Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 27, 1990, Image 1

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    __Oregon Daily_ _
Fridas . April 27. 1 ‘>‘>11
Kugt'nr ()n'm>n
\ oltimr ‘M \iiinhri I III
\ resident sijuirrel has
wandering out into the wild,
with suspicion
second thoughts about
wild world as ./ cat e\ es it
Photo by Andre Kanieri
Crime rate drops by six percent
B\ Peter C ogsweil
l merald Reporter
I hr l,ilrsl tiuuii's from tin’
( )!tn e ill I'ti111 tc Siih't\ .show i
(in reuse tit six pi'n i‘iil m re
purti'il i ruin's mi i ainpus dm
mg 111!' 1 ’IHH H‘l 11si ,i! \ imi
()nl\ reported liiirgl.n irs .uni
Ihrtls Inilll .Illllllllllllllt'S in
i reused
A total nt ti'll crimes uerr re
purti’il Iasi \i.ir down from
’ll. in tin' previous vi'.u. .n
i iiiilmg tu tin- .iiiiiu.il irport
Ki’pntii'il thefts from vehicles
increased 11<>ni jh In id while
burglaries wcut from .’M to id
People .nr hi-nig more t are
lul .ihiitil not leav ing their he
longings armiml said Suzie
I liintcl a I I line prev ention ulti
i er Ini the (>ffit e ol I’ulilu Sale
I lunti'l said she lielun cd the
statistics would go up a little
each vear and she was sin
prised !jv the lepnils findings
IVuple are generallv linin'
an .in’ non . sin- said 'The\
.nr taking tinit" in link then
dtiurs rtungs that linn sliuuld
hiivr lift'll lining in I Ilf |),ISl
I lit* \ .Ilf (illlllH HOW
lllllltfl s.llti lll.lt ullllf till'
lurn to ( rime, P.i>*e 4
Recycling center drops University
Bv ( hris Bouneff
Emerald Associate Editor
Pear! Bink is Hiving the I ’mversitv to days
noti< <■ Bi.it the company will (iiscuntiinii' its re
c vi ling program Eu*< ansi' ot lin.im ial Billii ultms
Roll Pierzina Pearl Bin k recycling manager,
said monthly losses ol $000 to $800 are tori mg
Pearl Buck to pull out ol its contract with the
I niversitv to run a paper ret vi ling program
I he prohlems are not Being able to pit k up
enough material to be rei vt led and no c entral lo
nation at the I’niversitv to pic k up the material."
he said This has made it real costiv for the pro
gram to operate
Pearl Bm k has run the program suit e August
alter negotiating a contract with the University
last spring Pearl Bucks only revenue comes
I mm selling the material to processing plants
Pier/ina said Pearl Buck, is also hav ing prob
Inns processing t onfidenti.d m.il«*ri«iI prudm ed
I<\ 1 bus ersit v 1 din inis
I'inter Ihi' contrni t i onfident l<d material
must hi' shredded liidiiri' it i .in lit* ret si Ini, ,i pru
i ess vvhii li (lists IV.irl Hin k 11 (.tints pn pound.
Pier/ma s.iid
Pearl Bin k mi ms tins i ust lici .iusc the 1 in
sersits did nut budget money lor ret y< ling tli.il
would pas for these Is pe ol sns n es he said
John I sans safety coordinator lor the Phvsi
i a I Plant said the I 'ms n sits ss on Id continue the
same program out e Pearl Hut k (mils out
"What (pulling out) will mean is the Phssi
i al Plant ss ill probably absorb the him turns Pearl
lltii k is doing ’ Ksaus said
Officials ssill begin sveighing options once
the the Physical Plant receives the svritten until e
from Pier/.ina. loans said
loans said he didn't knnss whether the Plivs
lurn to Ret yt ling, Page 4
Nazi resister recounts his experiences on film
Fred Manela warned Jews of Nazi terror
By Stephanie Mem inter
Emerald Reporter
In 1‘I.IH, I red M.melii risked
his life .tiui the lives of Ins to in
il\ to warn Jewish inh.diitaiits
in Berlin of ,i Nazi reprisal that
would later be remembered as
the hristallnacht. the night of
shattered glass
Manela, now living in Ku
gene, returned to Berlin almost
ri0 vears later to relive and dot
umeiil his experiem e on lilm
The 48-minute documentary
art film "Don't Sleep at Home
will he shown this term in a
I'niversitv course on recent
German cinema, and was also
shown at this year's interna
tional festival
The film is not a hitter,
graphic depii lion of Nazi vio
lence and Jewish suffering, al
though its i reator could easily
have been justified in making it
Tin- \ii/.is beheaded 4.1 ul
Manela's i omrades and shot
his girlfriend l.vdia 4s .1 result
of their work vv.ith the anti fas
1 ist network Manela's father
and tathei m law were killed in
null filtration < amps
However fie said fie had no
feelings of revenge when he re
turned to Berlin to make the
I ran not Maine .1 young
generation for tilings their
grandparents did That would
he like holding today's genera
turn responsible tor Vietnam."
Matiela said "1 am like I dle
Wiesel You must remember ill
order to forgive
However, one of fiis reasons
tor making the film was to
make sure the young genera
lion learned from the past and
dill not allow the horrors of the
Holocaust to happen again
He also wanted to show that
there were Germans who
helped the lews and to dispel
sniiic nl the beliefs (rented bs
the |i(ilitici/ed accounts ol the
resist,ini e movement M.mel.i
Siiid the voting Hast Hermans'
sense ot histor\ is "shot
'There is ,i different e he
tween sympathizing w ith
something; ,md experinm mu it.
,i difference between wh.it you
feel and what sou fear," In
Alter considerable artistii in
put from Manela. the film pre
miered on hast Herman telesi
sum in the tall ot 1'IHH
In the film. Manela recalls
boss he and his neighborhood
resistance friends operated out
of a banker s tomb in a (esvisb
i emeters to < oordinate their ef
forts to warn lesvish residents
of Herlm not to sleep in their
homes the night of Nov
l'.J tH
Mam-la's job ssas to ride his
bike into town and tell every
one he knesv to stns svith non
lesvish friends svhile mans of
Fred Manila
the women in the group. in
i lulling Munela s girlfriend
posed ns prostitutes to warn
those on the streets
I he uniqueness of Manela's
film parallels his uimpie expe
riem e .is one of the few jewish
resisters who survived the war
to tell his story Historians
even jewish historians have
paid 111111■ attention to tin- op
position to Hitlri s rule (luring
the early vears of the regime
llie standard history book
story of the lloloiaust suggests
that there was very little resist
atlce to Hitler among the |evys
until around I'HJ. about the
time ol the uprising in the Wat
saw ghetto
However Manela said anti
l.isi ist resistam e began .is early
as l'llt when the Nazis began
to purge i ommumsts. six nil
ists. homosexuals and |eho
V all 's Witnesses
"I have often wondered if the
Nazis had left us (|ev\s| alone
would we have raised a hand to
help the others?” he said "I
would have, but I ni afraid nth
ers wouldn’t hav e
Although personally a soi ial
ist Manela said Ins resistance
network vyas a politically
mixed group bound only by
their commitment to light fas
( ism lie said that in tiermanv
lews were part of many politi
Turn to Kristallnat ht, Page 4