• A Managing Editof A • . Editorial Editor Graphics f ditor Mu'* * ■ Encore Editor ► - We* Associate E ditors Community H .5 Higher f ducation;Administration Reporters Ai 1 H • - , - 1 | Hi,!.} ?. I,i 11» r Sives.n.j A lie e Thornton Photographers , ■ v • Advertising V News Editor Sports Editor Supplements Editor Night Editor T f di Dari Alu ip her Blau V Sumner a J d< h s< m Student Government.'Ac:tivities t. ..■•* " f eatures ,*•11 Ashley ConHrn ;•m « i f Apprentice * Be RrmfHM Hi Janet Schotttr T&d SI General Statf Advertising Director i Production Manager V Classified Manager 1 Accounts Receivable Circulation Newsroom Classified Advertising Display Advertising Production Graphic Services on Born Assistant to the Publisher Advertising Coordinator 346 5511 346 4343 146 3712 346 4 3H1 THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON C m, rn,i„