__Oregon Daily_ _ Emerald Fridas . April 27. 1 ‘>‘>11 Kugt'nr ()n'm>n \ oltimr ‘M \iiinhri I III Lunch \ resident sijuirrel has wandering out into the wild, with suspicion second thoughts about wild world as ./ cat e\ es it Photo by Andre Kanieri Crime rate drops by six percent B\ Peter C ogsweil l merald Reporter I hr l,ilrsl tiuuii's from tin’ ( )!tn e ill I'ti111 tc Siih't\ .show i (in reuse tit six pi'n i‘iil m re purti'il i ruin's mi i ainpus dm mg 111!' 1 ’IHH H‘l 11si ,i! \ imi ()nl\ reported liiirgl.n irs .uni Ihrtls Inilll .Illllllllllllllt'S in i reused A total nt ti'll crimes uerr re purti’il Iasi \i.ir down from ’ll. in tin' previous vi'.u. .n i iiiilmg tu tin- .iiiiiu.il irport Ki’pntii'il thefts from vehicles increased 11<>ni jh In id while burglaries wcut from .’M to id People .nr hi-nig more t are lul .ihiitil not leav ing their he longings armiml said Suzie I liintcl a I I line prev ention ulti i er Ini the (>ffit e ol I’ulilu Sale l\ I lunti'l said she lielun cd the statistics would go up a little each vear and she was sin prised !jv the lepnils findings IVuple are generallv linin' an .in’ non . sin- said 'The\ .nr taking tinit" in link then dtiurs rtungs that linn sliuuld hiivr lift'll lining in I Ilf |),ISl I lit* \ .Ilf (illlllH HOW lllllltfl s.llti lll.lt ullllf till' lurn to ( rime, P.i>*e 4 Recycling center drops University Bv ( hris Bouneff Emerald Associate Editor Pear! Bink is Hiving the I ’mversitv to days noti< <■ Bi.it the company will (iiscuntiinii' its re c vi ling program Eu*< ansi' ot lin.im ial Billii ultms Roll Pierzina Pearl Bin k recycling manager, said monthly losses ol $000 to $800 are tori mg Pearl Buck to pull out ol its contract with the I niversitv to run a paper ret vi ling program I he prohlems are not Being able to pit k up enough material to be rei vt led and no c entral lo nation at the I’niversitv to pic k up the material." he said This has made it real costiv for the pro gram to operate Pearl Bm k has run the program suit e August alter negotiating a contract with the University last spring Pearl Bucks only revenue comes I mm selling the material to processing plants Pier/ina said Pearl Buck, is also hav ing prob Inns processing t onfidenti.d m.il«*ri«iI prudm ed I<\ 1 bus ersit v 1 din inis I'inter Ihi' contrni t i onfident l