Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 20, 1990, Page 2, Image 2

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Fraternities didn't
take role seriously
List visit. <i stomp nt approval from lIn* l niversi
tv's fraternity .mil sororilv system (luring ASI'O *•!«*<
lions was the strongest politieol nod on < ompus Hut
through slopp\ organization .mil short sighted selfish
ness .1 feu members nt tin11 ommiltee tfi.it oversens the
I ns i< ess appeor to he working toward making the greek
endorsement negligible
Representatives of (tregon Student I’ublic Interest
Keseon ti (Iroup and some i ondidotes lot A St () and In
i idenlal l ee ( ommiltee are saving tliev were asked in
appropriate and inelcvant questions during the (.reek
iaidorsement (amimittee s final hearings at Willey Kiv
ei Inn April 1 2
One shouldn't dismiss the complaints ol these i on
didates as necessarily stemming from bitterness or soul
grapes I lieu stories are too similar and the admissions
ol Old! members themselves too telling not to assume
that the committee <u led boorishly
Old! members we’ve talked to have admitted the
process was not as well organized as it should have
been, that questions did sttav alield somewhat and
that the questioning was dominated In three to live
men who may have let their opinions show a little
So what of it' Certainly. like am campus group,
the traternilv system has the right to pir k and promote
(.ondidotes it believes will best represent its interests
Hut it should (arefully consider both its interests and
the rand t dates I’re-i uni ei veil notions and mean-spirit
ed questions have no place in an endorsement hearing
The pru( ess shouldn't he a mere i uhher-stamping of fa
vorite sons It certainly strikes us as no accident that
lust about all those endorsed by Lid! are greeks and
that means (dd ! didn 't take its ride seriously
I’ll is is espei inllv true at a lime when (dd !’s favor
ite interests seem to he limited and selfish OSPIKtl s
valuable work on (ov salety in.iv not mean mm h to
greeks now . but it oertainlv will when tliev have chil
dren themselves That work does mean something to
the glow mg uttmhei ol non traditional student ..nts.
and the (ild ! could have considered that II ( dd ! w ants
to be selfish, it should .it least he i (insistent The i oin
milieu's approval of i hiId ( are funding now sni.ii ks ol
an insincere i oik ession to the year's hot issue
(!ld"s mvopii interests sinqdv haven’t extended
hevond the sphere ol greek lile this campaign We he
licve tliev ve approved ( andidates we cnnstdei tolallv
uiupialilied for the job simply hei ause tliev re broth
eis (ild! seems to be behind lellovv greeks Steve Ma
ples and Diane (itishman. lor example, onlv Imm ause
they've promised to hang out at populai eateries and
h,us m the I till Avenue neighborhood
All this is s.lll. Ix'C .HIM' g leeks will I I'll Mill t lll'\ ill l1
feeling threatened Their members loci they .«rt* sloreo
l\|)i'il as ric h, uncaring parts snubs and that the good
work lhe\ do in promoting hmlherhuud anil philan
thropv is ignored In the cnmmunilv and In the media
because unis ahnul 211 percent of the campus belongs
to a house, greeks are a "minoritv" on this t ainpus
Itul at a lime when the greek system is defending itsell
Irom charges ol racism. (1K(! totalis overlooks the
more-lhan-valid c andidac s ol lilac k Student I'nion
president lsrnie Drown At a lime when the greek sss
tem is Irving to curb its alcoholic tendencies. (.1st,
opens an unlimited bar tab at Valles Riser Inn lor the
candidates to cool then heels sshile ss.iiling tor hear
ings At a time when the greek ssslem sass it ssants to
he intlusise. it asks candidates "svhat have sou done
tor me lately and ress.irds onlv its oss n
U hether it ss.is intended or not. the arroganc e that
came .a mss m lilt s endorsement process only pro
moted stereotypes It the Iralernits system is indeed
somehow a threatened "minority." it could learn a lot
about coalition-building and consideration of others
(lertaihly. membership in a fraternity does not make a
person less ol a human being; greeks unhapps ssilh
boss (list! has represented them and furthered negative
perc options should let their feelings be knoss n
There ssas a time when some thought went into the
greek endorsement or .it least the process was not to
tallv self-ser\ing and automatic lust two years ago.
(iiit surprisinglv approved Inn Hughes' campaign lor
an li t! seat Ol course the nest vear the greeks poured
out to bury I lughes' Ind lor ASl () president It appears
that new found power has gone totiKt s head and that
some humilitv is in order
ODE endorsements
for ASUO elections
Today is tlir List <l.i\ ut tin' AS1 () prini.m
cli'i lions lx- sure .mil vnti’1 |usl ,is .1 icmmilei
lirir (In' list ul |h'iipli* tin' (Irrunii Ihily I'mrrald
h,is .'minisoil tin Im nlcnt.il I cr l umillitti'c Sc,its
,1 nii the \Sl () I si'ciitivc L.ikc tins w ith \iiii to
the polls
• lit one-\ car scats
Icnnilci Hills
hi me Bum n
Han la\ I.loyil (li'.n sun
1.1S11111.i U .it si in
• lit tv\ n-\ car scats
l im I Inches
1 loll Stull
• \St () prcsiilciit anil t it c president
kiik Hailt’\ Sheila Sth kel
V .] Uirmbei III lln- greek
llic support the (ir»■ k I ndorse
men! (uinimitlee has given to
Steve Maples .mil Diane ( ush
I .iltemleil tlie ileli.ite A|it'll
I I Altei listening to the plies
lions asked ii\ the members ol
tin- panel .mil listening to the
responses given by the i .null
il.ill’s 1 (eel the team ol kllk
H.nle\ anil Sheila Stiikel will
he the Ill's! loi tin- job I heir e\
perlein e ami hai kgrnuud in the
A SI ( ) are important aspei Is ol
the offn e ol president and x u e
During the debate both It.n
le\ and Stiikel were sincere
and inilirmative I hex toi>k a
stand on issues and answeied
c|iiestions duei tlx I Ins is more
than I c an sax loi Maples and
( usliman w ho hail trouble get
ling past their opening state
ilieilts Ibex were repetitive
and avoided duet t uilsxxers to
iplest lolls
I xerxltme Maples was asked
a ipiesllon Ills leplx was to
lake it to a student vote Mils
tells me lit1 possesses no leatlei
ship qualities and i all not he
trusted to make important dei i
sums U hen an issue t ante up
Maples louhl not run out and
take a vote ol student opinion
I believe people in the greek
sx stem need to take responsi
hilitx toi then own vole and
not 111 i lid lx tolloxx tile (ltd . be
i ause the best tii ket is Hat
lex Stii kel I hex w ill prox ide
us with outstanding leadership
toi the l 'Diversity. so (hex have
nix support
I am i out Used In the student
health insurant e < hoii es on the
ballot I here is a until e outside
the sl IK ottii e m the I Ml that
saxs there xxill not lie mandalo
r\ msuraiue next veal 1 he no
tice is unsigned hut it does
make me wonder why the issue
is even on the ballot Perhaps
mil could assign yotn invest!
galive reporter to find out e\
ac tlx w li.it is going on
U bile xou are at it Imxx
about an explanation of what
sxslem, I till i oiu i'l lied about
Krist iii Stax er
happens it the mandatuiA op
tiuii gets pen cut ul Ihi- vote:'
I think tin- \Sl () lies engaged
m tin- dishonest pi.n !ii c nl pm
ruling several options simplv
t'i split tin' votes ut those who
oppose mandatorr health instil
,iiu e I strmigh II!ge ,dl sill
dents who oppose mandatuiA
he.dill insur.nn e to vote lot the
\ ohmt.iiA option
Ntn h.iel Mint
I was ver\ disappointed with
llie ipialitv ut reporting in the
Ntond.o in I teptli |( )l >1 April
till regarding the hallot hums
illes tin the tOtltl elections In
the artii le. the Oregon Student
I’uhln Interest Kese.m h (.tulip
hallot measure was greath mis
t his ait ii le stated that
OSI’IKli has pushed loi stu
dent awareness ol environmen
tal issues In i in dialing leal
lets hosting speakers and
strut luring ret vt ling programs
at Kugene area apartment < om
plev-s This statement onl\
si rati lies the surtai e of the
numher of seivites OSPlRli
pint ides this i anipus
t ISPIKt . i uns the onls ( on
stnnei Hotline in the state
w hit h i an answet land
lot'll tenant i|liestions ovei the
phone OSI’IKd also publishes
the Renter's liandhook winch
outlines those rights
(ISPIKt; also organizes lie
annual Hunger ( leainip whit h
gets students working at lot.al
shelters in order to raise tiumeV
toi I oi it I I or I ane ( ount\ and
the \ational I lunger (Campaign
As a statewide organization
w ith memhei i hapters at the
I niveisit\ aiul other campuses.
OSPIRC. is able In etlei tivrh
lohh\ m the stuilent ami pulrlit
It is true that (ISPIKt, s stu
dent outreach work includes
le.dlettiog and hosting speak
eis etc hut these at ti\ illes are
unh a tr.it lion ol the sei \ it es
ami lesoun es that ( ISPIKt . ol
ters the I 'niversitv i ampus
lli/ahelh Malst h
Thank you
Thank vnu Stephen
(dienw'urlh tor votir t ritu al
( ommcnls regarding tin* ano
i i*xic and tm 1 i in it women on
campus (H/II \|>nI I(i| I vv.ml
to Iti him .inti the student bodv
know how tnanv men support
ins observations of the malaise
allot ling w omen
I agree t hasing the ideal thin
ness tin at t epl.nn e is universal
in scope and emotionall\ harm
till, vet 1 would oiler that ano
rexia anil bulimia are also man
ilestetl symptoms of problems
caused b\ dystuiu.tional beb.iv
itus tluiing t bildbooil in the
As tar as the pursuit of thin
ness goes we men w bo realize
wlial some women are doing to
themselves must rejet.l Math
son Avenue's advertising tin
ideal bod\ and support women
overcoming the illnesses
through t ounseling and per
siitiilc oilier men to believe and
sav I love vou lor who vou
are' and not w hat I w ant
vou to be
lonathon Shilk
l.andsi ape an hitei lure
I bis is duel ted III those pen
pie on tins campus w ho find it
net essarv to have one or more
"causes o-thcweek lilts
week lliev appeal to be waste
(ieorge lliisli ami tile Hag burn
mg law , but w ho i an keep up
w itli them '
II vou people were ti ulv i mu
nutted to \ our i ause” vmi
would trv to create a positive
awareness lake 1 artli Week lot
example, you could set up re
(Vcling ( i nters, plant trees oi
take anv othel positiv e ai I ion
Hut i onverselv it vou add even
inoie garbage to tins planet
.111(1 vv Oi se make the lest of the
I Diversity i omnium!v look at
your mess tor the remaindet of
the term voti ve dug a huge
hole for v our i ause
That is unfair both to the rest
ol us and to those people w ho
have worked bard in a positive
direction for the same cause I
protest vou and votir t heap
sensationalism Ik (rulling a
tai kv stunt like that vou have
alienated main people who
might have previously joined
lories with vou. (ilean up your
ow n at I tolks
Deborah \\ v ss