Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 16, 1990, Page 6, Image 6

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Bailey has GALA support;
greeks back Maples' bid
By Dar.ilyn Truppe
fmerald Contributor
Tht: (* ft v and l.t:sbittn Alliance is endors
lug Kirk Hailey and Sheila Stickel for A SI ’()
president and vine president, while the Creek
(•Indorsement Committee has de< ided to back
the Steve Maples Diane Cushman ticket
CKt to ditectnr Tim Huss said he fell that
Maples arid Cush
man an two very S
a student group that * - -
has felt threatened
on this campus " Russ sani "But I do feel the
committee had the interests of the student
body in mind, and they weighed that just as
heavily .is they would the interests of the
greets After all, greets aie students. Ion
Cl 1I is endorsing Mil haul Colson, Bart lay
I.lnvtl Cravson and Kari Anderson for lie
seats; anti Scott Dunlap. Mark Winger and
Craig Namba for positions on the KMC Board
of Direr tors
Bethany Strasfiurg and Tom Oberhue have
tpialtfied candidates
with good expert
"The endorse
inent is coming from
the CM.' endorsement for Associated Students
President's Advisor) Council: <i nd Darin
limnail. Katie Shelby kazuaki Sugivamand
.iiul Stefan Stem aie being supported for Stu
dr ill Senate seals
The only ballot measure the CKC is eu
Horsing so tar is one that would inc rease fund
ing fen Ihi’ 1M1' Child Care and Development
Oivgon Student Public Interest Research
Croup appeared before the C.KC to request an
endorsement for the ballot measure that would
reaffirm student support lor QSPIKC and pro
vide for an 11 pen ent inr rease in that group's
funding CEC voted not to endorse that ballot
Ross rioted the CKC lias not bad a t hence
to interview all c andidates and ballot measure
representatives and that "we haven't closed
ofl the proc ess to people we haven’t spoken to.
We aie still willing to heat from all people "
CA1.A co-director Michael Peeler said the
group was impressed In both tic bets and be
lieved both to be non-disc nminaton . hut felt
that Hailey and Shekel "would he better fur
gay people" on campus
"They're both really into politics and
lurn to Pit ks. Page 7
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Grayson running as
numbers man tor IFC
Bv ( atherine Hawley
tmeruld Assoc ialc Editor
Man l.i v 1 lo\ (i (Iray si in wants
to got tlio student body budget
bin k on tr,n k through effii icn
r\ tairness and better organiza
turn if he is elei ted to a one
year lin idental Fee ( ominiltee
seat he s,n s
I know numbers.' (ira\ son
said ' And I t an help student
groups at hteve their goals
w ilhm their budgets
dravson said he sees student
fees on reusing quic klv w ithoul
justitu ation. but he does not
plan to keep i osts in i hei k bv
stripping organizations' budg
ets. he said
money is being spent ami how
it might be belter spent hr
"1 would like to see some
kind ot audit system." Grayson
said "We need to v\all'll out to
make sure groups .ire doing the
best they can
As treasurer lor beta Theta I'i
fraternity (hayson said he r re
ated ,r new budge! system that
straightened out .1 formerk
muddled financial situation
and made it easier to trai k
lipids u ithin tile organization
Grayson has also managed
accounts for the greek system's
fundraising drive and furthei
de\ eloped bis analytic al skills
during an internship at a seen
i ities briikerage
In addition to bis experiem e
with budgets and financial
analvsis. Grayson said lie
would bring enthusiasm to the
ill' and a u illingness to ex
plain finani ial matters to mem
hers of student organizations
"I put an emphasis on iai e
to face i ommunii ation." (hay
son said "I don't like memos
7 put un emphasis on face-to-face
communication. I don 7 like memos. '
— Barclay Lloyd (iravson
I u itnt lu preserve tin* iju.ili
tv hr sail) 'i ou Inne In lot>k
mil lor student groups anil
make them mini' t'lfii ient ami
mini' I'tliM Ini'
(.ravsiiii's experietKe this
\ isn as inter iretermtv ( aiunc il
treasurer would help him e\
amine other orguiu/etion's
budgets to determine where
(iravson said In1 would like
tti hold information sessions on
budgeting for student groups
and that lie would work with
groups throughout the veui
"I'm a motivator lie said
I d he nil e and help them
ahead ot budget season
( iravson is a sophomore pie
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