Editorial Fraternities didn't take role seriously List visit. k a stand on issues and answeied c|iiestions duei tlx I Ins is more than I c an sax loi Maples and ( usliman w ho hail trouble get ling past their opening state ilieilts Ibex were repetitive and avoided duet t uilsxxers to iplest lolls I xerxltme Maples was asked a ipiesllon Ills leplx was to lake it to a student vote Mils tells me lit1 possesses no leatlei ship qualities and i all not he trusted to make important dei i sums U hen an issue t ante up Maples louhl not run out and take a vote ol student opinion I believe people in the greek sx stem need to take responsi hilitx toi then own vole and not 111 i lid lx tolloxx tile (ltd . be i ause the best tii ket is Hat lex Stii kel I hex w ill prox ide us with outstanding leadership toi the l 'Diversity. so (hex have nix support I am i out Used In the student health insurant e < hoii es on the ballot I here is a until e outside the sl IK ottii e m the I Ml that saxs there xxill not lie mandalo r\ msuraiue next veal 1 he no tice is unsigned hut it does make me wonder why the issue is even on the ballot Perhaps mil could assign yotn invest! galive reporter to find out e\ ac tlx w li.it is going on U bile xou are at it Imxx about an explanation of what sxslem, I till i oiu i'l lied about Krist iii Stax er Marketing happens it the mandatuiA op tiuii gets pen cut ul Ihi- vote:' I think tin- \Sl () lies engaged m tin- dishonest pi.n !ii c nl pm ruling several options simplv t'i split tin' votes ut those who oppose mandatorr health instil ,iiu e I strmigh II!ge ,dl sill dents who oppose mandatuiA he.dill insur.nn e to vote lot the \ ohmt.iiA option Ntn h.iel Mint Student Measures I was ver\ disappointed with llie ipialitv ut reporting in the Ntond.o in I teptli |( )l >1 April till regarding the hallot hums illes tin the tOtltl elections In the artii le. the Oregon Student I’uhln Interest Kese.m h (.tulip hallot measure was greath mis represented t his ait ii le stated that OSI’IKli has pushed loi stu dent awareness ol environmen tal issues In i in dialing leal lets hosting speakers and strut luring ret vt ling programs at Kugene area apartment < om plev-s This statement onl\ si rati lies the surtai e of the numher of seivites OSPlRli pint ides this i anipus t ISPIKt . i uns the onls ( on stnnei Hotline in the state w hit h i an answet land lot'll tenant i|liestions ovei the phone OSI’IKd also publishes the Renter's liandhook winch outlines those rights (ISPIKt; also organizes lie annual Hunger ( leainip whit h gets students working at lot.al shelters in order to raise tiumeV toi I oi it I I or I ane ( ount\ and the \ational I lunger (Campaign As a statewide organization w ith memhei i hapters at the I niveisit\ aiul other campuses. OSPIRC. is able In etlei tivrh lohh\ m the stuilent ami pulrlit interest It is true that (ISPIKt, s stu dent outreach work includes le.dlettiog and hosting speak eis etc hut these at ti\ illes are unh a tr.it lion ol the sei \ it es ami lesoun es that ( ISPIKt . ol ters the I 'niversitv i ampus lli/ahelh Malst h Anthropologr Thank you Thank vnu Stephen (dienw'urlh tor votir t ritu al ( ommcnls regarding tin* ano i i*xic and tm 1 i in it women on campus (H/II \|>nI I(i| I vv.ml to Iti him .inti the student bodv know how tnanv men support ins observations of the malaise allot ling w omen I agree t hasing the ideal thin ness tin at t epl.nn e is universal in scope and emotionall\ harm till, vet 1 would oiler that ano rexia anil bulimia are also man ilestetl symptoms of problems caused b\ dystuiu.tional beb.iv itus tluiing t bildbooil in the tamih As tar as the pursuit of thin ness goes we men w bo realize wlial some women are doing to themselves must rejet.l Math son Avenue's advertising tin ideal bod\ and support women overcoming the illnesses through t ounseling and per siitiilc oilier men to believe and sav I love vou lor who vou are' and not w hat I w ant vou to be lonathon Shilk l.andsi ape an hitei lure Causes I bis is duel ted III those pen pie on tins campus w ho find it net essarv to have one or more "causes o-thcweek lilts week lliev appeal to be waste (ieorge lliisli ami tile Hag burn mg law , but w ho i an keep up w itli them ' II vou people were ti ulv i mu nutted to \ our i ause” vmi would trv to create a positive awareness lake 1 artli Week lot example, you could set up re (Vcling ( i nters, plant trees oi take anv othel positiv e ai I ion Hut i onverselv it vou add even inoie garbage to tins planet .111(1 vv Oi se make the lest of the I Diversity i omnium!v look at your mess tor the remaindet of the term voti ve dug a huge hole for v our i ause That is unfair both to the rest ol us and to those people w ho have worked bard in a positive direction for the same cause I protest vou and votir t heap sensationalism Ik (rulling a tai kv stunt like that vou have alienated main people who might have previously joined lories with vou. (ilean up your ow n at I tolks Deborah \\ v ss lournalisni